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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Writing is a lost art. Today it's all sex jokes and potty humor. A sly sex joke or double entendre is OK...but only every once in a while. Today, we're getting pounded over the head with them, especially on these horrid sitcoms, like the Heather Graham one. BTW, Heather Graham's career has gone steadily downhill since "Boogie Nights". It hasn't helped that she basically traded a Catholic upbringing for a lifestyle that will have her doing third-rate porn on Skinemax by the end of 2009. (and yes, I stole that from Bill Simmons, so sue me.) Mike
  2. I wonder if San Francisco will adopt Key West as their sister city. 583464[/snapback] Hmm..."San Francisco" and "sister" in the same sentence? Mike
  3. Oh, well...there's always my Buckeyes! Mike
  4. Over the past 13 months, the Pittsburgh Steelers have effectively ruined me as a fan in the NFL. 1) Beating the Bills to knock them out of a wildcard last January. 2) Beating the Browns in Pittsburgh in October. 3) Laying waste to the Browns in Cleveland, 41-0 on Christmas Eve. 4) Winning three straight playoff games on the road to reach the Super Bowl. I guess I'll be rooting for the Seahawks in the Super Bowl. That said, the Steelers are an EXTREMELY well-run organization, that drafts well, coaches well, and signs the players they need to have. Gee...no wonder I hate them. Mike
  5. Exactly...how can this be worse than having Bruce Mathison as a starting quarterback??? People have short memories...the mid-80s was the worst period for the franchise. Today isn't even close to what it was like then. Mike
  6. How the heck could this be lower than the back-to-back 2-14s? Mike
  7. Actually, I thought the fashion here was pretty unique. Mike
  8. No. The first one's worse. According to Bill Simmons, the best yearbook quote of all time was from a friend of his. It reads as follows: " ". -- Mark Bavaro. Mike
  9. Saw a little bit of Rush Friday night...I know that there are some here who believe that Rush is the best band in the world...and others who wanna know what the first group is smoking. I always thought that Rush belongs in the Rock Hall, but it seems people either love or hate this band...BTW, R30 is now available on DVD. Mike
  10. No...IIRC, it's the Cowboys. Mike
  11. Polamalu did intercept that ball. I was shocked when it was overturned. Despite the fact that I hate the Steelers, it was the wrong call. Mike
  12. No. Cowher did exactly what he should have done. Ninety-nine times out of 100, Bettis scores on that play from 2 yards out. Unfortunately, Big Ben tackled Harper...if Harper gets by him, we're talking about maybe the biggest playoff collapse since The Comeback. Mike
  13. And that's why Jim Tressel's staying in Columbus. Mike
  14. There's a new forum I don't know about? Mike
  15. IMO, MM HAD to resign. He obviously saw himself as the odd man out, and the last holdover of TD's (except Modrak...maybe). Nevertheless, I was surprised by the timing of it. Listen, we have no idea what's going to happen here. Marv's a bright guy, but the guys on Sirius NFL radio this AM were wondering if he and Mr. Wilson were a) senile, or b) had lost their minds. I would like to see Jim Haslett come in here, but I have my reservations about him. The Saints always underachieved with Haslett, so that would probably be a wash, compared with recent seasons in Buffalo. However, Jim Haslett managed to keep that team fairly intact, facing obstacles no team in the 85 year history of the NFL has had to face. Many on this board got what they wanted with the housecleaning...now we need to see if there will be success or complete unmitigated disaster. And I'm seeing both predictions here. The pat answer? I don't know what will happen...and neither do any of you. Mike
  16. You guys have way too much time on your hands. PFFT!! Mike
  17. Odds are it's a home game. The Bills have opened at home, I believe, it's each of the past six seasons. Mike
  18. And who's Number 1? Of course. The Cleveland Browns. Mike
  19. I remember this game, in fact this entire weekend, all too well. I was a senior in high school, and the entire Cleveland area was going nuts over the Browns. It started about Thursday and built up through Friday and Saturday, reaching a crescendo about 3:45 Sunday afternoon...and then it was all taken away. Hard to believe it's been 19 years. Screw you, ESPN. Mike
  20. Hmmm...somebody e-mail Howard Stern. Mike
  21. I don't believe that's been on yet. I was curious, so I listened a little bit off and on this morning. Mike
  22. Ah, the wonders of silicone...especially on the second pic! Mike
  23. Whatever happened to the long-winded Mr. Brady anyway? Mike
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