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Posts posted by buckeyemike

  1. I had a colonoscopy earlier this year. I'm 35, but my dad has had problems with polyps for years (he just had another colonoscopy last week), and colon cancer runs in my family.


    The doctor found I had a large hemorrhoid, nothing else. We named it Keyshawn. ;)


    My physician said "you're fine. See you in seven years".



  2. The proper term would be a Lake Erie Hogboy the Slob....



    Hey!! :)


    I haven't given up on the Bills! Even though they probably won't be very good. I've lived through years of bad football in Cleveland, not to mention three years of NO FOOTBALL, which I wouldn't wish on even the most obnoxious Dolphin fan.


    I'm not the one calling Cablelady names either.



  3. The Browns?


    Please. Give me a break.


    I earlier posted if there's any team more snakebit than the Bills, it's the Orange & Brown two hundred miles to Buffalo's southeast.


    Pick a team that's gonna be good this season (Patriots) or one that inexplicably seems to have all the good luck (Broncos).


    Bitter? Nah, I'm not bitter... :)




    P.S. The Browns have a waiting list for PSL's. You're gonna have a hard time getting those tickets.

  4. OK, I haven't said a bad word. Yet. Because two games do not a season make. And there are people here ready to blow up the Ralph and start over.


    We aren't even giving Coach Mularkey a chance. The defense, except for a couple of lapses late against Jacksonville, is doing an excellent job.


    And Clements22 is going for his 2000th post.


    I'm still behind this team...and go Clements22!! B)



  5. Oh, gee, who to root for? :doh:


    Many of you on this board know that I refer to the Browns as "my formerly beloved Browns". That is because I grew up in Cleveland a diehard Browns fan and I still follow the team somewhat.


    However, when Art Modell moved the Browns, that soured me on professional football. But then I found the Packers and then, the Bills.


    I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the Buffalo Bills. The fans, the tailgating, cold weather, a modern stadium (compared with that old dump I used to go to), winning teams in the 90's...I developed a love for the team, despite the fact that I haven't even been to Buffalo in well over a decade, and only twice in my entire life.


    This will be the first time the Browns have played the Bills since their return, and their first trip to Orchard Park since 1986, a 21-17 victory for Cleveland. I was a senior in high school then and deep in my affection for the Browns, which carried me all the way through college (where there were seemingly millions of Bengal fans...I remember 1988 real well) and beyond, until 1995.


    Whether or not these teams have good or bad records come 12/12/2004, this will be a very special day for me. One I have waited for a long, long time.



  6. Quincy "Feet of a Gazelle, Hands of a Statue" Morgan missed on two sure touchdown passes.


    I doubt the Browns would miss him like they're gonna miss KWII.


    Speaking of "Hands of a Statue", how's Josh Reed doing this year?



  7. I don't think the Bills are a joke...when you're in the same division as the Miami Dolphins (who, let's face it, got screwed by Ricky Williams) and in the same conference as the San Diego Chargers (who nearly couldn't sign Philip Rivers after being told to jump in the lake by the Mannings).


    The Bills are going through a rough patch right now. Anybody can have a bad decade. Just ask the New England Patriots (four decades). :rolleyes:



  8. I'll give you a team that seems more snakebit than the Buffalo Bills.


    The Cleveland Browns.


    I know many of you didn't see the pathetic display that my formerly beloved Browns had against the Cowboys. And to make things worse, the Browns lose Kellen Winslow, on an onside kick attempt that never should have happened, possibly for the season. Courtney Brown continues his injury-riddled career with a bad foot that may cost the team his services the rest of the way, and Gerard Warren aggravated a pectoral injury.


    Ryan Tucker, the Browns' second best OL (behind Ross Verba) needs an MRI.


    Browns fans are wondering if this team is jinxed. Nobody feels real good in Cleveland today.




    P.S. I can't wait for December 12th!!

  9. Right now, things are tough. Injuries abound. And unless you are the New England Patriots, no team seems to be exempt from it.


    Give MM time to turn things around. Drew is probably on his last legs (literally), and it pains me to say that. Pocket passers are a rare species in this league, and they will soon be exempt. The fact that the OL is atrocious hasn't helped matters.



  10. Oh, please.


    It was ONE GAME. Remember the Dwayne Rudd incident for the Browns two years ago? That was on opening day. The Browns came back and finished 9-7, making the playoffs. A win without Rudd's helmet toss would not have changed their playoff position.


    It's a long season, people. Remember that.



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