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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Here's the Jim Nantz (note spelling) we're looking for. He is from New Jersey, and went to the University of Houston. Mike
  2. Uh, no. That Jim Nance passed away thirteen years ago. Mike
  3. OK...so what? So what if Jim Nance picked the Texans? He's from Houston. The Texans are improving, and will probably make it a close game (I said 21-16 Bills in another thread). So what if J.P. comes off as cocky in the locker room? If he is the next coming of Jim Kelly, no one will say anything about this in two years. I remember Kelly being pretty cocky too...but he evolved into a great QB and team leader. Mike
  4. This is a terrific post, SB12. I'll give an example: For many years, I HATED the Pittsburgh Steelers with a passion. Still do, especially that they knocked the Bills out of a playoff spot last year. I worked up a LOT of hate over the Steelers...anything black and gold still sickens me to this day. I don't even watch Iowa Hawkeyes games for that reason. But I never remember questioning Neil O'Donnell's sexuality, or whether the refs moved the ball forward just enough so the Bus could get another first down. It's that the Steelers have been winners for most of the last 35 years, and the Browns, frankly, have sucked for much of that time. So, I know how you feel. You feel that Tom Brady gets all the press run and the People/Us Magazine coverage that J.P. deserves. Or that the media forget how bad a coach Belichick was in Cleveland. Or the "just give it to them" game. It was seven years ago, but since nary a day went by for about 10 years without me thinking about the 1986 AFC Championship Game ("The Drive"), I can't blame you for that one. Remember, we're Bills fans. The best thing we as Bills fans can say is we apologize to no one, and either accept us as we are or go screw yourselves. Mike
  5. I have it on tape already. Mike
  6. And I have tickets to Game 4. Guess I'm out of luck if the Bisons win tonight. Mike
  7. Sorry, I violated the rules and did not sufficiently gloss this as a LAMP. But really, aren't most posts LAMPS? Mike
  8. This may be an unpopular view on this board, but the refs don't favor one team over another. Well, except for the "just give it to them" game. The referees SUCK EVERYWHERE. The problem is that the NFL refuses to hire full-time officials like every other sport. It is obvious that the quality of officiating has gone way downhill since Tagliabue was made commissioner...or when Ben Dreith retired. All these NFL refs have other jobs other than what they do at a football game, whatever the hell that is. Remember the crowd in Cleveland throwing bottles and other debris on the field after that replay call one play too late a few years back? It's not just you, Buffalo. But I honestly don't think that they're giving the Pats every call. New England has proven that they're a damn good football team. They don't need the help of the refs. Mike
  9. It's so good to hear back from you, CBB. All the best to you, your family, and friends, as they begin to recover. The TBD family is intact...praise God for that!!! Mike
  10. Texans make it close, but Bills pull it out, 21-16. Mike
  11. Let's see the itinerary: Friday: Twins - Indians at the Jake. Saturday: I will be leaving for Niagara Falls. Twins - Indians at the Jake. Buckeyes - Longhorns from the Shoe. (Hang On Sloopy. Sloopy Hang On.) Personal appearance at Game 4 of the Bisons-Indy playoff series @ Dunn Tire Park (if necessary...Bisons up 2-0 in series). My wife, the lovely and talented Kimberly loves baseball, but can barely tolerate football. I'm training her on the Bills, however. Sunday: Bills - Texans at RWS Twins - Indians at the Jake (Sunday night ESPN2 game) Monday: The Oakland A's come to Cleveland... I'm on vacation after today until next Thursday. GO TRIBE! GO BUCKS! (da da da da, da da da da, GO BUCKS!) GO BILLS! Mike
  12. Everybody whines when things don't go their way. If nothing else, being on this board has taught me that. Do you expect people from Detroit being happy about it? No, but they cover it up by denigrating everyone else. I've known people from Detroit who make fun of Cleveland. Pot, meet kettle. Mike
  13. I'm feeling good, thanks for asking. I'm still on meds, but my gastro doctor doesn't think I have Crohn's after all. He thinks it may have been a viral infection that attacked my small intestine. I will be with you there in spirit...if I took my wife to the Ralph on our anniversary, she'd probably divorce me. Mike
  14. Nick knows from whence he speaks. I like Holcomb personally, but PLEASE don't pin your Super Bowl hopes on him. Mike
  15. Good God. The number of dead from Katrina may approach five figures, and (if this report is true) the NFL is concerned with their image. I guess the worship of cash by the league's powers-that-be trumps all. Can you say Los Angeles Saints? Screw Tagliabue. Mike
  16. Is there a retatta plate on the menu? Mike
  17. Oooh...my stomach hurts just thinking about it. Mike
  18. He went to join the Skipper and the Howells in that Big Island in the Sky. RIP Gilligan. Mike
  19. LMAO! I watched a little of the first half of last night's Retatta Bowl...since I don't like either team, I turned the game off at halftime. It seems like I didn't miss much...hence, the dubbing of the game the "Retatta Bowl". Mike
  20. That article was just as good as any Blue Friday. Mike
  21. My guess is, the next Sugar Bowl or two will be held at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge. Mike
  22. It's the New York Giants. Right about now, they need all the help they can get. Mike
  23. Apparently, he was p!$$@d that those girls didn't lift their shirts for HIM. Mike
  24. Let's not start the Monthly Western New York Inferiority Complex Jamboree again. Let me say this loud and clear: NO ONE IS OUT TO SCREW BILLS FANS. Mike
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