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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Yes, he did. To quite a hottie, I understand. Twenty years ago, there were gay rumors in Cleveland swirling around Cousineau. Much the same as they are now with Jeff Garcia, although Garcia is dating the Playmate of the Year, Carmela DeCesare, who happens to be from the Cleveland suburb of Westlake. Incidentally, Carmela was arraigned just this morning for assaulting one of Garcia's former girlfriends at a downtown watering hole. Short write-up on the story. For some inexplicable reason, Cleveland seems to have an awful lot of hotties. Some of the sexiest women in the world live here. Must be the water. Mike
  2. Drew will still be in Orchard Park next year. The team will be readying J.P. Losman, who will have another year of seasoning and take over as the starter in 2006. I figured the timeframe was late in the '05 season until Losman broke his leg. Mike
  3. Gee, I seem to remember that there were Bledsoe bashers on this board when I joined it nearly two years ago...in the middle of a Pro Bowl season. There were actually people on this board two years ago wanting AVP as the starting QB. Now, AVP's a bright guy, and from what I hear a serviceable color commentator, but he wasn't a starter. I think his efforts in the past proved that. My point is that Drew could lead the team to the playoffs every year and there would still be those complaining that he isn't mobile enough (which may be true). These are the same type of people enamored with the Michael Vicks and the Donovan McNabbs of the world...until you realize that all that running around these QBs do eventually opens them up to take vicious shots from linebackers. Vick, McNabb, and Aaron Brooks have had some significant injuries in their careers. How many super-mobile QBs have won Super Bowls? I'm sticking with Drew until he gets hurt and Shane Matthews comes in and the Drew bashers have their wet dream come true. Until Matthews goes 4-20 with 2 INTs and people are begging for a not-ready-for-prime-time J.P. Losman (who I think will be a fine pro QB...IN TIME). Some people are just never satisfied, or believe that the grass is greener on the other side. Mike
  4. He's 100% right. In football, maybe more than in other sports, a team wins, and a team loses. Drew is part of the problem, yes. So is Eric Moulds, Travis, the coaching staff, the inability of the secondary to bat a ball away, and three freakin' trips to the West Coast this season. Not to mention the loss of fried bologna at the concession stands. People, it's a long season. Fourteen games left after the bye week. I say they right the ship, and go 7-7. Mike
  5. I don't ever want to see the word "panties" on this board again. Unless of course, we're talking about one of the Jills. Mike
  6. OK...I will join in, even though I don't like fried bologna. Why can't you bring your own for the tailgate? That seems like half the fun to me. It wouldn't be so bad. Mike
  7. I found this site while doing a search for Bills Fan Clubs. That will be two years on November 4. Been here ever since, with some breaks for work and sleep. Mike
  8. Good God, you oughta see the menu for the club seats at Browns games. "Filet of Sirloin" "Mixed Greens" "Several types of cheeses I can't even pronounce" "Balsamic Vinagrette" "Chicken (something or other -- too highbrow)" "White wine spritzers" and finally... "Kettle Corn" Mike
  9. At the bar (in Cleveland, I'm usually the only Bills fan, but I have successfully sought others out), with wings, of course! Only true wings, with blue cheese and celery sticks. GO GO BUFFALO!! Mike
  10. Tell Coach Mularkey to watch his back for the knives. Two games...TWO GAMES...do not a coaching career make. Joe Gibbs lost his first five games as Redskins coach...and the Washington media was ready to feed him to the lions...fans were ready to jump off bridges...and he won three Super Bowls. Go figure. Mike
  11. Watch the Browns play the New York Giants (game is at the Meadowlands). Mike
  12. Ouch. BTW, I celebrated my fifth wedding anniversary on September 11 with the lovely and talented Kimberly by my side. I am truly a fortunate man and wouldn't trade her for anybody else in the world. And I know 9/11 is a sad day for many, but I turn the TV off when the calendar hits that day. Since I had a brother at the WTC on 9/11 (who got out from the PATH station), there isn't a day that goes by I don't think about that...but that's for another post. Anyway, good marriages are great, and that is why men get married. Bad marriages...result in Paco. My sincere congratulations, Tom. Mike
  13. You can say that again, regarding the Browns-Bengals rivalry. It was really at its apex in the late '80s, just at the time I had to go to college in Central Ohio with approximately 4,000,000 Bengals fans. Regarding Jamie Mueller, he went to Fairview High School in Fairview Park, Ohio. The Fairview Warriors are my alma mater's arch nemesis. I graduated in 1987 from Rocky River High School in Rocky River, Ohio. Fairview Park and Rocky River border one another, half an hour west of downtown Cleveland. Mike
  14. Oh, my -- as Dick Enberg would say. NCBills fan is 100% correct. We have everything from the "Drew Sucks!" posts to "the Bills are terrible, so they're gonna move" posts. First things first: 1) Drew Bledsoe is an aging QB, no doubt. But whether or not "Drew Sucks" can be asked and answered after two games is another question entirely. Wait until six games have passed. Then we will have a better indicator. Don't forget, Sam Wyche, the man who turned Boomer Esaison into an MVP in Cincinnati, is his QB coach. 2) The Bills ain't gonna move. The NFL had three teams leave their respective cities in an eighteen-month time frame in the mid-90s. However, no team has moved since the Cleveland Browns in 1995. That's nine years ago, and one reason why I've long since forgiven Art Modell. In addition, the NFL, while looking for a team in Los Angeles, is now adamant on teams staying put. They have realized that musical franchises isn't good for the league. 3) Everyone here has a right to their opinion. The flip side of that is, of course, that everyone has a right to act like a horse's @$$ and to be called out on it as well. Mike
  15. Aw come on, R. Rich. Don't mince words; tell us how you really feel. Mike
  16. When did being a Bills fan become a joke? About the time they lost four Super Bowls in a row. I remember one on the old John Larroquette Show, where the main character was mugged and he said to the gunman, "I want to live long enough to see the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl." The gunman said, "Be serious. It ain't ever gonna happen." And the Cancer Man on the X-Files saying he wanted to make sure that the Bills never win the Super Bowl was another one. Mike
  17. Y E S. Nothing more needs to be said. Mike
  18. And as we all know, that's all that freakin' matters, right? Mike
  19. I can't believe you used the words "Drew" and "trojan" in the same sentence. What kind of stevestojan is that? Mike
  20. I had a colonoscopy earlier this year. I'm 35, but my dad has had problems with polyps for years (he just had another colonoscopy last week), and colon cancer runs in my family. The doctor found I had a large hemorrhoid, nothing else. We named it Keyshawn. My physician said "you're fine. See you in seven years". Mike
  21. Translation: we're moving the CHARGERS to Los Angeles. The NFL is perfect at 32 teams...I think, ultimately, it is much more likely that the Chargers would simply go 130 miles north. Mike
  22. Hey!! I haven't given up on the Bills! Even though they probably won't be very good. I've lived through years of bad football in Cleveland, not to mention three years of NO FOOTBALL, which I wouldn't wish on even the most obnoxious Dolphin fan. I'm not the one calling Cablelady names either. Mike
  23. Oops. Two Hundred Miles SOUTHWEST, Mike. Got my directions turned around there. Must have my morning coffee NOW. Mike
  24. The Browns? Please. Give me a break. I earlier posted if there's any team more snakebit than the Bills, it's the Orange & Brown two hundred miles to Buffalo's southeast. Pick a team that's gonna be good this season (Patriots) or one that inexplicably seems to have all the good luck (Broncos). Bitter? Nah, I'm not bitter... Mike P.S. The Browns have a waiting list for PSL's. You're gonna have a hard time getting those tickets.
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