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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. A colleague of mine wanted to know if prostitution was legal in Canada. NOTE: I couldn't care less, but he wants to know for some strange reason. A little extracurricular in Windsor, perhaps? Mike
  2. Darin, Did we ever find out why Ed is such a horrible human being? Mike
  3. Definitely Buffalo. There's nothing to do for a Bills fan in Green Bay. Mike
  4. I did get over it. But that's why I'm on this board now. Mike
  5. Hamburger joint? I really don't have one, unless you count Wendy's as a joint. And I don't, since they are fast food. The burgers you can get at Omaha Steaks (frozen, shipped in dry ice) are nothing short of awesome. Mike
  6. "Black or White" is the video you're thinking of. I still remember the "In Living Color" parody..."Look me in the face and tell me if you think I'm black or white." And then, Jackson uses a crowbar on a car, and an officer arrests him. The Jackson character's last words in the parody? "I must be black." Mike
  7. To put it bluntly, T.O. is an idiot. We all knew this had the potential to end badly in Philly. I just didn't think it would happen so soon after the Eagles' run to the Super Bowl. T.O.'s gotta know that Donovan is the Man, not him. Good wideouts are much easier to find than superstar QB's. Look at what happened to Freddie Mitchell. And T.O.'s not a malingerer. He just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone, and he comes off like a classless jerk. Oh, and that goes for Rosenhaus, too. Mike
  8. I liked him better when he was CigarMark. I think it's the official "Celebration of Champions" announcement (and that's how you spell it.) Mike
  9. Can you hibernate for the next 93 days until the first preseason game? Or at least until training camp starts? Mike
  10. Good God, Darin, what are you trying to do? Make me lose my breakfast? Mike
  11. I still have some residual fondness for the Browns. And much residual hate for the Steelers. Mike
  12. Judging from all the responses here, I'm gonna have to try Ted's the next time I'm up in Buffalo. I saw one at the Walden Galleria mall and I know there are a number of other locations in and around the city. Does Ted's sell anything other than hot dogs, fries and loganberry juice? Mike
  13. I don't think the Bills' throwbacks were that bad. They are incorrect (helmet should be white), but they're not bad. On the other hand, those Oiler unis are horrid. Mike
  14. Welcome to the family. You DO realize that everybody's gonna call you Satch or Satchmo, right? Mike
  15. It's so sad to see June in the video, right before she passed away. I believe that when she died, a large part of Johnny died too. That's why he only lasted a few more months. Mike
  16. Hmmm...I'll bite. Ricky Williams? Mike
  17. I don't remember that, but I have that game on tape, so I'll have to check it out. Mike
  18. You're preaching to the choir, man. My 5 reasons: 5) The safety that should have been a TD. 4) Marv not opting for one final play to get the FG attempt closer. 3) 2-1 Giants on time of possession. 2) Belichick & Tuna's coaching. and 1) Norwood's longest attempt that season on grass. Mike
  19. That was originally a #1 hit by Martika in 1989. My faves: "Sledgehammer" & "Big Time" by Peter Gabriel "Buddy Holly" by Weezer, who seem to be making a comeback "Dreams" by Van Halen (remember the Blue Angels?) "UHF" by Weird Al Yankovic (which is a parody of every music video from the late 1980s) "Livin on the Edge" by Aerosmith "1985" by Bowling for Soup "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies Mike
  20. I've only eaten at Louie's in Orchard Park near RWS, so that's all I have to go by. Good hot dogs, though. Mike
  21. That's asinine. I remember Tom Landry, Dan Reeves...even Mike Ditka wore a tie and sweater on the sidelines. I thought they looked dignified...well, at least Ditka tried to look dignified. The marketing arm controls all, I guess. Mike
  22. Lucas should get all the credit...and most of the money too. These movies were his babies...even though he took a lot of the ideas from old Samurai films and classic westerns. BTW, thank you all...this is the most responsive post I've ever had on this board (and the first over 100 replies). It only took two and a half years. Mike
  23. Everybody needs a little KFC. Mike
  24. Good God...you are truly a sick and twisted individual. But it WAS funny. Mike
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