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Posts posted by buckeyemike

  1. One of the birthers has Obama as not a Russian spy or a Chinese agent...but a secret agent of...


    get ready now...




    Um, this is so laughable, it reminds me of Belushi's line from Animal House about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor.


    Germans? Forget it, they're rolling. :lol:



    He has a birth certificate problem of his own-he was born on Mars!


    Already checked it, dude. It doesn't pass the smell test.


    And if Obama was really born in Kenya, Uganda, or Timbuktu, don't you think Hillary Clinton would have found it out while she was running for President against him???

  3. I don't know about Major Cook, but his attorney is bats--t crazy, according to this article. She got her law degree from an online school. I got my law degree from a real law school, and I passed the bar on the first try.


    Hey, I'm no great supporter of President Obama, but he's President. He is the Commander in Chief, and no amount of wishing otherwise is going to make it come to pass.


    I really wish the birthers would just come out and say what they really feel: they don't like President Obama because of his race and his liberal politics. Come on, birthers. Use the racial slurs we know you really, really want to use.


    And BTW, to the birthers, if on the one-in-a-billion chance you succeed, guess who becomes President:


    Joe Biden.


    I can't think of a worse fate. ((shudders))

  4. It DOES scare me. We have completely forgotten that health care isn't an entitlement.


    You know what the problem is with health care in this country? The problem is us.


    If we were really concerned about our health, we'd stop eating fried foods and eating too many of them.


    We would stop guzziling so much soda and alcohol, and drink water and other healthy drinks.


    We would quit puffing cigarettes, and we should at $4.50 a pack.


    We would quit doing dope and other drugs.


    We would quit having unprotected sex and bringing unwanted babies into the world.


    We would quit having unprotected sex while contracting deadly diseases, and blaming the world for not finding an instant cure, so we can go back to having unprotected sex with whomever the hell we wanted.


    Should I go on?

  5. I admit I don’t know much about it. I know that it will start in October with 4 teams. Each team plays a 6 game regular season and then there's a championship game. I heard that Versus will have the rights and all games will be in HD, with the games on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. That's about all I know.


    Maybe it's just my football withdrawal talking, but I'm intrigued. Might be fun rooting for some familiar has-beens and potential might-yet-be's. I'll be rooting for Losman if he's the guy for Vegas. What does everyone else think?


    Only four teams? I thought there were six.


    My guess is the four are LA, SF, New York, and Vegas.

  6. They'll probably trace the sight of the failure back to a previous repair or possibly even something that happened when the plane was being built.


    Every time the plane pressurizes/de-pressurizes it weakens a spot like that till it finally fails. When it pops it's definately an attention getter but generally the pilot just descends to 10,000' and looks for an apporoved landing site.


    And the closest suitable airport was probably Charleston, but as the post before mine shows, it's not the easiest place in the world to land a jet, even a 737. I've driven on the highway below it...there's about a 350 foot dropoff from the end of the main runway.

  7. For explaining that to you...I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!!!!


    My little brother got his arm stuck in the microwave. So my mom had to take him to the hospital. My grandma dropped acid this morning, and she freaked out. She hijacked a busload of penguins. So it's sort of a family crisis. Bye!

  8. I read the ESPN article when it came out and thought to myself, "the crap's gonna hit the fan with Lenny".


    Sure enough, it seems to have started.


    How in the world could anyone take advice from Lenny Freakin' Dykstra? I remember watching him as a Met and how he played with such abandon. He was actually my favorite Mets player, because he was no bigger than I was. But, if you ever listened to him in interviews (even then), it was obvious he had a five-cent head.

  9. Caddyshack made a lot of money for Rodney. He was a successful comedian but Caddyshack made him a star and opened the door for him being a leading man in comedies.


    BTW, his stores were tall and fat;


    Thornton Melon: [television commercial] Hi there. Are you a large person? Pleasantly plump? A little on the hefty side, perhaps? Well, let's face it: Are you FAT? When you go jogging, do you leave pot-holes? When you make love, do you have to give directions? At the zoo, do the elephants throw YOU peanuts? Do you look at a menu and say 'OK'? Well, now, you can eat all you want, because at Thornton Melon's "Tall & Fat" stores, we've got you covered. That's right. Fine woolen, and woolen-blend suits and sport coats, in all the larger sizes - husky, stout, extra-stout, and the new Hindenburg line. And for you ladies we have caftans, muumuus, and our own exclusive A-frame in all colors and patterns. Yes, we have miles and miles of fabric. So take it from me, Thornton Melon, if you want to look thin, you hang out with fat people.


    That's the role Rodney was born to play. I can't imagine anyone else being Thornton Melon, and Rodney's completely likable in Back to School.

  10. Good clip. I know there are movies I've watched where I still see the actor as not their character, but as other characters they have played.


    The best example of this is Eddie Murphy in the two Nutty Professor movies. You actually forget it's Eddie playing all of those roles, especially those of his parents.


    Mama Klump (talking to Sherman as he's leaving): "Cletus! The dogs got into the garbage again!"

    Cletus Klump (off screen): "Well, shoot the damn dogs!"


    I don't know why, but that sequence in the first Nutty Professor makes me laugh every single time. :)

  11. Not from behind? I'm calling you out on that. It's hard to tell how old a girl/woman is from behind (and sometimes from the front, too).


    This is how 40 year old guys who still chase tail get into trouble. :)


    I'm 40, married, and haven't chased for over a decade, but I've noticed how much better women in their 40s have looked to me than ever before.

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