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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I appreciate all of the good wishes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. An update of what I'm eating: Tonight's menu was steak (leftover Angus strip from a barbecue at my in-laws last night...just tremendous, medium-well), scrambled eggs, and toast. My wife, the lovely and talented Kimberly, who put up with me throughout my hospital stay, is out tonight, so I am left to fend for myself. BTW, Kim's pic is in my profile with the World's Greatest Cat. Hey, the steak is only about six ounces. I ate half last night and the other half tonight. I have no restrictions on red meat, but I'm not the world's biggest carnivore. A Wendy's double is even too much for me. And that's probably all the red meat I'll have until next week. BTW, on Friday I am going back into the hospital for a procedure to remove some cysts. This is totally unrelated to my abdominal matters and was scheduled even before I got sick on March 10. Mike
  2. I have eaten a whole tin of macaroons in the last three weeks. And you're correct, they do work! Mike
  3. Me or Darin? BTW, apparently Darin thinks I'm a moron for liking Canadian beer. Mike
  4. I've been busy since I've been out of the hospital. At least I'm eating almost normally again. I've gained back 3 of the 15 lbs. I lost. I went to my gastro doctor yesterday...he told me to stay off large amounts of nuts and popcorn. Coconut macaroons are OK. I have to have some more tests done in order to confirm the diagnosis. I am on a tremendous amount of medication right now, including a derivative of prednisone (a steroid). I also decided to cut out alcohol entirely...before my hospital stay, I wasn't drinking large amounts and it had actually been a few weeks since I'd had a beer. For those of you who don't know, I am a Canadian beer aficianado. I don't have a medical restriction against alcohol, I just don't want to end up in the hospital for another two weeks. And you know what? I feel better. Mike
  5. I just wanted a prime time home game. MNF is but a shadow of what it used to be. December 17? In Buffalo? That will be LOTS of fun for Bills fans. BTW...the Browns pulled the Steelers and Ravens AT HOME the last two weeks of the season. Mike
  6. It's 4:30 on Friday afternoon, and I should be out of the hospital this evening after 13 days. I asked for chicken fried rice and won ton soup from my favorite local Chinese restaurant upon my return. Don't worry, I've been eating since yesterday without complications. I've lost about 15 pounds since I've been here. I haven't weighed my current weight (186 pounds) in over six years. I am able to eat small solid portions (the fish and pierogies were actually pretty good at lunch today). But, I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND HERE!! I'll talk to you all later when I'm more recovered. Thanks for all your prayers and your kind thoughts during my stay. Mike
  7. An update: I'm still here, and I had a little setback today. I had no energy, and I felt so full I couldn't even eat lunch or dinner. I took a long nap this afternoon, and felt better. The "blended vegetable soup" here looks like red gravy. I couldn't even touch it. I've realized a few things since I've been in the hospital for the past 11 days: 1) Outdoor weather still affects me. 2) Work doesn't stop, but at least I've been able to return calls and have other people cover court hearings. 3) "Gastineau Girls" really sucks. I hope to be out sometime Easter weekend...maybe even Friday. Mike
  8. An update: I am supposed to start some drug therapy this evening. I know I'm supposed to start getting Flagyl and Pentasa, along with one other drug that I can't remember the name of right now. I am still in the hospital (nine days as of Monday night). I do not know when I will be getting released. It largely depends on whether the drug therapy works. Thank you for all your prayers and consideration. Mike
  9. You know, I've never had any of the Lay's WOW chips for that very reason. All this occurred after being on vacation. I thought it was a bad case of the stomach flu. Last Friday night I was so dehydrated I went to the ER...they diagnosed me with gastroenteritis and dehydration and I went home. Sunday morning I came back...been here ever since. Mike
  10. I saw it but haven't read it yet. Is this why we think Ed's such a horrible human being? Mike
  11. I went into the hospital on Sunday morning for abdominal pain and diarrhea. On Thursday, I had surgery because my doctor thought I had a partial blockage in my small intestine. It turns out I probably have Krohn's disease (sp?). This means I have chronic inflammation of part of my small intestine. There is no known cause and no known cure. No one else in my family has it. I am still in the hospital (Fairview Hospital in Cleveland). My wife, the lovely and talented Kimberly, brought me my laptop, so I'm at least able to work a little. Since Kim's a nurse, she's also able to help out. I would rather have her clean me up than some of the orderlies. I will probably not be getting out until at least Monday. I am improving, but am still hooked up to a catheter, epidural, and IV. I would ask for your prayers...this is nothing life-threatening, but it seems that I need to make a lifestyle change. Mike
