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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Here we go again. As one of the few on this board who have actually BEEN through a franchise move, I say the following. The Bills aren't going anywhere. You have a profitable franchise, drawing from a regional area, not just Buffalo, but also Rochester, Syracuse, and even Toronto and Hamilton. That must be close to five million people. Ralph isn't going to live forever, of course, but there are other buyers in the area which will keep the team where it is. I'm tired of "the sky is falling" crap, but like someone posted here earlier, it has come up about once a week for the last twenty years. I think the Chargers will move 130 miles north to a new Los Angeles stadium in about five years. Mike
  2. Ha. Ha. Ha. Mike
  3. Some parents are too busy trying to be their kids' buddies and be "cool", instead of trying to be their parents. But I thought the suspension in this case was a bit extreme. The schools don't wanna get sued. That's the thing these days. Mike
  4. For the third consecutive Christmas, this will be the one gift I want above all others. I'm already planning a LOTR film festival for December 24, 25, & 26 (one extended version per day). Mike
  5. This message was delivered to the wrong nation. It was intended for Canada. Mike
  6. Mickey, I'm not a huge fan of any of the people you mentioned. Except for the fact that Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham (not Ingram) are pretty cute. My point is that everyone seems to have an ax to grind these days. To see basic principles like morality, decency and integrity get denigrated by Those Who Think They Are Better Than You gets me going. Most people lead simple, honest lives. If someone believes they should live by the principles of God or a Higher Power, they should not be subjected to criticism by others. If their faith or beliefs do not harm others, what business is it of those who would criticize? The people in the article seem to be spouting "Tolerance! Tolerance!" to those persons whom they consider to be, for lack of a better term, rednecks. They are intolerant of the very same people they are telling to be tolerant. Mike
  7. America too conservative for these people? I especially like the guy in Wyoming who feels that his children won't be able to get a decent education in the United States. What a joke that is. I guess what he means is that he's afraid his kids won't carry on his "progressive" ideals. And the college professor who complains about "aggressive morality" is a treat as well. I guess too many morals, such as not cheating on your wife, or being fair and honest to others, is a bad thing. If they want to leave the greatest democracy the world has ever known, fine. I'm not going to clamor to stop them. However, they talk about the positives of being inquisitive and curious. You'd think, with words like that, they would at least be tolerant of other people's views. It sounds to me like they don't want to hear any ideas other than their own or those they are comfortable with politically. Buh-bye. Send me a postcard from Europe. Mike
  8. OK. Time to interject my two cents in here. I am a devout Christian. I don't have a darn thing against homosexuals. I know gay people who are decent human beings. And there are some that are, simply, loudmouth arrogant jerks. Now, I believe the act is a sin, but it's not a bigger sin than, say, adultery is. Or lying. Sin is sin. No degrees are present. Personally, I believe that marriage should be reserved between a man and a woman. That is my conviction, and you can argue with me all you want. I will respect your views as long as you respect mine. The Bible is pretty clear on the issue of homosexual acts in both the Old and the New Testaments. The Bible is also clear on the issues of adultery, sexual immorality, lying, murder, theft, and jealousy, among others. We have all sinned and come short of God's glory, according to Romans 3:23. I agree with what Dennis Miller said years ago about refusing to treat gay people like they are society's special little Faberge egg. No one has all the rights they desire. We all have the "basic" rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, along with the Bill of Rights, guaranteed to all of us, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Those who clamor for "special rights" because of who or what they are, are the ones looking to be treated differently than the rest of us, perhaps as a way of "getting back" at the rest of society after years of discrimination. I think a bigger issue might be the potential of gay divorce. Some are already occurring, especially in Canada. Will ultimately 50% of gay couples get divorced (if they can marry), just like hetero couples? Gay couples, I don't believe, are any more loving than hetero couples. I know only one long-term gay couple, and they keep their relationship pretty well under wraps. It's an interesting question. No one has all the right answers, because we're human. I turn to the Bible for guidance and comfort. Mike
  9. You changed your views? I hope it's worth the hibbity jibbity (or lack thereof). Mike
  10. Amen to that. But remember, in the early 21st Century, many people have ceded control of their lives to the government. I can understand why excessive amounts of sex shouldn't be shown on TV, but "Saving Private Ryan" was shown unedited on ABC about 18 months ago. This is not the first time. I remember it well, because there are a number of F-words in the unedited version. And that movie is plenty violent. Mike
  11. The French loved Arafat? Huh. Can't say I'm surprised. Arafat was a terrorist. Nothing less. And since I try not to speak ill of the dead, that's all I will say. Mike
  12. I will defend Michael Moore's right to speak his mind to the end. That said, I can still call him a (bleeping) idiot who's had exactly ONE good movie..."Canadian Bacon". Michael Moore is an opportunist. I don't believe a word he says. Mike
  13. It's OK. A number of places have NFL Sunday Ticket. Where in the area will you be living? Mike
  14. Guess it was a top of the network game, judging from these replies. GO BILLS!! POUND THE PATS!! Mike
  15. Don't know if you're a Cardinals fan, but you gotta be pleased with that come from behind win against the Dolfelons today. McCown's gonna be a star in this league. He might not have shown it against the Bills, but he's got the tools and the personality to succeed in Arizona. The Cardinals are building something... Mike
  16. so I got to enjoy most of the game. McGahee looked terrific. The defensive line actually got to someone and scored a SAFETY (of course, it's easy when QC's the opposing quarterback). But there was much to criticize once again. Did the secondary take the last four and a half minutes off? Why, oh why, did Drew spike the ball at the end of the first half? They're lucky that didn't come back to haunt them later. I thought 37 carries was too many for McGahee...why did they run him up the middle on third and goal when he lost 10 yards? How many more games before Losman comes in? It just seems that Drew's playing not to lose at this point. Today, I was able to watch the game on local TV. Except for the ESPN games, that happens about twice a year on average. Mike
  17. Man, you're lucky. I root for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Mike
  18. Lindsay Lohan caught you again, didn't she? Mike
  19. Considering all of the problems in the Buffalo area, I have one word for you: Toronto. Mike
  20. Regular or Decaf? Cream or milk? Sugar or Sweet-n-Low? Britney or Christina? Ginger or Mary Ann? Mike
  21. I don't think that the Grey Cup will be on in Cleveland. None of the local cable systems carry the CBC, since the nearest station is in London, 90 miles across the lake. Sorry about that, Aussie. Mike
  22. Then why the hell are you here and not at Playboy.com? "Hi, my name is Mead and I'm a serial m@$turb@tor." Mike
  23. It's time once again for the first round of the CFL Playoffs. Since the arch-rivals Hamilton and Toronto play each other at Skydome tomorrow night, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the game. And can either team beat the Alouettes? In the West, Saskatchewan (the only Roughriders left) play at Edmonton. Winner goes to BC Place for the division championship. I have always been intrigued by the faster speed of Canadian football and am saddened that it is no longer available on US television, at least here in Cleveland. Mike
  24. Thank you, Ken. I will be gracious. I don't feel like this is any great victory, however. But now that the President has a bit of a mandate, maybe we can all come together and do what needs to be done to rid the world of these evil bastards like Bin Laden and his ilk. I have verrrrrrry strong feelings about Bin Laden specifically and terrorism in a more general sense. They are NOT "freedom fighters". They are vicious, morally corrupt @$$holes who use religion to justify their hatred. My brother was at the WTC on 9/11. He got out OK. That friggin' bastard tried to kill my brother. Mike
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