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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Good point, but nobody I know wears headphones at work. That may not be true everywhere, however.
  2. None of that is SFW, I think, but it is very funny. And that's Ivan Reitman's son who wrote and directed. The song over the closing credits with the bleeps is hilarious too.
  3. This board never ceases to amaze me...man, was that ever funny.
  4. Willie Mays Hayes may be headed for prison instead of Ricky Vaughn. Good Major League reference, by the way.
  5. K-Fed is largely useless, except for sponging off Britney and making babies. I couldn't care less about him...wish journalists would concentrate on people actually making a difference in society. Even write about celebrities who try to have purpose-driven lifestyles...although I'm pretty much sick of Angelina Jolie.
  6. FNL is the best new show on television. Very well-written and well-acted.
  7. Did anyone see the 9/11 conspiracy episode? I didn't, but I noticed a post on the PPP board, and Wikipedia says it's the most recent episode. Any good moments from that one?
  8. Scary good? Scary good.
  9. BlueFire, I cannot flippin' believe that you have never seen "Major League". As a native Clevelander and Tribe fan, I've seen it probably 80-85 times. That's likely many more times than anyone else on this board, but I see it gets high marks from everyone. By the way, JoeF, love the "Florida Penal" line. "Vaughn, a juvenile delinquent in the offseason, in his major league debut."
  10. But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare, We're just technologically impaired.
  11. A local boy kicked me in the butt last week, I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek.
  12. Sunny here in the Cleveland area today, but you guys in WNY got hammered. We just had a few flurries...supposed to be 52 here for a high today.
  13. At 1:30 this afternoon, it started snowing here in Rocky River, Ohio. And it came down fairly heavy for about five minutes, but nothing stuck. Can only remember it snowing this early once before, about four years ago, when we had over 110 inches of snow for the season. Uh-oh...
  14. But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine, Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699.
  15. Yes, the album has dropped to number 19...but the single "White and Nerdy" has now become Weird Al's first ever top 10 single...it's at #9 next week. Linky to the singles chart.
  16. At 4:30 in the morning, I'm milking cows, Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... FOOL!
  17. Ed, I like you, but this is much too easy.
  18. Al's My Space Blog Billboard Album Chart...there it is at No. 10. And "White and Nerdy", which I first heard about on this board (largely because of the Kirk > Picard question), is Weird Al's highest charting single in 22 years. It seems in our crazy society, we take much solace in humor and parody. I know I do anyway.
  19. Ugh...between her, Hillary, and Monica, Bill has terrible taste in women. Markie Post, on the other hand...
  20. shoot, my guess was Lori.
  21. He's stupid, is what he is. How can ANYBODY drop Bailey like a ton of bricks?
  22. This was made by David Zucker...yes, the David Zucker who helped create the Naked Gun and Airplane movies. See what you think...
  23. Well, I stand corrected. I googled "Oprylandria" and came up with one that is even worse. A boy in Philadelphia...named Shi'thead. Scroll down to the comments...it's there. He ought to sue his parents for ruining his life.
  24. Worst name ever? A little girl in Atlanta named Oprylandria. I saw that in a Lewis Grizzard book once. Supposely, the kid was conceived on a trip to Opryland USA, which doesn't even exist anymore.
  25. Let me find it and I'll let you know.
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