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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. The Bills should win this one rather easily. I can't see Pennington throwing very well against our D. Expect at least 2 INTs. Let J.P. have some fun and throw the ball around. Bills in a romp, 34-13.
  2. Oh, Good God...
  3. I wonder what he was doing on that tape...
  4. With the schoolgirl outfit, she's what every pedophile wants. Speaking of which, anybody see Meazza today?
  5. I believe I will stick to my Romanburger from Mr. Hero. And from the Cleveland Clinic web site re: nutritional value: It's not as bad as the Stacker. But it's bad enough.
  6. (((rim shot))) You gonna be here all week?
  7. OMG, Gavin, that's nasty.
  8. Congrats! I too became an uncle for the fourth time earlier this year. My nephew Brian, the first grandchild for my parents. I get to see the now 7-month old Brian tonight. Mike
  9. I think it makes her look like a lump of coal. Or possibly a turd, I'm not so sure.
  10. Hmmm...that one I am not familiar with. Do you have a link?
  11. Let's start with this, from my signature. Then there's this. And to close, the Shout! song. Post your ideas!
  12. Some more London would be quite nice as well.
  13. From JSP: No, this should be the Bills' theme song. Especially this season. Mike
  14. Ah, yes...just as I thought. I remember when those boys were quite the topic on this board.
  15. We salute you, Dr. Seeking a Tenured Faculty Position Guy.
  16. Anyone know who the JOKEJokeJokeJoke poster is? And is he on this board? As for every female Jets Fan, they're still wearing the same hairdo they had in 1987. JetsBabe, it doesn't work when you're in your forties.
  17. What a cool shot! Thanks!
  18. bjoooooork
  19. Fudd me.
  20. Hey now! Mike
  22. Oh, my... Thanks for reminding us. We get so caught up in life sometimes that we don't understand how precious and fragile it really is.
  23. Only 19...I'm so sorry. Recently, a friend of mine was admitted to a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt. I don't know exactly what happened, and he's 39 with a wife, three kids and what I thought was a thriving business. I am thankful he is now getting the help he needs.
  24. Hey, Poojer. Jay Leno had a similar video on his show the other night, but it involves a balloon. It is available here on Youtube. I don't know if this is it or not. Hope it helps.
  25. Dear Mr. Wilson and Mr. Levy: Please, please, please make the throwbacks the permanent home uniform in 2007. You can keep the road unis; I like the two-tone AFL-style color scheme. I will even pay for the matches for the big bonfire in the RWS parking lot to burn the current atrocious home uniforms. I figure most of the people on this board would be game for a giant tailgate/bonfire/weenie and steak roast. Sincerely yours, Mike
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