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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. From what I've read about the Bermuda Triangle, it has about the average number of disappearances for an ocean area its size. The first disappearance under the BT legend was of the five Navy Avengers in 1945 (sixty years on 12/5, and better known as "Flight 19"). One air traffic controller and private pilot said about 20 years ago that the squadron leader, thinking he was over the Florida Keys, may have turned north out into the ocean over Walker's Cay, which is an island off Florida's East Coast with no other islands around it. The story I've heard is that the flight compass and all other directional equipment malfunctioned and that the squadron leader really had no idea where he was. I do not believe the pilots were taken by aliens or anything like that. The above theory is one of the most plausible toward this disappearance I've heard. Mike
  2. Go to Orchard Park and ask Sam yourself. I HATED Sam Wyche when he coached the Bengals. Now I like him. Go figure. Mike
  3. I thought Scientologists were opposed to all forms of mediation. You know, since they sue everybody who criticizes them. Jeff used the phrase "banging the hell out of Katie Holmes". That's funny, because I'm pretty sure 95% of the guys on this board would like to do the same thing. Mike
  4. Two "Lost" stars charged with DUI in Hawaii. Bad news for both of the Ana Lucia fans: she's one of them. Mike
  5. I vote for Katie from Eden. I don't think anyone else has mentioned her. Read her bio -- not only is she cute, but she's been going to Bills games since age 5 and wears a Takeo jersey. She also won't date anyone who's a Holcomb fan, for all the single guys on the board. Mike
  6. New Review from the UK's London Daily Mail. Mike
  7. Wow. What a game that was last night. The Zips and their kangaroo mascot (Zippy) are headed to the Motor City Bowl on December 26 after the 31-30 come from behind win over Northern Illinois. Link to Akron Beacon Journal. There's more than one story there. New slogan? Fear The Roo. I've always liked the Akron Zips...the U of Akron was the first to accept me into law school (I wound up at Cleveland State), so that means a lot to me. Mike
  8. Actually, George Steinbrenner grew up in Bay Village and went to a military school in Indiana. Bay Village is the next town west of Rocky River and is most famous for the Marilyn Shepard murder (her husband Dr. Sam Shepard was convicted and later successfully appealed..."The Fugitive" is very loosely based on the murder). OK, question for you...how would the Rocky River sound? Mike
  9. Thanks Lori. You are one of the smartest people on this board. (OK, enough brownnosing...) Mike
  10. 17 more words I never hope to hear: "The Steelers go to the Super Bowl after beating the Browns and Buffalo Bills in the playoffs." Mike
  11. Linky to article in Cleveland Free Times re: Making of the Movie. Much of the movie was filmed in Cleveland in 1983. I was in junior high school at the time and remember that they filmed the scenes in Higbee's and on Public Square in February, but there was no snow on the ground that night! Higbee's, by the way, was a real local department store chain, since taken over by Dillard's. The Higbee's on Public Square, at one time, was managed by my sister-in-law's father. The store closed (as Dillard's) in 2000 and is still vacant, but I understand there is a "Chistmas Story" display in one of the front windows this holiday season. The house is in the Tremont neighborhood in Cleveland on West 11th Street. A guy from California bought the house on eBay last year for $150,000.00 and plans to turn it into a "Christmas Story" gift shop and possibly a museum. Just a little trivia... Mike
  12. And why do you think I'm here? Mike
  13. I've heard of Madonna, Jamie Foxx, and Kelly Clarkson. Other than that, who are those people? Mike
  14. Oh. My. God. The cat food blast was totally uncalled for...and funny as hell. Mike
  15. Van Halen and Yes are also eligible for the Rock Hall. Neither is in there...yet. Mike
  16. The line I've heard the penguin has is: Just fix the damn thing and leave my personal life out of this. Mike
  17. I have a life beyond the Wall, you know... Mike
  19. Damn. I know you were just yanking my chain. Mike
  20. Let's give Brown the benefit of the doubt before we trash him. Mayor of Buffalo's a helluva tough job. I sure wouldn't want it. Mike
  21. I'm not naive. I guess I just expect more out of people. Maybe I shouldn't, but dammit, I'm an attorney with access to accounts that belong to other people. Unless I get permission, or a bill of theirs needs to be paid, I DON'T TOUCH THEM. Period. Mike
  22. I LIKE it!! The Retatta thread ran twenty-nine flippin' pages. It may be the single funniest thing I've ever read on the Internet. And it took me four days to read it all! Mike
  23. Mmmm...Ilio's. Some of the best Italian food ever. Mike
  24. I remember David Letterman doing a Top Ten List for the names of the Stones' next tour. #1 -- "Grumpy Old Men". Mike
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