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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Two have mentioned her already, but I go with the lovely and luminous Julianne Moore. Mike
  2. My name is Mike. I live in Ohio. I'm an Ohio State fan. Need I say more? Mike
  3. Could be, although I think Browns owner Randy Lerner might be more interested in someone like Jim Fassel or Al Groh...coaches with prior NFL experience. Mike
  4. I live seven miles from the Browns' facility. I have the local radio and TV on right now...most of the reporting here is that Davis resigned and accepted a buyout...he had about $12 million remaining on his contract. I believe Butch will be announced as the new head coach of the Florida Gators within the next thirty days. I thought Butch Davis was a great hire four years ago. I was wrong. So who will be the eventual head coach of the Browns? I have no idea. They don't have a general manager or a player personnel director...I think they have to get those first. By the way, in just twelve days, my formerly beloved Browns play the Bills in Orchard Park, as we all know. With the Bills now on a tear and the Browns circling the drains...I don't think people will be feeling all that well the next few weeks in my hometown. Mike
  5. I second this. Harrington was a really good college QB drafted by a really bad team that threw him into play right away. Too bad Barry Sanders didn't play with him. That would have helped. Mike
  6. Something to truly be thankful for this holiday. God bless you & all involved. Mike
  7. Thanks mead. Hope you have a good day too. Mike
  8. hmmm...I didn't think that Garbage Plates were a part of the Thanksgiving Day tradition. Happy Turkey Day, Nick. Mike
  9. I know my mom has: Roast Turkey with Stuffing Mashed Potatoes my dad's world famous Cranberry Sauce (made without sugar) an unknown vegetable at this time Salad Rolls Pumpkin Pie Chocolate Cream Pie and I will have plenty of leftovers to bring home. My cat (see my viewing profile for a pic of the cat with my wife) loves fresh sliced turkey and looks forward to Thanksgiving every year. Mike
  10. Ice, don't be surprised if the Colts lose to the Lions today. Detroit has a history of tripping up teams on Thanksgiving. That said, Manning will get at least 3 TDs today in another 300 yard performance. Mike
  11. The snow's coming your way. We got about a half inch on the ground right now. I hope none of you eat too much turkey and cranberry sauce today. My wife, the lovely and talented Kimberly (whose picture is up on my viewing profile) and myself will be joining my parents at their home, along with my brother and sister-in-law, for dinner with all the trimmings. And sadly, Kim has to go into work at 7:00 tonight (she's a nurse), so I will miss her on Thanksgiving night. Maybe I should run up to Circle K and buy some Canadian beer. In all seriousness, as I get older, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday of the year. I am so thankful to God for all He's given me. And I hope that you can find at least one thing to be thankful for this season. I am also thankful for SDS creating this Wall. I don't get on here every day (I didn't even see the game Sunday and have yet to check TSW reactions), but I'm thankful I can just surf on in and see what everyone is up to. Even if I still don't know why Ed is such a horrible human being. Peace to all on this Thanksgiving Day, Mike
  12. Ed (I still don't know why he's a horrible human being). erynthered (who shares a last name with me) Barry Brady (since he's so longwinded) the much-missed Trendichick. Mike
  13. "I'm Eric Stratton, Rush Chairman. Damn glad to meet ya." Repeat after me: I, state your name. "I, state your name". Mike
  14. Good news for Buffalo. The closest Bass Pro Shop to me is north of Detroit, but we just had a huge Dick's Sporting Goods open near me...complete with a rock climbing wall. I'm in!! Mike
  15. Light snow in Cleveland right now...our first of the season. Mike
  16. Hey, my wife actually had that on a moment ago. I prefer the parades myself. Mike
  17. Classic song: just about anything by the Beatles. "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" -- Meatloaf Current song (and the best song of the year so far) -- "1985" by Bowling for Soup. Mike
  18. Detroit has been playing on Thanksgiving for 70 years. It is such a tradition in Michigan that people postpone their dinners and get-togethers until later in the day, even though the Lions have been sputtering like an Edsel for most of the last half-century. And I happen to like the Lions, so there. Like the Bills, they probably need all the fans they can get. At least they have that beautiful new stadium in Downtown Detroit. That's where Super Bowl 40 will be (Ford Field). As far as Dallas is concerned, I don't know for sure, but my guess is that the NFL asked for a second, later game on Thanksgiving Day. Hey, if you don't like the games, there's always the "King of the Hill" marathon on FX, or that dog show hosted by J. Peterman on NBC. Mike
  19. The TV stations here in Cleveland were all over this last night. First, they were reporting Butch was out. Then, he was in. Then, he was out again. Then, he was in. Then, Butch was negotiating a buyout and would be gone by midnight last night. Then, Butch was in for the rest of the year. Sideshow reporting at its best. No wonder people view the media with a jaundiced eye. Mike
  20. Marmalard? DEAD! NIEDERMEYER? DEAD! Mike
  21. And we get to see that on free TV, not pay-per-view. Mike
  22. I just think it would be in my best interests if I dated someone who was more popular, better looking, and drove a nicer car. Gee, I'm sorry your mom blew up, Ricky. Mike
  23. Gotta kill guests with kindness here. Mike
  24. Thanks for the tip. Good eye. Mike
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