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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. The Rolling Stones. The NFL has missed an opportunity here. Since the game's in Detroit, why not a salute to Motown? With Aretha and Smokey? That might be the best halftime show ever...if it came to pass. I posted such nearly a year ago. Mike
  2. God, that picture's funny. Mike
  3. Nothing p!$$e$ me off more than a Republican taking bribes for government favors. The reason is because I am a Republican and expect far more out of my party than that. I thought that the entire reason to get into governmental service was to help people and make the world a better place, not to enrich yourself at the government trough and have access to contracts and cash you and I will never have. That's why those laws are in place. This Cunningham guy deserves whatever federal prosecutors throw at him. Mike
  4. The main eligibility requirement is 25 years after the first recording. Of the four you listed, Metallica is eligible first (maybe in the next two or three years). The others are eligible in about seven to nine years. Mike
  5. Play Freebird! Seriously, it's been said that the Rock Hall has only inducted Friends of Jann Werner. So maybe that's why Black Sabbath and Rush aren't in. Mike
  6. I'm almost willing to give Michael Irvin the benefit of the doubt. Almost. The problem I have is that he has priors. Either he fell off the wagon, or he needs to have a better class of friends. Gee, my friends generally don't leave bongs and pipes in my car. Mike
  7. Black Sabbath has been nominated something like eight times and still isn't in. I'm not sure Alice Cooper has even been nominated (and that's a shame). Anyone here ever been to the Rock Hall? I've been there twice...some say it's overrated, but I find it very fascinating and have considered joining so I can get cheap admission. Mike
  8. Massillon Tigers to play for state title. If you have ever seen the well-made documentary "Go Tigers!" a few years back about the Massillon Tigers of Massillon Washington High School, you will know what this means to the town of 30,000, sixty miles south of Cleveland and seven miles west of Canton. The town is blue-collar, and has suffered with closures in recent years, especially in the steel industry. The point of pride, now more than ever, seems to be the Tigers. How many high school fields have a video scoreboard? How many towns put high school athletes first and foremost? The Tigers play Cincinnati St. Xavier for the state Division I (big-school) title in Canton Saturday night. If Massillon wins, it's their first state title since 1970 and the first under the playoff system Ohio has had in place since the early 1970's. Mike
  9. You couldn't make this crap up. Mike
  10. I'm sorry to say that you may be right. Kelly Holcomb's a decent individual, but he's starting to suffer from Brian Sipe Syndrome...too many concussions. I've never been real impressed with his playmaking ability anyway. Mike
  11. I hate to say I told you so... Mike
  12. Peter Jackson's "King Kong" Review in Newsweek. It sounds fantastic...a visual feast. And I noticed in the commercials that the movie apparently takes place at the time of the original in 1933. I first saw the original "King Kong" on Thanksgiving 1977 on local TV (the PBS station here in Cleveland aired it in the evening that day). I was eight years old at the time. I watched it with my Dad, and I actually felt sad for the ape at the end. I have loved the original ever since. Notice that I have posted a "Spoiler Alert"...I learned the last time from this topic six months ago. Mike
  13. Just tailgate and have fun today. I don't think too many of us are expecting a Bills victory. If the Bills win, hey, it's something extra to a day of football watching, not to mention food and imbibing for most of you. Mike
  14. Thanks UConn! WVU Clinches! Looks like the Mountaineers are headed to the Sugar Bowl. Mike
  15. Exactly. In fact, I'm the Legal Counsel. Mike
  16. I did, right away. I'm old enough to remember that concert. Mike
  17. Academy Award nominee for The Karate Kid (Best Supporting Actor) in 1984. But to me, he's still Arnold. RIP, Pat Morita. Mike
  18. Some thoughts on last night's 45-13 victory by West Virginia. -- WVU must have an excellent offensive line...451 yards rushing? I don't think even Nebraska in their glory days did that very often. TD ought to draft several members of the Mountaineer offensive line. -- Pat White, the freshman QB who took over for the injured Adam Bednarik, ran for 220 yards himself, setting a WVU QB rushing record. I've never seen a quarterback run for over 200 yards in a game before. -- The fans. West Virginia is an often maligned state, for everything from being poorer than say, New York, to the kids in Morgantown that burn couches everytime the Mountaineers win. I saw that there were still a lot of people in the stadium when the final gun sounded, even though the game had been decided late in the third quarter and the wind chill was plunging near zero. One tradition WVU fans do at the end of games is sing "Country Roads" by the late John Denver, so I would think most of the fans who stayed wanted to do that at the end of the "Backyard Brawl". Next year, the Mountaineers and the Marshall Thundering Herd start an in-state seven year series. Most West Virginians are fans of both teams, so it will be really interesting to see how this series splits the state. -- With the dominating win, WVU must beat South Florida in a hurricane-rescheduled game next Saturday in Tampa to clinch the BCS birth. Unless the Husky fans on the board can cheer UConn to victory this week over USF. GO MOUNTAINEERS!! Mike
  19. It's a Bob Marley song. I forget the title. Mike
  20. A little bit on the Backyard Brawl from ESPN.com. Mike
  21. Hmm...worth analyzing. They did lose to Nebraska and OU (that's Ohio University, not the Boys from Norman) earlier this season, but have won four of their last five. They call this one the "Backyard Brawl" for a reason. The underdog has won each of the last two years. I haven't seen the line, but I'm sure the Mountaineers are heavily favored. Mike
  22. Exhibit 1-A to stay off the porn/gambling sites and stay here. Thanks for making me laugh my @$$ off today. Even if you ARE a Freakin' Fish Fan. Mike
  23. I'm only a few years older than you (36) and I don't even claim to know how to read a woman. Actually, I've read a little bit about Danica and I didn't think there was anything horrible about her. That said, she's not my type. I don't think I would be happy if my wife/girlfriend was risking her life on a racetrack six months out of the year. Some women are headcases...Paris Hilton being the most extreme example. I've dated some in the past (my wife isn't, BTW). It doesn't matter a hill of beans to me if Danica Patrick's a nutcase or not. I'm neither with her nor obsessed with her. You're right, you should stay away from women like that. Mike
  24. Thanksgiving was supposed to be a fast, not a feast. The Real Story of the First Thanksgiving By Benjamin Franklin (1785) “There is a tradition that in the planting of New England, the first settlers met with many difficulties and hardships, as is generally the case when a civiliz’d people attempt to establish themselves in a wilderness country. Being so piously dispos’d, they sought relief from heaven by laying their wants and distresses before the Lord in frequent set days of fasting and prayer. Constant meditation and discourse on these subjects kept their minds gloomy and discontented, and like the children of Israel there were many dispos’d to return to the Egypt which persecution had induc’d them to abandon. “At length, when it was proposed in the Assembly to proclaim another fast, a farmer of plain sense rose and remark’d that the inconveniences they suffer’d, and concerning which they had so often weary’d heaven with their complaints, were not so great as they might have expected, and were diminishing every day as the colony strengthen’d; that the earth began to reward their labour and furnish liberally for their subsistence; that their seas and rivers were full of fish, the air sweet, the climate healthy, and above all, they were in the full enjoyment of liberty, civil and religious. “He therefore thought that reflecting and conversing on these subjects would be more comfortable and lead more to make them contented with their situation; and that it would be more becoming the gratitude they ow’d to the divine being, if instead of a fast they should proclaim a thanksgiving. His advice was taken, and from that day to this, they have in every year observ’d circumstances of public felicity sufficient to furnish employment for a Thanksgiving Day, which is therefore constantly ordered and religiously observed.” What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving Day 2005? For a humorous take, see my sig line. Mike
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