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Posts posted by buckeyemike

  1. Hell, one could have even commented on the fact that we humans encroaching on the bear's natural habitat is a problem we need to deal with as a society.....but no.

    And if Timothy Treadwell had not been killed and eaten by a bear, we would never have heard of him, except for a footnote of a Letterman appearance that only became infamous after Treadwell's death.


    I swear, this human race is really not fun to be a part of, sometimes.


    You're a Chimp, Lancelot Link. What do you care?

  2. I realize that many Bills fans, in their frustration over Peters and other things, got to fellating the Eagles for their brilliant signing, but from here in Philly I can tell you that there is a lot of criticism of Reid and the Eagles FO, and a growing nervousness about their future with aging players. Is it completely sensible? Probably not. Just as most of the chicken littling here on TSW is nonsensical. But outside of the smug confines of New England and probably Pittsburgh, you will not find many fans completely happy with their teams or their coaches. That is what fans do.


    People in Cleveland have a growing frustration regarding the Browns. This may be the year the sellout streak ends. Cleveland needs to get off to a quick start, which probably won't happen.


    There is a plan, however. The Browns will be better, although you may not see it at first.


    In places like Chicago and Green Bay, there seems to be quite a bit of criticism of the management. There are a lot of Packers fans who still haven't forgiven Ted Thompson for not kowtowing to Favre's every whim. Many Bears fans are not convinced that Jay Cutler is the missing piece. Cutler might have been, if this were 2005. Both of those teams have quite a bit of work to do, although I do think the Packers are better.

  3. But my point is that even sober bass players are a bit touched in the head.


    In the jazz bands I've played in, back in high school and college, it always seemed that way. BTW, I played trombone.


    High school especially. I knew the bass player going back to the third grade and he was weird then, but man, he had to have been on something by that point.


    I'm just not sure what. My naive 17 year old mind at the time thought everybody dranked, but stayed away from the harder stuff. <_<:rolleyes:

  4. The term Nazi is for National Socialist Party. I said Socialist, people. Advocating for government control, which is exactly what the Nazis did in Germany from 1933 to 1945.


    Conservatives are not Nazis. Conservatives would not even be considered Fascists under that term, because the Fascist party in Italy predated the Nazis, and also advocated for government control over all facets of society.


    You know what the correct term for conservatives would be? It would be Reactionary. People who are opposed to change that they deem harmful. Conservatives are reactionary. If anything, they stand for a free society with limited government control. As Thomas Jefferson wanted.


    For the last time, they are not Nazis. The term Nazi is used for conservatives because it carries a lot more punch than reactionary. The Nazis killed millions. The last time I checked, conservatives had not sent people to concentration camps and gassed them in ovens.


    God, I get so sick of people who can't tell the difference.

  5. So, basically, this a-hole's attitude was, boo-hoo, I can't get laid, so I'm gonna go to my gym and kill all the pretty women there.


    You know what this guy's problem was? I already said it. He was an a-hole.


    What he wanted was a beauty queen. When there are so many women out there who are single, and who may not be Farrah Fawcett circa 1977, but who are certainly desirable once you get to know them. It's his own damn fault if he didn't have sex for 20 years.


    I think in our society today, sex can be found pretty easily if you want it bad enough. Lots of people still meet in bars. And there are still the, ahem, "escorts".


    He may have wanted companionship, but it's pretty obvious to me that he wanted someone who he could not only have sex with, but ultimately control. Maybe that's why he couldn't find a relationship.


    So the pretty women in skimpy workout clothes at the gym wouldn't talk to him. Cry me a freakin' river. They probably wouldn't talk to me either if I weren't married. My attitude would be "Their problem, not mine. Screw 'em." As a wise man has been quoted here regarding sexy women, "Somewhere, someone's tired of (sleeping with) that."


    Nothing could have been done to prevent this. It's this bastard's fault. And he's burning in hell for it right now.

  6. Reason #17,875 on why I hate the Dallas Cowboys. :lol:


    When your team hasn't won a playoff game in 13 years, you can't afford to be arrogant. I don't know where the Cowboys will finish this year (in a down time for the NFC East, they could win the division), but with the economy failing to improve, the Cowboys could have some empty seats in that new Taj Mahal they built.


    Now is the new stadium the best ever? From what I'm hearing, it could very well be. But my guess is, with the fact that Jones is on the hook for at least $750 million dollars, is that we have hit the ceiling on sports palaces, as someone said earlier.


    And BTW, I think there's a good chance of a lockout in 2011, after the uncapped year. Where will Jerry Jones be then, when there's no team to play in the stadium and he's in the third year of the highest debt service in NFL history?

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