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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I want to know, was she wearing a short skirt? That makes a big difference. If she is, keep her damn legs closed and no one has a problem.
  2. That's in the Top 10. Warren knew he was dying as well. A tribute on YouTube with "Keep Me In Your Heart".
  3. It can't go beyond a third season, can it? I thought Walt (Bryan Cranston) was at death's door.
  4. IMO, it's Johnny Cash's best song. There are plenty to choose from, but the man knew he was dying when he recorded this. The subtitle of his last album was "The Man Comes Around". The most powerful lyric is "And you can have it all...my empire of dirt". Often, it takes an end to realize what's really important in life, and I think Johnny Cash knew that.
  5. She's not even that pretty, IMO. But what do I know?
  6. Something tells me you've tried this.
  7. +1. Neil Patrick Harris is terrific on HIMYM.
  8. We've had several of these in recent weeks, and I thought I'd bring a new one to the table. My pick...it was within a year of the end of this legend's life. And it was first recorded by an industrial rock band. Every time I hear it, I get tears in my eyes.
  9. Considering that I'm two weeks away from turning 40, my wife is 40, and we do not have kids, chances are that we are not going to have children. And guess what, that's OK. Yet, I get this funny feeling from people at my church that we're somehow not right because we do not have children. Kim told me a couple of weeks ago that she was getting the same vibes. And this is a church where I've seen unmarried girls being pregnant and couples having to get married because they had a kid out of wedlock. You get married because you love the other person. You don't get married to have kids or to create more Catholics or Southern Baptists.
  10. Gotta agree. He might be the best one out there right now. Dean said that Dunham's funny even without the puppets. A classic appearance on the Tonight Show in 1990 with Walter.
  11. How could I have forgotten that one? My brother actually saw it in the theater. He and his buddy were two of the five people in the theater for that showing. The music video for UHF is a classic of late 80s pop nostalgia!
  12. I auditioned for Millionaire a few years back. I passed the first test (only about a dozen out of 200 did), but never got called after the interview process. What I really want to be on is Jeopardy.
  13. Can you believe that Joyce Hyser's now in her early 50s????
  14. Can you imagine? Bloody Mary or a screwdriver, bacon, eggs, and football. The whole NFL schedule, including the Sunday Night game, done by 7:00 P.M.
  15. Agreed. to the photographer.
  16. OK, I'll bite. I used to like this movie when I was younger, but I've since figured out how pretentious it is: St. Elmo's Fire
  17. Only 44 years old, died of bone cancer, per ESPN.com. One of my favorite college basketball players ever, even though I'm not a Sooner fan. He seemed like a genuinely nice individual. Wayman was musically inclined, singing in church choirs growing up and becoming an accomplished bass guitarist. I've heard some of his jazz work -- it's very good indeed. Sad story.
  18. BTW, forgot to say, Maria is indeed a hottie.
  19. Remember back in the '80s, when we all thought that Russian women were the type you saw in ? Boy, that didn't turn out to be true, did it?
  20. I am a Sounders fan, even though I live 2,500 miles away from Seattle. I also root for Liverpool in the English Premier League, but I prefer rooting for an American team. Why Seattle? Partially because Drew Carey owns a piece of the team. If I never wrote it here before, I had a co-worker once who dated a former classmate of Carey's. She said he was the same in high school as he was on his TV show. The Sounders currently lead the MLS in season tickets and overall attendance. They are off at 4-2-2 as well. Their ownership model allows fans who hold memberships in the team (mostly season ticket holders) to vote out the general manager every four years. Very cool, and very similar to Barcelona.
  21. I would agree, Promo, and I only saw the game on TV. I tend to agree. Seahawks fans are the loudest on the West Coast, and maybe the loudest west of Kansas City. That may be like saying you're the tallest midget around, but it's something. Nonetheless, I really like that moment, because of my Cowboy hatred.
  22. The NFL investigated this in 2006 and found no wrongdoing by the Seahawks. Link from KING-TV in Seattle. My understanding is it has to do with the design of the stadium roof, which sits only over the sideline stands. Apparently, it's designed so that the crowd noise goes down to the field. Seattle is not usually the first place we in the Midwest and East think of when it comes to loud fans, but it's at or near the top of the list.
  23. Why? Because I hate the Dallas Cowboys! Go to about the :30 mark in that video...see how loud it gets. Whoever shot this had an absolutely perfect angle for the play. The crowd goes absolutely nuts when Romo gets tackled too.
  24. Congrats! 10 years in September for Kim and I.
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