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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Oh, I get it. Two teams in one year, and suddenly, I'm a whore. Bastard. (just kidding...you never know if someone on a message board is going to come to Cleveland with a machete, looking for you. ) Mike
  2. I get it now. Mike
  3. As I do. And I only occasionally listen to Howard Stern. Mike
  4. Are you saying Crowe's had plastic surgery too? Mike
  5. I prefer not to stoke the fires. Thankfully, Ohio does not have casino gambling...yet. Mike
  6. Agreed, Tater Salad is funny. I haven't heard him on Blue Collar Comedy yet, though. Mike
  7. On back to back nights like that? Will HSBC Arena try to move the Tim McGraw - Faith Hill concert to a later date? I thought the Sabres got first crack at dates. Mike
  8. ESPN Radio has a channel on Sirius. I refuse to listen to Cowherd at all, because I think he's an idiot. They traded Tony Kornheiser for this clown? Cowherd is really ESPN Radio's only weak link, but for Kornheiser? Please. Mike
  9. I agree with you, Lori. It's one reason why I've switched my NHL affiliations from the Bruins to the Sabres. The Sabes play hockey the way it's meant to be played...as a TEAM sport. Maxim, Drury, and Miller have become my new Hockey Heroes, replacing Cam and Bourque. Mike
  10. Discuss. I've been listening to the Blue Collar Comedy channel on Sirius since it started up a few weeks ago. They play a lot of Larry, Foxworthy, and Bill Engvall. Personally, I think Larry's one of the funniest guy's out there. I know that the accent wears thin after a while, but he rails against the PC crowd and seems to have lots of fun while doing so. Such as: "Ever look at that blue states-red states map crap? If ya took out five major cities, that map would be redder than Ted Kennedy's eyes after 8 P.M. on...pick a day." "I don't want to act un-Christian when I say this, but all cell phone salesmen should burn in hell and the whole time they're burning they should be gettin' their @$$e$ rammed with the wood end of a pitchfork while the devil screams "Can ya hear me NOW!?!?" Here are some things in Larry's book which he says are true: 1. I actually wrecked my truck to get the insurance money to make my truck payment. This usually only works twice, until they catch on that you might be a deadbeat. 2. If ya ever rent a car and try and cheat on the mileage, don't use Wite-Out. They got that deal figured out. 3. Don't ever get a vasectomy at a kiosk. 4. Have ya ever gotten so drunk that ya dreamt ya drank the world's largest margarita? Then when you woke up the next morning, there was all this salt on the toilet seat? Thank God I didn't eat the giant worm that was floatin' in there. Lord, I apologize. And be with the starving pygmies in New Guinea. GIT-R-DONE! Mike
  11. $5 @ 40 hands an hour = $200.00. $200.00 @ 6 hours (minimum) at the table = $1,200.00. That adds up pretty quick. And I know I'm probably winning some of those hands too...but I'm not batting .500. And who says I stay at the $5 table? Mike
  12. Amen to that. I think that the bad publicity that the soft-drink manufacturers have received and the fact that this whole nation consists of fat@$$e$ probably did the trick. That, and the episode of "The Simpsons" that spoofed the whole thing (remember Bart getting fat and having a heart attack? Best line was "The machines at school feed me now."). It certainly didn't win over any supporters to the side of the soda people. Mike
  13. At least he could play blackjack. That's the one game I can't stay away from. It's why I don't go to casinos. I'd spend hours at the blackjack table, and probably lose everything. Mike
  14. Some of us feel that way about garbage plates. Most of us feel that way about Retatta. Mike
  15. Absolutely. I find Anna Nicole less annoying than say, Jenna Elfman or Leah Remini. Both of whom are Scientologists. Coinkidink? I think not. Methinks Tom Cruise may be after that loot soon. Mike
  16. 7 Dirty Words from Wikipedia (may be NSFW) I thought it was before 1980 -- it was on his 1972 album "Class Clown" (I guessed 1973). Mike
  17. Article on Yahoo Sports. I know that every once in a while we get into a Flutie/RJ debate on this board (for those who are interested -- both of you -- I was firmly in Flutie's corner). This would be the end of an era if he is retiring. Flutie says he would not play for anyone but the Patriots. Since his autistic son is now 14, he probably wants to spend more time with his family. Mike
  18. Calling me a sellout? Or the pick? I couldn't care less what you call me...at least it stimulates debate. Mike
  19. The Browns traded picks with the Ravens, who selected Ngata. Something's up...the Browns are taking Wimbley or Bunkley (if they keep the 13th pick), but there are other considerations involved here as well. Mike
  20. Daunte Wittner?????!!!??? Mike
  21. And the Buffalo Bills take... Mike
  22. Don't take Leinart!! Mike
  23. Interesting thought. Peppers is a superstar and Carr is still, well, David Carr. Mike
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