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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. The Bills have scored 38, 38, and 42 points in their last three games. The Browns have allowed 100 points the past two weeks. This has "letdown game" written all over it. The Bills should win and win easily, but MM needs to warn the squad not to look past a reeling Browns team. What else could "Any Given Sunday" mean? Mike
  2. It's the residual Browns fan in me talking. So, the answer is no. Just kidding. Mike
  3. I know, the sweep over Miami is still warm. But I would like to provide the feelings in Cleveland right now. The Browns gave up 42 to the Patriots today. At home. Including the opening kickoff for a New England touchdown. Sound familiar, Dolphin fans? McCown did fairly well, so he probably starts against the Bills next Sunday. With Buffalo on a roll right now, I gotta figure the line's gonna be at least 7. People on the radio are still taking shots at Butch Davis. It's not gonna do any good, Browns fans. He's gone. The team will be almost totally revamped this offseason. I can't see the Browns, who haven't won since October 17, beating a hot Bills team in Orchard Park with over 70,000 Buffalo fans screaming their lungs out. Sadly, I wish I could be there in Orchard Park, but I cannot. The next three weeks for me at work are very busy, including a criminal trial on a huge drug case on the 15th. Interesting thought...since I drove up to Buffalo and bought my London Fletcher jersey at the Bills Shop on October 11, the Bills are 6-2. Coincidence? I think not. Filing reports from the home of your next opponent, Mike
  4. I will have more to say about this... Mike
  5. 1) "King of the Hill" (and I'm apparently the only one that thinks so) -- It's the most realistic of the animated shows and there is always at least one laugh out loud moment for me in every episode. 2) "The Simpsons" -- seems to have gotten a bit more risque with age...look at the episodes of the first two seasons, and what seems subversive then is downright quaint now. 3) "Family Guy" -- OK, more laughs than KOTH, but it's even more risque than "The Simpsons". Stewie always makes me laugh, but Peter makes me cringe more often than not. Would be second with more episodes, and possibly make a run at first with more early "Simpsons"-style moments. 4) "South Park" -- Kenny's gone. As far as I'm concerned, the show died with him. 5) "Futurama" -- simply unwatchable. Mike
  6. Guffalo, that might very well be the frickin' funniest thing I have EVER read on this board. ROTFLMAO. Literally. Mike
  7. To paraphrase Woody Hayes, it's too bad we can't go for three. Mike
  8. I'd like to put my two cents' worth in here... Nah, it's much too easy. Mike
  9. Hovan played his high school ball at St. Ignatius in Cleveland and is from my hometown of Rocky River, Ohio. Just thought I'd bring that up. I'd like to see him as a Bill. GO BILLS!! SQUISH THE FI...uh, MARINE MAMMALS!! Mike
  10. Youse are right. I've heard one person from Cleveland use "youse"...a friend of mine's mother...in the 30 years I've lived here. We talk like Midwesterners...using "you". Mike
  11. Yep. BTW, here are the Browns' last five games: 12/5 New England 12/12 @Buffalo (of course) 12/19 San Diego 12/26 @Miami (Sunday night, ESPN) 1/2 @Houston How many of these do the Browns win? No more than 2. Mike
  12. It's what I wanted. Unfortunately, the NFL thought they could exploit the Browns/Ravens situation, so they stuck Baltimore in the North. And, in retrospect, what would happen to the storied Bills/Dolphins rivalry if the league did that? Mike
  13. The move in '95. I've always liked the Bills, stretching back to the late '70s. I actually bought a t-shirt right before Super Bowl XXV years ago. Today, I have a London Fletcher jersey (I actually drove up to Orchard Park about six weeks ago), a Bills sweatshirt, bumper sticker, and other memorabilia. Buffalo is very similar to Cleveland and I am surprised there is not more a rivalry between the two cities. Cleveland spends most of its hate on Pittsburgh and what little is left is aimed at Cincinnati. The fans of the Bills are like no other. It is truly a family and I feel very fortunate to have been welcomed into, to steal a term, "Bills Nation". Where else but TSW can I waste many of my days and have nearly 2000 posts? Mike
