I've been listening to the Blue Collar Comedy channel on Sirius since it started up a few weeks ago. They play a lot of Larry, Foxworthy, and Bill Engvall.
Personally, I think Larry's one of the funniest guy's out there. I know that the accent wears thin after a while, but he rails against the PC crowd and seems to have lots of fun while doing so.
Such as:
"Ever look at that blue states-red states map crap? If ya took out five major cities, that map would be redder than Ted Kennedy's eyes after 8 P.M. on...pick a day."
"I don't want to act un-Christian when I say this, but all cell phone salesmen should burn in hell and the whole time they're burning they should be gettin' their @$$e$ rammed with the wood end of a pitchfork while the devil screams "Can ya hear me NOW!?!?"
Here are some things in Larry's book which he says are true:
1. I actually wrecked my truck to get the insurance money to make my truck payment. This usually only works twice, until they catch on that you might be a deadbeat.
2. If ya ever rent a car and try and cheat on the mileage, don't use Wite-Out. They got that deal figured out.
3. Don't ever get a vasectomy at a kiosk.
4. Have ya ever gotten so drunk that ya dreamt ya drank the world's largest margarita? Then when you woke up the next morning, there was all this salt on the toilet seat? Thank God I didn't eat the giant worm that was floatin' in there.
Lord, I apologize. And be with the starving pygmies in New Guinea.