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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. As if he isn't using twenties for kindling anyway... Mike
  2. Best. Cartoon. Ever. That was freakin' hilarious!! Mike
  3. So RTB, what you're saying is that Jabba is actually Alaska Darin in disguise. Mike
  4. And of course, that alone would make you a dork. Mike
  5. I tend to agree, even though the Jest are usually third on that list. I had a GF who absolutely loved the Dolphins...this was in 1996. We later broke up, but not over Miami. I then met my wife, the lovely and talented Kimberly, who is not a football fan. I'm trying to mold her into a Bills fan. Kim once said to me that she thought the Bills had won one of those Super Bowls, since they were in it every year, it seemed. That's how much of a football fan she isn't. I have a good friend from Paterson, NJ who is a Jets and Yankees fan. I'm willing to forgive him for both of those. Patriot fans are just obnoxious, but I suppose they have good reason to be. This was a team that before 1995 was inept year after year after year. Kind of like the Bills were in the mid-1980s, although the Pats' run of bad football was quite a bit longer. If the Bills had won three out of the last four Super Bowls, we'd be insufferable too. Mike
  6. Thanks, dib. I needed a laugh on a Monday. Mike
  7. Wow. I'd never even heard of these murders, but she's a pretty rotten individual. Mike
  8. I don't think so...I really don't even think about Star Wars all that much. Just one opinion out of many, that's all. Mike
  9. We're talking College and CFL Halls of Fame right? Mike
  10. From what I understand, Jar-Jar's stereotype is racial in nature. Supposedly, he speaks as if he were Jamaican. "The Simpsons" did a parody on "Star Wars" and had an autographed pic of the Jar-Jar character holding a joint. I have no idea if the intent of Lucas to stereotype Jar-Jar is true or not, but that seems to be what resulted. The "chosen one" and Messianic in my mind are two entirely different things. I think Anakin might well have been the "chosen one" (in fact, the previews indicate such), but if he were Messianic in nature, he never would have strayed to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader. I just find that portion to be a bit on the sacreligious side. Mike
  11. The original "Star Wars" is still the best. It was probably the seminal movie of my childhood (I was 8 when it came out). I saw "Empire" and "Jedi" several times as well...both of which can stand on their own as great movies. I had a problem with "Phantom Menace" partially because of the insinuation that Anakin was supposed to be some kind of Messiah (i.e., Mom didn't know who his dad was, didn't even know how she got pregnant, etc.). I thought that was totally unnecessary and even a tad sacreligious. Jar-Jar was also unnecessary and I agree with those who say Jar-Jar played to stereotypes. As a result, I've only seen "Phantom" once...on a big screen, the week it came out. I haven't seen "Clones", b/c of so many horrible reviews and the fact that "Phantom" was, in retrospect, pretty weak. But, I will watch the first two prior to seeing the new one. Mike
  12. Dingo, you're a weenie. I got to see Holcomb quite a bit with the Browns. It always seemed that in his best games, the Browns would ultimately come up short. Maybe that was the fault of the defense, but Holcomb always seemed to not quite have enough as a starter. I like him as a backup, but we better hope that J.P. can stay upright. Mike
  13. To quote from Spaceballs, that makes the two of you absolutely nothing, correct, Hammered? Mike
  14. The sad thing is that Joe Ferguson is the Bills QB that people who live outside of WNY don't seem to remember. I recall that playoff game against San Diego. And wasn't Fergie the quarterback who led the Bills back from 21 down against the Jets the next year in that playoff game at Shea? My prayers are with you and yours, Joe. Mike
  15. By and large, Afro is right. But there is a larger issue here. This is a post about corruption in county government. My question is, what's happening to the money that doesn't get to the mothers? If I had to assume, it would be one of two things: 1) someone high up in this agency is treating this like it's their own personal piggy bank, which wouldn't surprise me, or 2) more likely, the money is being lost through inefficiency, inertia, and horrid bookkeeping. This is why new people have to be elected, and HELD ACCOUNTABLE. I don't care if they're Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, or Martian, just GET THE JOB DONE!! Let the County Executive know what's going on. If no one seems to care, become a burr in their saddle. The right thing is not often the easy thing. And as far as condom use/birth control is concerned, I believe in both. Wholeheartedly. And I'm a devout Christian. My wife and I have been using birth control for our whole marriage, and we don't have any kids. But things are changing now. I'll let you know when/if we have a bun in the oven. Mike
  16. The Bills' web site notes that final Jills tryouts would be on May 3, and the squad announced later that night. That's as far as I've been able to go...no other news. Mike
  17. Inquiring minds wanna know. And I wish Trendichick were still here... Mike
  18. Looks like Buffalo has home ice over Toronto. Repeat of 1999, anyone? Mike
  19. My intent is not to ruin, fellow Buckeye. Just posting this for those who are interested, which is to say, many on the board. You have been notified re: spoilers. Twice. I think we all know pretty much how it will end, anyway. Mike
  20. Let's pray that it will all be resolved before he goes to Iraq. Take care, my friend. Mike
  21. Oops, there may be. CAUTION: SPOILERS. Mike
  22. "Most will be inspired to believe again" This, of course, will be the darkest of the movies, for as we all know, Anakin becomes Vader here, along with so many other events that set us up for the original "Star Wars". I've wondered for a long time how Lucas was going to pull this off... There may be spoilers in the link, so proceed with caution. Mike
  23. That was you, huh? Sorry about that. Mike
  24. Good thing J. Edgar's not alive to see what passes for entertainment today. Or the parents who complained about the unintelligible lyrics...hmmm, we can't understand it, so it must be something dirty. Mike
  25. Why isn't ESPN showing the World Hockey Championships? TSN is showing the games in Canada. Instead, we get "Days of Thunder"?!?! Come on. Not even Tom Cruise's best movie. And it's at least a year until "Talladega Nights" with Will Ferrell comes out. BTW, I'm more of a Canadian national team fan...they beat the Americans, 3-1. Mike
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