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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. She better get ready...15 days to go and he's up over 3 million hits. Mike
  2. This is why they play the games. A week ago, I figured there was no way in the world the Cavaliers would win more than one game. Heck, I even posted that here. Now? We'll see...it's a best of three series. Mike
  3. I have two, but I can't find any links. A chef is jumping up in the middle of a bunch of geese. "Somewhere, in the midst of the flock, the cook is goosed." And... Cows standing up on their hind legs in a field. One yells "Car!" They get down on all fours. When the car is gone, they stand up on their hind legs again. Mike
  4. The most popular t-shirt right now in Cleveland is a black T-shirt that was given away before Game 1 of the Wizards series. It simply says "Witness" with the Nike logo underneath. $21.00 at the Cavs gift shop. Mike
  5. LeBron and the James Gang seem to respond pretty well. Really, if Rasheed keeps his mouth shut, the series is 3-1 Detroit right now. However, it's 2-2 and the Cavaliers have momentum. I don't see them winning Game 5, but they can win Game 6 in front of the home crowd Friday night. And they would have a puncher's chance in a Game 7. We all know funny things happen in a Game 7 (see Red Sox-Yankees, 2004). So, I want R. Wallace to keep giving his Guaran-sheed. Give more fuel to a 21 year old player who is more advanced than Jordan was at his age. BTW, a real class move by the Cavaliers franchise: Cavaliers join Larry Hughes for brother's funeral. It's fun watching a team grow up right before your eyes. With the Sabres doing the same thing, I think you all can relate. Mike
  6. Also because the New York Rangers haven't been competitive in recent years, except for this season. When the Rangers won the Cup in 1994, all of NYC went nuts, except for that section of Queens and LI that consist of Isles fans. Other than that, who has won the cup over the past 20 years? Edmonton Calgary Pittsburgh Montreal Colorado New Jersey (might as well be Timbuktu to NY media types) Detroit Tampa Bay Except for New Jersey and maybe Detroit, there's hardly a major market in the bunch. Of course, I'm the same guy who claims that the small market-large market argument is largely invalid in the 21st century, so what the heck do I know? Mike
  7. I think you match dib tit for tat. Mike
  8. Where were these teachers when I was going through puberty 25 years ago?!? Mike
  9. My guess is 2007 for Bruce Smith's placement on the Wall. Mike
  10. Ruben Brown. Van Miller. and Ted's Hot Dogs. Mike
  11. Has the schedule for the Eastern finals been announced? Mike
  12. Quite frankly, that show sucks. Mike
  13. Yes...the much-missed Trendichick used to post here quite often. Mike
  14. Hmmm...for the fourth year in a row, I'm hearing a bunch of complaints from the people, who Mark VI said earlier, are probably dating their left hand. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's not like the guys on here all look like George Clooney to begin with. They should talk. At least, these are REAL Buffalo women. Who could probably drink most of you under the table any night of the week, and still look like hotties doing so. Mike
  15. No worries...just wanted to keep you on a short leash. Mike
  16. Hey now... Mike
  17. And hopefully, he's about two years away from ending Cleveland's long championship drought. I am a witness. Mike
  18. Yes...I'm a big Junior fan. I root for the Ford teams and DEI. Mike
  19. Burton could be top five at Darlington, but I'm going out on a limb here and say that Dale Jr. wins in back-to-back weeks. Mike
  20. Um...not a good pic, but we don't have a date. Mike
  21. In these days of ESPN, instant updates, and internet boards, should market size really matter anymore? An example: LeBron James. Cleveland is not a huge market, and yet, every sports fan in the United States knows who LeBron is and that he plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers. His Nike (and other) commercials are seen by everyone, and LeBron gets just as much attention as he would in New York or LA. All thanks to technology, IMO. Mike
  22. The producers are saying that the season finale in two weeks will blow everyone away. It better. LOST has signs of slowing down. Mike
  23. And the best looking. God, she's like Teri Hatcher...Jeanne gets better looking as she ages. Mike
  24. Sorry that you're in a mood...apparently, you're not a big NASCAR guy either. Mike
  25. I say, Pistons in five. Good effort to come back last night, but not enough. However, the Cavaliers should win one at home. Two if absolutely everything goes right. Mike
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