  14. As all of you know, I'm a former (and I'm beginning to stress that term now) Cleveland Browns fan. One week from Sunday, the Browns make their first trip to Orchard Park since 1986. I really wish this were a stronger rivalry. To Browns fans, Buffalo is simply a place most of them have never been to, four hours northeast on I-90. Look at all the things that have happened in the world since the Browns last played the Bills at Rich/RWS: *four Super Bowl appearances for the Bills. *Browns move, then are reborn (and almost appear to be dying again). *two Presidents Bush. *I graduated from high school, college, law school, started my own law practice, and got married. *Infants turned into college students. *two wars in Iraq. *somebody actually won $2.5 million on "Jeopardy". and I could go on and on... GO BILLS!! SQUISH THE FISH!! Mike
  15. Correct. According to the Bills media guide, the team had several options for names other than "Bisons", which of course were the names of Buffalo's baseball and hockey teams. Other choices included: Blue Devils, Bandits, and Nickels. A "name the team" contest was had, and Bills was chosen. This, I believe, was at the end of the 1946 season. The Browns, of course, are named after Paul Brown, although he always denied it and said the team was named after heavyweight champion Joe Louis, aka "The Brown Bomber". Mike
  16. I knew you'd like it. Mike
  17. A terrific interview by the classiest coach in sports history. I will definitely be seeking out that book, "Where Else Would You Rather Be?" Mike
  18. God bless you and your family during this difficult time. My prayers are with you. Mike
  19. After I thought about this some more...did Mike Shanahan win his Super Bowls with the Broncos as a one-man show, controlling everything? He's the only one I can think of. All successful NFL teams seem to have power divested...between the head coach, GM and/or vice president/player personnel director. Mike
  20. Nobody circles the bandwagons like the Buffalo Bills? Mike
  21. A good analogy...it shows that records aren't everything in the NFL. There is always more than meets the eye. Mike
  22. Thanks for the compliment. It just seems like I don't care about the Browns anymore. Apathy has set in. And considering how big a fan I was as recently as 1993, that's something I thought would never happen. BTW, Len Pasquarelli of ESPN.com has written a very good article about Davis, his power grabs, and how Randy Lerner hopes to build the Browns. Why one-man football operations don't work.
  23. He says "We'll beat you." My question is "At what?" Mike
  24. Well, the Browns are making a LOT of money...46 consecutive sellouts dating to 1999. The business end is healthy, but Randy Lerner realizes that the sellouts aren't going to last without winning. I think he'll right the ship and get the right people in place for a Super Bowl run, but that's going to take a few years. Believe me, the Bills are catching the Browns at the right time. Only eleven and a half more days until the day I've waited several years for. Mike
  25. I am so glad that I'm a Bills fan tonight. After all of the wall-to-wall coverage regarding the resignation/firing/who-gives-a-crap-he's-gone of Butch Davis, I'm ready for good news and stimulating conversation, since the Bills have won five of their last seven and McGahee is emerging as a bona-fide star. People in Cleveland love the Browns, as is well known around the country. When even Carmella DeCesare (Jeff Garcia's girlfriend and the Playboy Playmate of the Year) has a significant role on one of the local pre-game shows, you know people are either dying for inside info, have absolutely nothing better to do, or are trying to get a glimpse of Carmella...well, you know (and yes, it's the same station where that anchorwoman took all her clothes off for that group photo shoot in Cleveland some months back). There were a LOT of people in Cleveland in a bad mood today. Many thought Butch was the answer four years ago (I was one of them). I can't help feeling that Butch Davis quit on his team, with five games to go, solely to return to the college game. He will be at Florida in a few weeks. The only thing of note here: Terry Robiske was named the interim head coach. He is the first black head coach in Cleveland Browns history. Mike
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