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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Hmmm...interesting point about whether or not I went through this again. I'm still a Bills fan, but from now on they are second to the Browns. There, I said it. And it's important to have faith, you're right. I don't think a Bills move is inevitable, and I've said as much here the last couple of years, but I need to prepare myself in case it does happen. Mike
  2. I have no idea what will happen to the Buffalo Bills...eventually. But I already went through this once before, and I'm not going through it again. At least I don't have to worry about my formerly (and from hereon in, currently) beloved Browns moving. You will still see me here occasionally, and especially on the baseball board, but I am now wondering if the NFL really wants Buffalo around. Here are the facts: -- the Bills have failed to sell out only two of their last 24 home games. -- the Bills continue to average over 68,000 fans per game the past three years. -- the Bills have an owner who is now no longer promising to keep the team in WNY. -- the rest of the NFL has owners who don't really give a rat's rump about the smaller-market franchises. This doesn't bode well for Buffalo, Jacksonville, and even Cincinnati (Green Bay excepted). -- the other NFL owners worship at the altar of greed and Squeezing The Last Remaining Dollar. -- no wonder I like baseball and golf better. -- I already posted something similar to this topic back in December. I still feel the same way. In no way am I leaving this board. So, I will be around here from time to time. And should, God forbid, what Gleason calls "the inevitable" happen, I will be here to help commisserate. But it hurt too much the first time. I can't subject myself to that again. Mike
  3. Actually, Ravenna is more a suburb of Akron. It's the county seat of Portage County, near Kent State University. It's about an hour from where I live. This is the first I've heard of this story...I don't remember seeing it in the local papers or on TV. This was a stupid prank...but don't throw the book at these kids and ruin the rest of their lives. Have them do things like volunteer work at the local hospital, or help out underprivileged kids. Something they wouldn't think to do themselves that might be a bit more productive than jail. These kids aren't too old to learn that the world doesn't revolve around themselves. Mike
  4. I never saw MI2 either...the first one lost me after about 10 minutes, so I never saw the second one. It doesn't sound like I'm missing much. Mike
  5. That's why it's called "March Madness", my friends. Mike
  6. I watched the entire episode of South Park last night. First time in probably six years. All I have to say is "Wow". It will be interesting to see what will happen...maybe litigation? The names weren't "John Smith" and "Jane Smith" on the end credits this time. I'll be in Clearwater this weekend...I'll see if any Scientologists are foaming at the mouth. Mike
  7. Her resemblance to a certain porn star is uncanny -- and she's a WVU fan to boot! I call her Jenna J. Mountaineer. Mike
  8. Any magazine that would have me on their cover is one I don't wanna read. Mike
  9. We have no kids. Just the two of us. Adventure Island also sounds like a lot of fun. Mike
  10. BTW, my brother and sister-in-law looked into a Cold Stone franchise. Ultimately, they couldn't afford it, but they loved the product. I'm into frozen custard from Rosati's myself. Love the Higbee's Chocolate Malt...that's my favorite. They're supposed to have Bailey's Irish Cream flavor this Friday. Mike
  11. I remember that well. I was 15 years old and summer vacation had just begun, when the Larson shows aired...and the fact that he figured out the board came out. I don't believe it was a scam, but he really pulled one on the producers and on CBS. It made a game show that might have been forgotten, memorable. RIP, Peter. Mike
  12. I'm in too...got my picks done already. But as always...NO wagering. Mike
  13. Anyone here been to Cypress Gardens in Winter Haven, Florida since they reopened last year? I hear they have new rides and a small water park included in the admission price. We will be staying in Tampa, near Busch Gardens, but it seems awfully expensive ($57.95 to get in). Are there discount tix available to either park? Inquiring minds wanna know, for we will probably get tired of the beach. And no, I'm staying away from the Disney parks. Mike
  14. I know many here refer to him as "Fat Ted". And he is a big guy. Is he a good team player? Or is he one of those who the fans will turn on? To be honest, I don't remember what happened with him in Buffalo. Was he purged for salary cap reasons? With the Bentley/Jurevicius et al. signings, the Browns seem determined to score big in free agency this winter. Savage and Crennel are obviously striking when the iron is hot, and they were nearly 40 million under the new cap. I also heard a report they were going to try for Arrington and McGuinest (sp?), but that seems to have petered out. Thoughts on Ted? Mike
  15. Dang. Now everyone here knows where I've been trolling lately. Actually, I've never even heard of "DawgBones" before. I'm wondering if that's really Hanford Dixon posting. But you gotta love the sign Chad Johnson's allegedly holding up. With all the signings, the Browns are really improving themselves. Mike
  16. Just thank God for small favors... Mike
  17. Excellent point...I'm sure there's some maneuvering behind the scenes as we speak. Mike
  18. Hey, I have Second String on DVD...I found it in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart about a year ago. And, from the looks of things, I'm about the only one here who owns a copy. It isn't even a GOOD bad movie, like those you saw on MST3K. It's just plain bad. Mike
  19. How the heck did the Turk miss me? He apparently thought I'd been traded to the Browns board already. Mike
  20. My brother's still a big Browns fan. He plans to raise his son that way. Mike
  21. Linky to some pics of Baby Brian...one week old today. I saw him in the hospital last Saturday night...what a cute little guy. Mike
  22. Brian Andrew Murphy came into the world in Lakewood, Ohio last night at 6:10 PM. He's already been nicknamed Bam-bam by my brother, Andy. Mother (my sister-in-law) and child are doing fine. I will see them later this afternoon. My wife and I have no children yet, so this is the first grandchild in the family. Thank God for a healthy happy baby boy! Mike
  23. Sure enough, my name was mentioned a few minutes ago. Thanks Alan and Sirius! Mike
  24. You mean of Sirius radios? Mike
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