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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Coincidence? You decide for yourself... Back on Monday, October 11, I decided to get up early and drive to Buffalo for a little sojourn. I left my home in Cleveland a few minutes before 5:00 A.M. and drove 200 miles northeast on I-90. I arrived at the Ralph around 8:20 and was distressed when the guard at the gate told me the gift shop at the fieldhouse didn't open until 10:00. So I went to a nearby Burger King and had breakfast and hung out until the store opened. Remember, the Bills were 0-4 at this point and had just come off that last-second loss to the Jets. I bought a London Fletcher jersey that I've worn several times since then, all during Bills victories. My friend Andy threatened to beat me up and burn the jersey during the win over my formerly beloved Browns (Andy is still a diehard fan whose brother has club seats at Browns Stadium. He has not taken my conversion very well.). I even had lunch at Louie's in Orchard Park before leaving for home about 2:00 that afternoon. I have pictures that I may post here at some point (just of the stadium, and perhaps, me in the Bills jersey). But strange things have happened since my visit...the Bills have won eight out of their last 10, and five in a row. I wish I could have met some of you that day, but it was almost a spur-of-the-moment type thing. It was on Columbus Day and I'm self-employed so I could afford to get away for the day. I would like to think I had something to do with the turnaround. Or is it the London Fletcher jersey? Mike
  2. You can say THAT again. Her mom was a Playboy centerfold in the early '60s, according to imdb.com. It's women like Diane Lane that are beautiful in the truest sense. I've left the pop tarts behind...I haven't been 20 in fifteen years. Mike
  3. It seems to me that a publication that offers tips on growing weed isn't really worth my time. I have nothing against smoking pot (I think it should be legalized, at least in certain situations), but I don't need to be reading about stoners' problems with growing it. Mike
  4. Take it easy on the guy. He's coaching arguably the NFL's worst team right now, and his house is falling into a valley in the Cleveland suburb of Moreland Hills. I couldn't find a link, but he and his wife are suing the builder of their home, which is falling little by little because of an eroded hillside immediately underneath their house's foundation. It's so bad, the family has had to move. If all of that were happening to you, you'd have a bitter beer face too. Mike
  5. To paraphrase Chandler from "Friends": "Could it BE any worse for the Browns?" Mike
  6. No, I said I couldn't go to the game. But I had lots of fun today at my friend Andy's house. He's a diehard Browns fan, but he put up with me anyway. Mike
  7. I watched almost all of the game today at my friend Andy's house. Andy is still a diehard Browns fan. And boy, did he die hard today. I saw Drew have a horrible game, and the Bills STILL score 34 unanswered points. McGahee makes the difference, but that goes without saying. The difference is that the Browns seemed to be in total disarray today. Things are really, really bad in Brownstown right now. They are facing a complete collapse. A 10 game losing streak is possible to end the season. It wasn't even this bad in 1990, when the Bills beat the Browns 42-0 in Cleveland. At one point early in the 4th Quarter, I remarked to Andy, "This is like pulling wings off flies." I had my London Fletcher jersey, and even my Buffalo Winghead hat. Maybe I'll be nice to Andy and order him a Jills Swimsuit Calendar for Christmas. Mike
  8. Tried that last year. The team just hasn't been run very well. Randy Lerner is trying to change that. I heard Ozzie Newsome wants to come back, but it's gonna be hard to pry him loose from the Ravens. Mike
  9. This is a classic "trip" situation. But the Bills should have it fairly easy. The Browns have been "circling the drain" for weeks now (see my sig line). Bills 32, Browns 14. Buffalo covers the 11 point spread easily. Mike
  10. Even though things are depressing enough around here already. I'm sorry that I couldn't make it up there to tailgate with some of you...I would like to do that someday. At least I will be with you all in spirit (and I'm also sure plenty of spirits will be consumed). I will be watching today, however...at a friend's house. He can't believe I've converted to the Bills, but he wishes the Browns were the 6-6 team today. That I'm sure of. And I will be envious of all of you who are there. GO BILLS!! BEAT THE BROWNS!!! (Dang...it just doesn't sound right.) Have fun everyone! Mike
