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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Australia doesn't exist, eh? Somebody tell that to 20 million Australians.
  2. My question is, how much more advanced can these game systems get? If they offered one with virtual sex with Angelina Jolie, most of the guys here would be all over it.
  3. Thanks Darin, I just now noticed that. However, I stand by my opinion.
  4. May I remind everyone that there is freedom of speech in this country. bush fumbles is simply expressing his mindset. That said, we also have the freedom to pile on to bush fumbles and let him know what a jerk he is for picking on a child...even if the child was used by her politician father, that doesn't make an 8 year old fair game. Are we so devoid of basic human decency that to go after a child whose father's politics you don't agree with is somehow OK? You must be a really bitter person. I will now express my freedom by calling bush fumbles a no-talent assclown.
  5. I did see that before. I don't care about these two Mensas, so I have no idea why I'm posting about it. The only innocents here are their two young sons...and the other two kids that K-Fed was the sperm donor for.
  6. I think I asked that very same question some time ago... But seriously, if this were a male teacher and some 15 y/o hottie is snapping her thong at him...things would be different. If it's a female teacher and male student, then we cheer. But I need to ask the following: 1) Why are the teachers seeking out the kids? Is it a power thing? Or are the teachers not getting any from their husbands at home? 2) If a teenage boy has the opportunity, chances are he's going to take it, and probably take the teacher's panties as a souvenir. Then, he tells his buddies. Why can't he just keep quiet?
  7. You're a horrible human being. Way to ruin a teacher-student sex thread.
  8. I don't think this is a serious matter. But the professional Liberal Complainers will tell us that it is and that we are a bunch of neanderthal rednecks if we don't agree with Them. That said, and noting today's politically correct climate, I ask this: Why the hell would you tape it and put it on YouTube? That's just plain dumb.
  9. Two questions I have here: 1) Did Britney leak this herself? 2) There's a place on the web called PornoTube???
  10. The problem with that is the extremists believe that the "peaceful" Muslims are not Muslim enough. They are little more than infidels to those who want to blow everything up and kill everyone who doesn't agree with them...right down to the T. So, I think that there is some fear present within the "peaceful" Muslim community, regarding the extremists. However, if there were Christians who were terrorists in the name of God, you better believe I'd be speaking out against them (and probably calling them vicious unchristian bastards). One line I heard years ago about people who aren't willing to give leeway to other belief systems said that if you are unrelenting in that, suddenly you feel ostracized from everyone but your spouse...and you're really not sure about her, either. All of a sudden, you're Ross Perot circa 1992.
  11. Of course you do. And so does every heterosexual man in the United States, apparently.
  12. Rocky 5 does not exist, so that answer is out. It would have to be Rocky 3 for me...this is the one where everything comes together in the series. Rocky loses the title, then regains it. I was shocked that Mickey died, right after the fight...and Rocky misleads him into thinking he won. He's rich beyond his wildest dreams. He and Apollo become friends as Apollo trains him to get the title back. Mr. T. I don't think anyone else could have played Clubber Lang. And of course, Hulk Hogan in his debut to those of us who didn't follow wrestling at the time (IMO, all the success of the WWE et al. in the past 25 years can be directly traced to Rocky 3).
  13. Hmmm...this bodes well for the Buckeyes.
  14. College football just has so many great chants as a part of the traditions. "O-H-I-O"! "We are...Marshall" "We are (clap clap) Penn State" It's not a chant, but WVU fans sing "Country Roads" at the end of every home victory. "Roll Tide Roll" "War Eagle" The Florida State tomahawk chop (which the Atlanta Braves stole, IMO). I could go on and on...
  15. Boise State is #12 in the BCS. Don't they go to a BCS bowl if they are ranked in the top 12 in the final poll? I thought the rules changed this year.
  16. You've been right a lot lately, Ed, but I must beg to differ.
  17. My prediction for Top 10: 1) Ohio State 2) That Team Up North 3) USC 4) Florida 5) Arkansas 6) Notre Dame 7) Rutgers 8) West Virginia 9) Texas 10) Louisville Nobody has mentioned the Boise State Broncos, so I will: Boise State barely beat San Jose State, so even if they run the table, I think they are out of BCS consideration.
  18. Much to our delight, our wish has been granted. #1 ranked and unbeaten Ohio State. #2 ranked and unbeaten Michigan. I noticed that this game is set for 3:30, and not its usual noon start. I think part of that is to push the game to a time slot where more people will watch. Take a look at what tickets are going for on eBay. The game is in Columbus. If you think I was as insufferable four years ago as Ed is now...just you wait until about 7:00 Saturday night. Buckeyes win, rather easily, 23-10. Hang on, Sloopy. Sloopy, hang on. Predictions?
  19. Hillary? She's the front-runner, and is until otherwise proven. This is her best chance to be President. Obama? I actually like him, and I think he will be President someday. Just not this time around. The wild-card here is...AL GORE. He says he's not running. I don't believe him. Considering the $150 million or so he banked when Google went public, he can finance his own campaign. I still think Gore wants to be President, and I think he could beat Hillary, but he needs to announce his intentions, and soon. I don't think he can win as a Ross Perot-style-Crazy-Uncle-Al independent candidate (even though he has the money to run that way).
  20. The libertarian in me says it's no big deal. But the idea of duty, honor, country, et al. has become so antiquated in our society that it worries me. If they don't want to say the pledge, fine. But then, you shouldn't decry that our nation seems to have lost its way.
  21. And now, two from "City Slickers" are gone, since Bruno Kirby passed a while back... RIP Jack.
  22. "California Girls" by the Beach Boys. According to Wikipedia, the song was written shortly after Brian Wilson had his first experience with LSD. Therefore, it was written shortly before he went nuts. Hard to believe that song is 41 years old...and even harder to believe, it's been 21 years since David Lee Roth covered it.
  23. Thank you to our brave men and women who have given of themselves to serve our country...which hasn't always been grateful. You are in our minds, thoughts, and prayers. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  24. One of the better things I've seen on Mr. Wick's show. Thanks!
  25. This has got to be one of the eeriest things ever...
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