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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Another sign of the apocalypse? Mike
  2. I will pick Donovan McNabb, but I hope McGahee gives him a run for MVP. Mike
  3. Congrats! We should all be so lucky... Mike
  4. Hmmm...not a Paris fan, but her appearance on Weekend Update a couple of years back with Jimmy Fallon's question about how hard it was to get into the Paris Hilton was a classic. Mike
  5. Ah, Tampa...the Fort Erie of Florida. Mike
  6. I'm a big fan of 44-34 and especially 29-10 myself. Mike
  7. I don't understand the NFL's obsession with "tools" guys...like RJ. Yes, Flutie was a jerk. Yes, he was a me-first guy. But all Flutie ever did was leave his heart and soul out on the field. If Flutie were 6-2, teams would have been drooling all over him twenty years ago. Instead, Flutie goes to Canada, where he's probably the best CFL QB of all time. The Canadian game was perfect for him. I always thought Flutie could succeed in the NFL, if given the chance. He did...for a moment. Then, his limitations (ie, getting passes over the middle batted down, his giant ego, etc.) came to the forefront. RJ, on the other hand...ooh, he's big and with a strong arm. What skills. (???) I always believed it was a mistake for the Bills to make him a starter, when he had no track record of success. There was a reason for that. I NEVER thought RJ would be a great NFL QB, because he didn't have the intangibles that, say Bernie Kosar (a guy with much less "talent") had. The things you cannot see (mental toughness, drive, determination, smarts) are so important in this game, especially among the skill players. There has to be some raw talent, but I would move that these intangibles are just as important. Mike
  8. No, but according to the link on TBD this morning, the segment will be repeated during the Sunday PM Sportscenter (I assume the early one -- 6:00 or whenever it airs). It is truly a sad story...go to the link on TBD's front page from yesterday and it will show the Buffalo News article. Mike
  9. The Chargers started out as the "Los Angeles Chargers" in 1960, but only played one season in LA before moving down I-5. I don't believe the Bills will leave WNY. Does the NFL really want another Cleveland Browns situation on their hands? Mike
  10. An open letter to Lindsay Lohan: I taped SNL last night...so far I've only watched the first few minutes. Lindsay, you looked so much better with the extra weight. I think most of the men in America would say that. You've almost totally lost your best, ahem, "assets". Now you just look like another emaciated Hollywood actress. There is such a thing as being too skinny. Girl, before it's too late, stop the partying and mix in a trip to Denny's or IHOP to put some carbs back into that bony body of yours. You have the type of figure that, believe it or not, looks yummier with the extra pounds and curves. Heroin chic went out in the late '90s. Mike
  11. Right now, the Saints are openly talking about moving to Los Angeles. Apparently, they have an out in their Superdome contract at the end of this year. We also know that Anaheim is attempting to build a new NFL playpen in the Angel Stadium parking lot. So as of right now, I think the Saints are most likely to move, followed closely by the Chargers. Tom Benson has told New Orleans officials either they promise a new stadium or he's gone...possibly as soon as next year. As far as Ralph Wilson's comments are concerned, he's right in stating that he cannot promise the team will stay once he's gone. But I also think he lives long enough for estate tax not to be a problem (it will be totally abolished within five years) and someone from WNY will step up and buy the team. I think the Bills are better off in WNY, between tremendous fan support and stepped-up corporate help, than in Los Angeles or anywhere else. Mike
  12. This may satisfy your interest. The Browns are not allowed to comment under the Collective Bargaining Agreement since this is a non-football injury. Mike
  13. Take care and God bless, Mike
  14. Remember that nasty injury Krumrie had in the Super Bowl when he was with the Bengals? BTW, I agree with your take...Krumrie should be included. Mike
  15. I disagree. Other way around. Mike
  16. I grew up in Rocky River. I no longer live in River, but it's where my office is (and where I am right now). Mike
  17. Great line, Gringo. Mike
  18. If there were more here, the prosecutor would have charged accordingly. He's very no-nonsense when it comes to this stuff. Mike
  19. No argument here...we always reap what we sow. Question here is, who's the bigger jackass, KW or Onterrio Smith? Mike
  20. Willful, Wanton Disregard I know the prosecutor for Westlake personally. The charge is certainly accurate. If there were more here, he'd put a stiffer charge on Evel Knievel. Another article re: KWII in today's Plain Dealer. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm starting to get tired of this story. Mike
  21. The first one, he looked hung over. The last three, I don't remember what Kelly looked like. Mike
  22. Hmmm...sound familiar? Last time we had a QB like that, the Bills went to four straight Super Bowls. Mike
  23. As long as he doesn't shack up with some Playboy skank (like Jeff Garcia), I don't have a problem with him going out and enjoying himself. Just not every night. I remember Jim Kelly used to have, ahem, a bit of a reputation as a ladies' man. Mike
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