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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Just because someone stands up in front of an audience and tells jokes doesn't mean their funny. Or a comedian. I keep wondering who in the world Dane Cook has pictures of. Dude is the most unfunny douche on the planet.
  2. And it's from Ohio University. Considering that OU was recently named the #5 party school in America, I can't say that I'm surprised.
  3. Green jelly should not be used as a contraceptive.
  4. Because the arguments most of them are using point in that direction. They say he was born in Kenya, which of course is in Africa. He had a black father and a white mother, which I think p!$$e$ off a lot of people, still in this day and age. Somehow, their argument is that black people are supposed to be kept down. I don't get it.
  5. Apparently it gets awful cold and lonely during those Tennessee winters...
  6. Albany is correct. I've said as much on this board. I wish just one of them would slip with the n-word. Just one. And it would be the conservative racists in this case. The liberal ones are too busy right now.
  7. I am so damn sick of this already. You know what? I didn't have an actual copy of my birth certificate until I was 36 years old and was going to Canada. I thought I should have one. Guess I wasn't really born until I got the certificate from the Washington DC Office of Vital Statistics in 2005.
  8. I was hospitalized four years ago with what was thought to be Crohn's. However, my gastro doctor has told me that he thinks I don't have Crohn's, and it may have been a one-time thing. For the record, I was 35 at the time of my hospitalization.
  9. At the rate the Stones are going, they will be touring when they are 75...and that's only about 10 years away.
  10. Took me a minute to get the Quebec reference, but I finally got it.
  11. Turned it on just as Wise made the catch...WOW! Even though I hate the White Sox, it's still a good thing to see. Anyone else notice how fast Buehrle was pitching in the 9th? He's fast under normal circumstances, but in the ninth, it seemed like he was taking the throw from the catcher, stepping on the rubber, and winding up in the span of about five seconds.
  12. And here's my pick: Liz Claman, Fox Business Channel. She was on a Columbus TV station for a few years when I was in college and then, much to my delight, she moved to Cleveland in the mid-1990s. By now, she's probably 46-47. The other one I really like that hasn't been mentioned is Erin Burnett of CNBC.
  13. Prayers to you. I lost my last grandparent (Grandma) in 2004, so I know what you're going through.
  14. Oh, our old future. August 29, 1997...my second date with (my future wife) Kim, and our first as boyfriend/girlfriend. That's why everytime I see that scene in T2, I laugh.
  15. And I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I'm not into voyeurism. First of all, it's a crime. Secondly, it isn't right. Miss Andrews strikes me as the type of person I would not want to spend a whole lot of time with, despite her beauty. I've heard stories that she's rather nasty to ESPN staff. But, she does not deserve to be spied on like this.
  16. I briefly mentioned it in my post about the Bachelorette. IMO, that's all it deserves.
  17. America does like voyeurism, though. It's why thousands of horny guys are ruining their computers to get a look at the Erin Andrews naked video. And BTW, that's not college-style hijinks. Whoever filmed that video committed a serious crime...if it wasn't set up (and I believe it wasn't).
  18. No. I don't need to know who the guy's sleeping with either.
  19. I can honestly say I've never watched this show even in passing. If I'm channel surfing and see it on, usually I run screaming from the room. But I was watching The Soup on E last night and saw something from this show that I have to comment on. The girl on the show, Jillian, looks like a younger Patricia Heaton, which isn't bad at all. Problem is, she's a tramp of world-class proportions. According to The Soup, she allegedly slept with two of the contestants on the show in a 48 hour period. Then, she tries to get with another guy on the show, named Ed. The show has the two of them making out in bed, but apparently, Ed suffers a, shall we say, moment where a small blue pill is needed. So let me get this straight, we have a show which is one step away from pr0n, and it's shown in prime time? And it's not even basic cable? I'm not a prude, but this strikes me as wrong to see this on television. I really do not want to see two people in the beginning of the throes of passion...especially when one of them is a slut. And Ed wonders why he can't perform, since there are apparently a whole lot of technicians, camera operators, and probably a producer or two in the room with them. American television is really suffering right now...and these networks wonder why everyone has cable, DVDs, and iTunes. Your ratings are down because we don't want to watch crap. This is one reason why I love The Soup, because it really takes these reality and talk shows down a couple of pegs. /rant off
  20. Cink just tied Watson, but he's finished his round.
  21. Three-way tie at -3...and Watson's among the three, through 11 holes. The others are Lee Westwood and Matthew Goggin.
  22. Which two? I've been in the club lounges in Cleveland, and I'm not a huge fan of these areas either, BTW.
  23. Lambeau Field - renovated 2003 cost $295 million market Green Bay Former Packers CEO Bob Harlan estimates that the renovation would be in the $600 million range now, and there's no way in the world the Packers could do it today. They got in just under the wire, and many believe that Lambeau Field is the best NFL stadium, including me.
  24. They still run that promo at intermission at the Autorama Drive In in North Ridgeville, Ohio. I know, because the last time I was there (last summer) they ran it. They've been running it as long as I've been going there, since about 2000. My wife and I have had a running joke for years about the wiener, bun, and what it represents. :thumbsup:
  25. Watson grew up in the Kansas City area, and Kansas City's weather is not great for golf much of the year. That's a big reason why Tom Watson has done so well at the British Open. He's the best bad weather golfer ever. A friend of mine posted on my Facebook page yesterday wondering if he had accidentally travelled back in time to 1979.
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