  12. I can't, Darin. That's why Romeo Crennel is cleaning house. Mike
  13. Romeo is blowing up the Browns and starting over, pretty much. Can you blame him? I sure don't. Mike
  14. Having seen Kelly Holcomb in action, let me tell you this: Be careful what you wish for. Holcomb's a solid backup who can come off the bench and spark a team. But he's not a good starting quarterback. Since the Browns now have Josh McCown as a starter, expect them to trade for Trent Dilfer, who played for GM Phil Savage in Baltimore...and won a Super Bowl. He won't do that in Cleveland, but he should improve the situation. Mike
  15. Memo to Drew: Thank you for at least bringing the Bills back to respectability in 2002. Thank you for not being a classless jerk. Thank you for continuing to exude dignity, even on your way out. It's too bad your foot speed has slipped to below Bernie Kosar's. Mike
  16. Bledsoe is a class act, but the guy's obviously on the down side of his career. Let J.P. start, and bring in a veteran backup. I'd say Kurt Warner, but I think he still wants to start. Mike
  17. Fine. You can take Garcia and his skank girlfriend. Mike
  18. No. No. Please God, no!!! Mike
  19. The media in Cleveland HATED Belichick when he was here. Because he wasn't good for a quote, good for copy. Now, I'm seeing these very same writers and media people have to backpedal. They basically encouraged the fans to turn on Belichick, and when they did (esp. after he cut Bernie Kosar), there was really no chance for Belichick to succeed with the Browns. Even after they went 11-5 in 1994, you always had the feeling something was missing. Belichick is a terrific coach, there's no doubt about that. However, he greatly underestimated Kosar's popularity in Cleveland when he cut Bernie. I know, I was here. That was a mistake, and he admits as much today. But, in retrospect, there was no denying that Kosar had lost two steps, and I see the very same thing with Bledsoe today. Mike
  20. I stated in this thread earlier: I thought it was a terrific halftime show. And I'm the legal counsel of the 1969 Club, born just as the Beatles were hitting their apex. My tastes run more toward 80's music and Barenaked Ladies, but I was raised on country and the Beatles and Motown (not to mention the Beach Boys and Elvis), so I'm more than familiar with these songs. "Hey Jude" was the perfect closer, I thought, because it got the crowd involved (even though "Live and Let Die" would be a stronger finish). Mike
  21. 86-88 victories will win the AL Central. The Tribe should be right in the thick of things. Many here ask why Omar Vizquel was let go. The reason was because Peralta was the IL MVP. Aaron Boone will be interesting. If the bullpen holds up, this may be an Indian Summer. Mike
  22. I support the Bills in part because my formerly beloved Cleveland Browns were ripped away from me a decade ago. I really started rooting for the Bills when they had Joe Cribbs. I remember cheering them on when Greg Bell ran for a million yards in that 1984 upset of the Cowboys. I rooted for the Bills through all four Super Bowl losses. The Bills show me resiliency and a never-say-die attitude. Today's Cleveland Browns...well, I've said here that "nobody circles the drain like the Cleveland Browns". I will be curious to see how Romeo Crennel rectifies the situation. And, to this day, I still have a bit of residual Browns fan in me, but I rooted for the Bills when they played in December. And, since I am the only Bills fan I know, nobody can say that someone here influenced me to become a Bills fan. Mike
  23. There was a brunette in the Pepsi/iTunes commercial who was really a hottie. Mike
  24. Kid Rock ain't going back after being part of that abortion last year. He shouldn't have worn the American flag as a pancho. That would have been the big story had Janet Jackson's boob not fallen out. As for Eminem, forget it. You think the NFL wants to take a risk there? Mike
  25. The Indians have done the opposite of the Yankees, investing every spare dime they have into player development and their farm system. Three of the Tribe's farm clubs (your own Buffalo Bisons, Mahoning Valley in the NY-Penn League and Kinston in the Carolina League) won league titles last season. I saw Mahoning Valley play in person last season and they were making a closing rush just to get into the playoffs. I believe that with a limited-budget team like the Tribe, this is the right way to go. Invest in your own players, don't do a whole lot in free agency, and grow your own talent. Since the Yankees haven't done that, I think they may be setting themselves up for a fall. The collapse in the playoffs against the Red Sox may have been the first sign of that. George has overspent, and the farm system cupboard is bare. This is the exact opposite of what NY did in the early-90s that brought all those titles (ie, Jeter, Bernie Williams, Posada all home-grown), so I don't believe that the Yankees can win both ways, long-term. In the short term, NY will be a favorite, but it cannot last forever. Mike
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