OK, as the board expert on all things Browns and Cleveland, here are the factors:
1) This matter went to a jury trial. The jury only took 35 minutes to come back with an acquittal.
2) I know Droughns' attorney personally...he knows the DUI laws inside and out and is very capable. I thought he did a really good job.
3) If Droughns would have been found guilty, the judge in Medina would have put the screws to him.
4) The matter happened in Brunswick, Ohio; which is a fairly well-to-do southern suburb of Cleveland. The Medina municipal jury probably consisted mostly of upper-middle-class persons.
5) I've done plenty of DUI cases over the years. They are difficult to win. If Droughns had blown, say a .12 rather than .08 (right at the limit), he would have pled guilty. He was right at the borderline, but his attorney presented a good case and prevailed.
Simple as that.