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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Hmmm...let me guess. Mike
  2. No, but Sirius has been promoting the heck out of Gay Games VII in Chicago this week. Mike
  3. I have also chosen a team...unlike Bill, I picked Liverpool. You gotta love a fan base that sings a song from a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical before and after matches. Someone refered to Liverpool FC as the Boston Red Sox of the Premiership. I disagree. More like the St. Louis Cardinals, considering the number of championships the Reds (the nickname of Liverpool FC) have. That is, if the St. Louis Cardinals were still playing in Sportsmen's Park. Anfield is an old, tradition-laden stadium...and the team wants a new one, to be built nearby. Considering that my teams are the Indians and Browns, I want to root for somebody who is closer to a championship than those teams are. Mike
  4. Ah, but then you have the feminists crying out since the head writer is Tina Fey. BTW, this razor parody is yet another reason why I use a Norelco. Mike
  5. I did see that...quite amusing. Don't call me Master! Don't call me Emperor! Mike
  6. When I saw the thread title, I thought it was about ED's new car!! Mike
  7. Jack is absolutely right. I think that can only help improve the corporate culture in America after Enron, Adelphia, Tyco, et al. Mike
  8. Look at my new avatar. I'm about to become the most annoying person on this board. I wanna pick a fight with Nick from England!! Mike
  9. But they're not together anymore. There have been rumors she's married again...for the fifth or sixth time. Mike
  10. 1) Bill Simmons agrees. I wonder what he has to say about the new film. 2) Adrian will appear in flashback sequences, so she's not totally absent. Mike
  11. This actually looks interesting. Like many of you, I grew up with these movies. So, this is intriguing, to say the least. I have no idea if it's actually good, and trailers usually show the best parts of movies, but I like the concept of a Rocky in his late 50s (with Adrian dead and his son estranged) trying to mount a comeback for one last fight. Hard to believe it's been sixteen years since "Rocky V"...which wasn't very good. Mike
  12. I'll take things I didn't need to hear for $200, Alex... (sorry for the edit, inkman) Mike
  13. Until she starts trying to bang Ryan Miller. Mike
  14. Congrats to Oregon State. My Dad lived near Corvallis when he was a kid, so I've heard all about the Beavers since childhood. Mike
  15. As a Browns fan, I know all about "hope". And "Wait til next year", too. Mike
  16. No Cedar Point. More roller coasters (18) than any other park. Surprising. Mike
  17. Twenty-one years after the original Transformers movie. Sorry guys, didn't see that one either. Mike
  18. Hmmm...once again, a thread goes way off-topic. I was complimenting Ms. McPhee and how pretty she is, and how she certainly shouldn't be bulimic. Now we've got yet another debate, this time whether or not we can joke about eating disorders. See what I started? Mike
  19. Scared me, too. First Harriet I thought of was Cablelady. As far as Patsy Ramsey is concerned, neither her DNA nor John Ramsey's was found near their daughter's body. DNA was found, but there has not been a match. However, I think Patsy Ramsey may have known something she has now taken to her grave. Mike
  20. Terrific! Thanks for the laugh. Mike
  21. Farbeit for me to enforce Political Correctness on this board. I found that line about the "McDonald's Stew" gross. And I've known women with bulimia in my life. Most people have. I find bulimia and anorexia to be a real problem in our society...and it's physiological and mental more than physical, thanks to TV and movies with stick thin women who look like 12 year old boys with 36Cs. Don't worry about me, CTM. I'm not wringing my hands or losing sleep about what people might say that I don't necessarily agree with. That's part of what's good about living in this country...or at least used to be. Mike
  22. Ah yes, message boards...where anonymous people can joke about a serious medical/physiological condition like bulimia. Mike
  23. Buffalo Wild Wings used to have beef on weck (in fact, that's where I first heard of the sandwich), but they no longer have it in this area. I've had the sandwich in Buffalo (yes, it is better there), but I can't find anyplace around here that sells them. Mike
  24. Heh, heh. I knew someone would mention that. Hey, Danica Patrick married a 40 year old guy. I'm 37 myself. And since my wife is also 37, robbing the cradle is something I haven't been guilty of. If the two of them can get past the age difference, more power to them. Mike
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