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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. My golf outing was cancelled because of three lightning strikes sighted as we were waiting at the first tee. Then in cleared up...now it looks like it's gonna storm again. Be careful up there.... Mike
  2. Scroll down...looks like thunderstorms at gametime. We're supposed to get storms this afternoon in the Cleveland area...and I'm scheduled to play golf starting at 11:30. Hope it holds off, both for the game and my golf outing. Take care, God Bless, and be careful. Mike
  3. No. Good cornerbacks are almost a dime a dozen in this league now. Elite shutdown cornerbacks are much harder to find. Nate Clements straddles the line between good and great, but he is not an elite shutdown corner, IMO. I would be more satisfied with a good cornerback (younger than NC) than tie up $65 million over six years for Clements. That opens money up for need positions, like the OL. Mike
  4. A question for the longtime denizens of the Wall: I know that the Bills trained for many years at SUNY-Fredonia. I also know that a desire to branch their market to Rochester and beyond resulted in the move to St. John Fisher College. If I had been a bigger Bills fan in the mid and late 90s, I would (and should) have made a pilgrimage to Fredonia...it's only three hours from Cleveland. The move to SJFC puts a camp trip logistically out of reach for me. Which place is better? Did Fredonia have a parade the way Pittsford does? Mike
  5. Marriott always seems to do well with properties like these. Somebody told me (it may have been on this board, I don't remember) that the Hyatt had to be the world's worst Hyatt Hotel. It was run-down, the service was spotty, and the rooms were too cramped. Hopefully, the renovations will do the trick and the new Marriott can become a jewel. Mike
  6. It might work; otherwise I would leave neutral feedback because he did refund most of your money. Mikee
  7. What's his name is Bill Paxton. SPOILER ALERT (as if someone on this board hasn't seen "Twister" despite the fact that TNT shows it six times every weekend): Jami Gertz had possibly the most thankless role in movie history here...stand around with the same terrified, deer-in-the-headlights-Todd Collins look on her face, while Helen Hunt steals her man back. The effects are showing their age, but about a minute before the flying cow scene...they are driving down a lonely dirt road, no one around...scene cuts back to the cab of the truck...it's now a paved road, with a minivan going the other way, passing them. It took me exactly ONE viewing to catch that one. Nevertheless, the movie remains a guilty pleasure of mine. Mike
  8. I gave the book to my Dad for Father's Day this year. Dad's not a Bills fan (he doesn't really like football anymore, after years of rooting for the Redskins), but he likes Russert, and I knew he'd enjoy the book. Mike
  9. Um, no I've never heard of this expression. I think a bunch of boobs made it up. Mike
  10. Big win this afternoon at the Jake...Tribe still only 2 1/2 out of the wildcard, one back of the Yankees. Mike
  11. By nature, sports talk show hosts are generally weenies who couldn't even get onto their high school's teams. So by extension, most sports talk radio stations can become rather shrill quickly...program directors have an awful lot of time to fill between the commercials for beer and internet gambling. They do provide a valuable purpose, however...discussion of sports-related topics, even if many of their opinions are asinine. This is still America, where 300 million people hold 300 million opinions of everything from football to what brand of toothpaste they use. I'm just glad that we have the ability to speak out, despite political correctness. And also the ability to call out other people whose opinions are just plain stupid. I listen to WGR when I can pull it in on my car radio...it's the only Buffalo station I can get here in Cleveland. And when I disagree with the hosts, I change the station until the Bills updates come on. Mike
  13. Congratulations, Duey, Mrs. Duey and family! Mike
  14. I would like to thank the Academy, cablelady, and Alaska Darin for this award... Seriously, this board is a great place to be...to talk about everything from JP's footwork to "that friggin' abortion", to salutes to Hunter and Gus, to Bills football, to the problems of aging industrial cities, politics, and everything in between. I salute you all...GO BILLS!! Mike
  15. Uh, I won't let my 5 year old nephew see this. He loves seals. I even bought him a seal t-shirt (from Wales, of all places) for his birthday...found it on eBay. Mike
  16. Official injury report: "sprained unit due to all the internet porn" (oops, pron). Mike
  17. After an encounter with a bad batch of Retatta, right? Mike (note: there is no such thing as a GOOD batch of Retatta, so the above statement is thus redundant. Thank you.)
  18. I appreciate the compliment. Thank you. Mike
  19. LMAO!! Mike
  20. Oh. My. God. Between this and the first fourteen pages of the Retatta thread, I am sitting at my office computer laughing, and I'm sure the guy next door is wondering what the hell I'm laughing at. Today has been one funny, non-productive day for me. Thank God I'm self-employed. Mike
  21. Now be nice to Kirk. His wife's from Buffalo. I'm a devout Christian myself. Does that mean I'm a self-righteous hypocrite too? Mike
  22. Bastard. Beat me to it. Mike
  23. Please do. One more inmate at the asylum adds to the fun. Mike
  24. I think it's supposed to be Ralph going off on TD, but I'm not exactly sure... Mike
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