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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Anderson Cooper's mother is Gloria Vanderbilt. It's true...I wish I were joking. Mike
  2. The last time I was in Buffalo (last year), I saw signs for evacuation routes. I guess it (a storm as devastating as Katrina) is possible, but highly unlikely. The Blizzard of '77 was termed a "thousand-year storm". Mike
  3. Whatever Joe Six Pack says goes double for me. So call me "Mike 12 Pack" then... Mike
  4. There hasn't been this summer either. BTW, 8 more days until the Longhorns are ridden out of Columbus. Mike
  5. I heard the same thing on CNN when I woke up this morning. Mike
  6. Sex isn't a need...it's a desire that does NOT have to be acted upon. Or did you not see the commercials for "The 40 Year Old Virgin"? I think that the refugees aren't really concerned about shagging right now. Mike
  7. I don't believe that for a single minute. It doesn't matter WHO'S President...there are going to be people who are either left behind b/c they are without means to leave, and the stubborn who think it can't happen here, or that they will be safe. And all the Republicans would be blaming a President Kerry for not being quick enough in his response. A hurricane as strong as this is going to take lives...and unfortunately, this one will be the deadliest in American history. It shows us how fragile life really is, and how material things are really secondary. Mike
  8. If I knew then what I know now... Hindsight's always 20-20, and I regret this one now. Mike
  9. Dang, Jack, you beat me to it. Even though I won't be there...physically. Mike
  10. Thank you for noticing...I can't remember where I saw that quote. Rich Mullins...one of the best songwriters and most humble men ever. Mike
  11. I have heard that the 9th Ward is the lowest-lying area of New Orleans...so it is possible the water is that deep. Mike
  12. I stand corrected. If the lake DOESN'T freeze over, as it has not in all but one of the past several years (in this area), then it's still your enemy. Yes, the lake froze early...in 1976-77, Lake Erie froze over shoreline to shoreline for the first time in recorded history. Mike
  13. I'm not sure how many people are in the suburbs. Those who could afford to get out, did get out for the most part. Mike
  14. Lake Erie operates as a heat sink and as a natural air-conditioning unit. This time of year, it's your friend. In January, it's your enemy. I know...I live on the same lake. Mike
  15. Link My God...this gets worse almost by the minute. Mike
  16. Mayor says on GMA this morning (scroll down) All of this is just so shocking...we could be looking at January before people are allowed back into the city. I hope that natural gas lines have been turned off...we could be looking at fires breaking out all over New Orleans and its environs (I saw several on TV already, but they seem to be away from other buildings where it could spread easily.) I've already sent in my Red Cross donation...they simply need so much down there. Mike
  17. I like the fratting fart boys part...and I know plenty of Christians who tell fart jokes and think their flatulence is funny. I know, 'cause I'm one of them. So, how do we know Don Beebe didn't get his revenge on Favre and his world-class gastrointestinal powers the same way? Mike
  18. From a lawyer on the board. Ha. Ha. Ha. Mike
  19. Nick, you have two very good points there...we have the resources to rebuild here, and I'm sure the victims gratefully accept your condolences and prayers. I must give you my support and condolences for what happened in London...my brother has been there twice and worked near one of the subway stations where one of the explosions happened on 7/7. Fortunately, he was in the states on that date. Andy (my brother) was also at the PATH train station under the World Trade Center when the first plane hit on 9/11. Mike
  20. Heading to Houston I don't know if this link has been posted; I didn't see one. Also, for Red Cross donations and information, go here Mike
  21. We had quite a bit of rain in NE Ohio last night...the winds really picked up around midnight. I was at the office late last night and had to fight the wind and rain to get back to my car. We've had some flooding here...but miniscule compared to Louisiana and Mississippi. Mike
  22. This whole thing is horrible. The effects of this storm will be felt, longer and harder, than even 9/11. I said earlier we've effectively lost a major American city. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of others losing all they have. Biloxi and Gulfport are literally no more. It was mentioned earlier this morning that the people in the Superdome will be moved to Houston and the Astrodome once the waters recede a bit. One news article termed these persons "refugees". I never thought I'd see the word "refugees" referred to American citizens. Fortunately, we can and will rebuild. The United States will come together and help those who have lost everything. We need to put our petty differences aside, help, and give generously. Mike
  23. Ouch. You've got hundreds of thousands of people who have literally lost EVERYTHING. And there are those who are patronizing. I hope we come together as a result of this catastrophe...and treat our fellow human beings a bit better as well. For a while, we did that after 9/11, but we became callous and self-centered again. Mike
  24. How about Ilio DiPaolo's? How is the food there? Mike
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