  11. As McDonald's (thank you!) might say, I'm lovin' it! This is the first time the two teams have played since 1995...and the first in Orchard Park since 1986. Of course, I've said this before, and you all know I've been looking forward to this game all year! There's nothing really new and earth-shattering to report here today. Garcia says he's a leader, Robiske says Garcia is helping McCown along. The Browns obviously want to win this football game, but I think they're far too disorganized and Buffalo is simply a better football team. And on WKNR, AVP was supposed to be on, but this time I didn't get a chance to listen to it as I did not have access to a radio. By the way, I was at a local Dillard's earlier today. All Browns merchandise is marked 25% off. GO BILLS!! BEAT THE BROWNS!! (And if you don't think that doesn't sound funny to me, you obviously haven't been reading any of my 2,000+ posts!) Mike
  12. It's an open secret here in my hometown that Garcia and Robiske simply do not like each other. Garcia tried to defend himself on the radio this AM saying something to the tune of "my teammates know where I stand". Jeff, you are supposed to be a leader, not sit on the bench collecting your $6 million while the Playmate of the Year tends to your wounds. What a sorry bunch this Browns team is this year. And I know it's not everyone on the team, but still... Mike
  13. Norfolk?!? You'd think PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) would put their HQ closer to NYC and not in a conservative Navy town. Reminds me of a line from a movie called "Switch", years ago: PETA-style activist (to Lorraine Bracco's fur-clad character): "Do you know how many poor animals had to die for your coat?" Bracco (as she's climbing into a limo): "Do you know how many rich ones I had to f--- to get it?" Mike
  14. The radio guy got one of London's records wrong and London seemed pretty irritated the rest of the interview. It had to do with London's season record for tackles. The host blamed it on the media guide. Nothing major. It was more funny than anything else. Mike
  15. Now you see what I put up with on a daily basis. Mike
  16. (with Robert DeNiro-like expression) You talkin' to ME?!? Actually, I'd like to watch all three over the Christmas weekend. One per day. Mike
  17. Since Nate's from Shaker Heights and Ohio State, he's happy to talk to the Cleveland media. London is too, as long as he doesn't get insulted by moronic WKNR hosts (which is actually redundant...you gotta live here to understand). Mike
  18. I have tried to like Cincinnati chili...I've had it several times. I simply don't like it. Ah, Cincinnati...where they put chili on top of spaghetti. As far as Wyche is concerned...after the Browns moved, I forgave him for that inane line. Mike
  19. For the third straight year, I don't care what I get for Christmas, as long as I get the special extended edition of another LOTR movie. The first two have been successful, as I own both FOTR and TT in their extended versions. I'll worry about next year later. Mike
  20. Nate Clements is on WKNR radio right now, with the same host who inadvertently insulted London Fletcher the other day. He says the key to the turnaround was the offense getting in gear, as well as becoming used to Coach Mularkey. The attitude right now is simply to focus on the Browns, says Nate, and not look past them to the Bengals. There are also plenty of Cleveland links present on the TBD front page today, so I don't need to repeat those here. Mike
  21. Only been to Tennessee once, but I liked it. Memphis is centrally located, 20 minutes to the casinos and you're not in Nashville dealing with all the Titans fans mentioning the MCM every five bleepin' minutes. Mike
  22. Is there a Cracker Barrel nearby? Sometimes, they sell those cards that tell you what different prices were the year you were born...they go all the way up to about 1990. Your local general store might have them. They run in the $3-4 range. Mike
  23. Hmmm...lets see here. Housing is absolutely unbelievable in California and on the East Coast. Weather is a problem at least part of the year no matter where you live, but if you go farther south and inland, it's better. Taxes are high everywhere...if it's not sales taxes, it's property taxes, use taxes, income taxes, fuel taxes, etc. out the wazoo... So, taking all of that into account, the perfect place to live is, apparently... (drum roll, please)... MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Yes, Memphis. No income tax in TN. Low housing costs, decent weather, Elvis, blues, and casinos across the border in Tunica, Mississippi. Sounds good to me. Crank up the moving van. Mike
  24. for "Dancin' in the Ruins", apparently a tune from the mid- to late 1980's. It was OK, but it needed more cowbell. Mike
  25. ABC had the Charlie Brown prints restored last year, I believe. Mike
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