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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Prosciutto is very expensive ham. That is all. Carry on.
  2. Is it OK to call her a butterface? Or is that too 2003? It has to be the body...and perhaps, a talent of oral means.
  3. Do you mean that they were not playing chess, sipping tea, and discussing last week's episode of Masterpiece Theater? I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say!
  4. Regardless if he's been a shadow of himself over the past few years, I will miss John Madden. Even though Collinsworth is probably the best analyst in the game now. Al and Chris will be a terrific booth.
  5. Hmmm...this has always been interesting, b/c I grew up watching this case. Personally, I think the evidence is strong that he was a guard...under duress. The U.S. government's point is that he lied on his citizenship application, and on his original application to get into the United States. Of course, I think that there have been a number of prosecutors that made their careers on this case as well, so I certainly don't think that the government's hands are squeaky clean on this one. Demjanjuk's not going to live much longer anyway. He's 89 and nearly bedridden. He does not look the same as he did even five years ago. What I think will happen is that he will be deported, but Germany will not try him and he will live out his few remaining days in a prison hospital somewhere in Germany.
  6. Available on NFL.com with a live special on NFL Network at 7:00 PM ET tonight. linky I don't have NFL Network on my cable, but I do have it on my Sprint Instinct phone, so I guess that's something.
  7. The second big league game I ever saw was because of Mark Fidrych. In the summer of 1976, I convinced my dad to take me to see the Tigers play the Indians at old Cleveland Municipal Stadium. I was seven years old, and "The Bird" was my favorite pitcher. It was on a Saturday afternoon. 47,000 people, a huge crowd for 1976 in Cleveland, showed up to see the Tigers beat the Tribe, 5-4. Fidrych started that day and was the winning pitcher for Detroit. I remember the crush being bad enough at the Rapid station downtown (at Terminal Tower) that my dad had to put me on his shoulders so I wouldn't get separated from him. It is a good memory of mine. In fact, I just got off the phone with Dad talking about it. RIP, Mark. EDIT: I actually found the box score for that game. I got the attendance wrong (it was 37,405) and Fidrych started, but didn't pitch long enough to win (4 1/3 innings).
  8. I'm sure at some point today wine will be involved. Happy Birthday Chef!
  9. Great, great voice and one of the best baseball announcers ever. The restaurant in the bleacher section at the Bank is named in his honor. RIP, Harry.
  10. Wow...I haven't seen that since I was a kid. Thanks Dean!
  11. True. B word Slap A Chowderhead Day usually takes place once a year in Orchard Park.
  12. There have been some problems down there in the past (House of Blues area/East 4th and Euclid, which is about a five minute walk from Quicken Loans Arena) late at night. I knew a guy who got cited for DC outside the Cadillac Ranch, which is across the street from the House of Blues. Since the clubs in the Flats are gone there's two areas where all the nightlife takes place downtown. One is the area around the House of Blues and the other is the Warehouse District. I have felt less safe in the Warehouse District than around HOB, which is also a local concert venue and is where LeBron James had his blowout 21st birthday party. The HOB area seems to be a more affulent and slightly older crowd than the Warehouse District. But I'm almost 40, and the place I usually go to down there seems to be Starbucks.
  13. We will assume for purposes of Whitner, that he was arrested under city code ordinances, and not state law. Under CCO (Cleveland Codified Ordinances) section 605.03, aggravated disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable by up to 180 days in the Cleveland House of Corrections (what we call the Warrensville Workhouse), and a fine of up to $1,000.00. Resisting arrest, under CCO section 615.08, is usually a second degree misdemeanor (punishable by up to 90 days in the Workhouse and a fine of up to $750.00), but if physical harm is caused to a police officer, it is a first degree misdemeanor, with penalties as listed above. Donte's in some trouble here, but he's not charged with any felonies...that we know of.
  14. :wallbash: Not even. Billy Bob = Dennis Quaid and the Sharks.
  15. Corner Gas on CTV.ca. It sounds like the title of the last episode gives us a hint as to its plot. I haven't been seeing Corner Gas on WGN lately. Any idea what happened?
  16. Good. Now spring for the Chick-Fil-A.
  17. Isn't that redundant, Dean?
  18. No info on the hit-and-run driver yet, but I see he was apprehended. This is very sad...two other people were killed as well. RIP Nick.
  19. I'm sorry, that may have been generous.
  20. Oooh, just what I want. A 59 cent taco made of crappy beef in a rock-hard corn shell. No thank you.
  21. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I stopped drinking (again) not too long ago, and I'm pretty sure they don't serve Coors Light and pretzels in lieu of Holy Communion. Yet, think about how many Catholic and Lutheran churches in this country think nothing about having beer with their fish frys and other gatherings in parish halls. While Baptists and other fundamentalists/evangelicals decry against alcohol. There's something amiss there, and I'm not quite sure where it is.
  22. How does that man have a career? Dane Cook should be taken out behind the barn and put out of his misery. And what about Chelsea Handler? Same thing. Horribly unfunny.
  23. I don't feel that way myself; I have too much life to live.
  24. Is it just me, or do these mass killings seem to happening more and more? Is it going to get to the point where we're afraid to go to work, shopping, church, or even leave our homes?
  25. If the current economic conditions persist, expect more defaulting by team owners. I've heard that a number of NHL owners are in serious trouble financially -- to the point that teams could start folding at the end of next season.
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