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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. May the Lord bless your parents and you -- may He guide you through this. Mike
  2. Agreed. That's what they tried to do, at least at first, against the Patriots. Remember Bledsoe completed a 55 yard bomb on the first play. However, the Dolphins' defense ain't the Patriots. Fire away, Drew! Bills over fish, 28-7. SQUISH THE marine mammals!!! Mike
  3. Cause when the going gets tough? (pause) The tough get going! Huh? Who's with me? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! GO BILLS!!! SQUISH THE FI...uh, MARINE MAMMALS!! Mike
  4. Nice to see you back. Been wondering where the hell you've been. 0-5 wouldn't have anything to do with it? Mike
  5. Actually, I was gonna say that, but even I figured that was in poor taste. All utensils should be removed from the suite prior to Orenthal's arrival. Mike
  6. Please, no jokes about this involving the words "cut" or "knife". Mike
  7. An argument could be made for Josh Reed, but I agree with the move to cut Bobby Shaw. Mike
  8. I really didn't know that much about Bobby Shaw. No one's gonna confuse him with Bills HOF Billy Shaw, that's for sure. This should serve as a message to all the WR's, especially Josh Reed, whose nickname should be Cement Hands. When the ball is thrown directly to you, you catch it. Is that so dang hard? Mike
  9. hitting yourself in the head with a frying pan. Mike
  10. Yeah and I hate it when people "orrect" my spelling too. (Sorry EZC...too good to resist) Mike
  11. Sounds like my past as a Browns fan. Mike
  12. Take the Bills there. Enjoy it...along with the Arizona game, that's probably the only two times the Bills will be favored all year. Bills 28, fishies 7. Mike
  13. Oh, right... AAAAAY-MEN!!! SQUISH THE fish!! Mike
  14. Hmmmm....where have all the Fish fans been? It's still the FREAKING dolphins ON SUNDAY!! (a tip of the hat to OGTEleven) GO BILLS!!! SQUISH THE fish!!! BILLS 28, fish 7 Mike
  15. "All kinds of videos" either means lots of sports or lots of porn, and I'm not sure which. Mike
  16. I'll second that. Let's get back on topic. (((SIGH))) College girls on teeter totters. Mike
  17. I shall not eat fried bologna. Wait a minute, I don't like fried bologna. I have one of those wing hats too...maybe I should wear it a little bit more. Mike
  18. The Browns were the #2 seed, the Bills were #3. The game would have been in Cleveland, not Buffalo. It's what I was hoping for, because the Browns would have had to go to San Diego the following week for the title game. Mike
  19. Yeah, and considering your choice of baseball teams, I don't like you very much right now either. Mike
  20. I am more simple in my cereal tastes. Give me a bowl of Frosted Flakes any day...they're GRRRRREAT! Mike
  21. How about this: If you hate BOTH teams and you know it, clap your hands. (((clap))) (((clap))) As for me, I'll be rooting for either the Cardinals or Astros in the World Series. Why not? It worked last year (as much as I've hated the Marlins for denying my beloved Tribe in '97). Mike
  22. I do, because of my former team affiliations. What happened on that play was that Norwood slipped on the dirt that was called turf at old Municipal Stadium. His slip sent the extra point right into the middle of the Bills' line. The Bills had just scored to make it 34-30. The extra point, of course, would have made it much more likely that the Bills would have tried a field goal on that final drive. Harmon should have made the catch. In fact, I didn't see it live, because I had turned off the TV, fearing the worst. That's how much I was gripping during that final drive. I saw Harmon's drop on tape later (I still have that game on videotape). The next play, Clay Matthews made the interception that saved the game for the Browns. As a side note, wasn't Ronnie Harmon released that offseason? Mike
  23. OK. Let's revive this thread. "Buckeyemike" Mike
  24. 1) You shouldn't hate. 2) We shouldn't hate. 3) Hate is not a virtue. 4) Hate is only permitted with the Dolphins. 5) I hate the Miami Dolphins.
  25. I guess TD meant to say something about scapegoats, but it came out escape goats. Escaped goats wouldn't be uncommon south of Orchard Park, I guess. The only problem is, they have trouble digesting Astroplay. Mike
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