Uh, if you had to live in 125 degree heat all the time with the sun beating down on you and sand as far as the eye can see, you'd be pissed most of the time too.
I'm not gonna tick off any Muslims on this board (estimate, plus or minus 3 = 0), so I won't state my opinion here. But, I have always thought that one reason for the problems in the Middle East is because it's one of the largest pieces of godforsaken real estate in the world...and the people who live there know that.
Also, they want to take away the land from the Jews in Israel...they make the desert "bloom and rejoice" (a fulfilled prophecy from the Book of Isaiah) and now, the Palestinians want it...the fact that they didn't do anything with it for the 900 years they owned it notwithstanding.
This is just a small piece of the land that is no longer godforsaken. It's interesting how many of the problems in the Middle East can be traced back to an area of land smaller than Connecticut.