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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. The reporter is Carl Monday...first class jerk. Although if that guy was doing what he's accused of doing at the Berea library (a location I've been to quite often)...ick. Mike
  2. If true, it's the same thing Nazi Germany did around 1938, as we all know. However, unless it comes straight from the Iranians, I tend to take it with a grain of salt. Like the story that continues to circulate around the Internet about how Madalyn Murray O'Hair wants to take "In God We Trust" off our currency. I first heard that story sometime around 1980. Uh...but there's one problem. She was murdered 11 years ago. Mike
  3. SNR, that's the best quote I've heard yet. Much of this country is "red", if you will, at least in area. Many of the people who live in the cities have the mentality that the rednecks out in Podunk need the guidance of the learned "blue" people. Otherwise, heaven forbid, the rural residents focus on things like God, country music, and NASCAR. And those who are urbane think that these people marry their sister and have kids that look like the banjo player from "Deliverance". My point is, don't have an air of arrogance and superiority regarding another group of people whose beliefs differ from yours. And if you do, it's simply good manners and common sense to keep quiet when no one wants to hear your opinion. But if someone wants to hear mine, I'll resume my blogging soon.
  4. You did warn me, but I'm not devastated by this loss. At least Rasheed didn't hit a game winner with .1 seconds left. The Cavaliers will be much better in the years to come. What a heckuva year. Mike
  5. Actually, it happened to Ronald Reagan in 1980. He simply said "Oh, shut up!" to the protester. The crowd loved him for it. Otherwise, you're right. I don't understand the liberal mindset about having to shout and be rude in order to be heard. Mike
  6. Kelly first Smith second Thurmal third. Mike
  7. Considering that was at Wrigley Field, where the urinals probably date back to the 18th century, and God knows how many people have peed in them, that may well be the funniest/grossest thing I've ever seen. Mike
  8. At least the students at Liberty University have manners. I disagree with the NY Times headline saying McCain was "cantankerous" at the commencement ceremonies for the New School. I thought that the senator was about as cool and collected as he could be, after I saw the way the students treated him on CNN. These students, in their safe little cocoons, have no idea what the real world is like. Liberal or conservative, that is always the case. I wonder if this Jean Sara Rohe will still have the same beliefs in 10 years. And I think that these students (and even faculty members) who booed McCain and turned their backs on him are simply rude people who can't fathom that anyone would have a different opinion than their own. Say what you want about Jerry Falwell and his little duchy in Lynchburg, VA; but at least the students there give respect and credit to where it is due. And the nasty belittlers at the New School would call the Liberty students robots, programmed only in the way Falwell wants them to think. Do we honestly think it's no different at a liberal school? I give credit to Bob Kerrey for inviting McCain to speak, that took some guts. I wonder if these narrow-minded people at Kerrey's school would call him a warmonger, considering that, like McCain, Kerrey served with distinction in Vietnam? Honestly, whatever happened to dissent without demonization in this country?
  9. ...and 5 1/2 hours to the Cavaliers' Game 6. Mike
  10. In Cleveland (if any of you care), I know that's the case. Especially between the Indians and the Cavaliers, since they play next door to each other. Won't be the case tonight, since they're both at home, but I know that LeBron has taken batting practice with the Tribe. And C.C. Sabathia, Aaron Boone, and Grady Sizemore (among others) have been seen at Cavs games. There is also a massive "Go Cavs" banner at the outfield entrance to Jacobs Field. Mike
  11. Don't forget, I always seem to get the last post on the thread. Mike
  12. So, the girls in Nashville are better looking than the girls in WNY? Mike
  13. They charge admission, too. The Bills could donate all proceeds to charity. I think that the Titans may be onto something here. How many of you would attend? Mike
  14. And apparently, I'm not allowed to misspel. Mike
  15. Thank you very much...Michelle Lombard. I will remember that. Mike
  16. Mike P.S. From the way she looks, I don't think she's a lesbian. At least not while sober.
  17. The old "strip in the elevator" scenario. Who is this woman? I was thinking she was a former Playboy model...or an ex-Cowboys cheerleader. Mike
  18. 3 games to 2... I'm cautiously optomistic, or optomistically cautious. Whatever. Mike
  19. I'm still a witness. And so are about a million new Cavalier fans this morning. Boy, I wonder how loud Quicken Loans Arena will be tomorrow night? I admit, I didn't give the Cavaliers a chance to win this thing...and if it happens, it's the biggest upset in the NBA in 30 years. Mike
  20. Won't happen. Under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Cavaliers can offer more money to LeBron than any other team. They can offer a max contract extension this summer, in the area of $73-75 million over the next five seasons. And that doesn't kick in until after the end of next season. If LeBron refuses the extension, he would be the first player since the 1999 lockout to do so. NBA contracts are guaranteed, so LeBron would risk losing all of that money should he suffer an injury. Even if he were to refuse the extension, the Cavaliers can match any offer through 2008. Which they would do. The other thing to consider is that LeBron is from Northern Ohio. He knows Cleveland sports, and he knows that the team to win the region's first title since the 1964 Browns will be remembered forever. I believe he wants to be a part of that, and he has not given any indication otherwise. In fact, it's been just the opposite. He has said in interviews he wants to stay in Cleveland and win titles here. The Cavaliers are in a terrific situation right now. It may well be the start of a golden era. Slowly, but very surely, Cleveland is turning into a basketball town. Mike
  21. Ugh... Mike
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