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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. You forgot this one when the Bills lose. Or this one. Or when JP has a good game. (I know...the last two are present in the first post. I just wanted to post them.)
  2. Weren't you a liberal when you first arrived here? And we converted you? Or at least the PPP board did?
  3. Um, don't get me started. It's bad enough that the Molson guy compares OJ to Bush, but Jerry Falwell??? Since when has Falwell killed anyone? Or sexually assaulted anyone??
  4. Christmas Story House webpage.
  5. And you're accusing me of crack usage.
  6. I don't think Rutgers could beat Boise State. The Broncos looked pretty impressive yesterday.
  7. Hey Ed. Haven't seen you here in, oh the last nine days or so.
  8. Aw, don't make me feel bad. You won a national title last year in one of the best games ever played.
  9. Dear BlueFire: Guess A&M isn't so bad after all. Love, Buckeyemike.
  10. Terrific! That takes the bad taste of the Browns out of my mouth.
  11. linky Just in case you want something to do when the Bills come to Cleveland next year...
  12. This brought a tear to my eye as I watched it. Say a prayer for them.
  13. Amen to that, aussie!
  14. Kelsey of the Felions. Mee-oow.
  15. Today would have been my grandma's birthday. She would have been 98.
  16. Hope you all have a good one tomorrow.
  17. I noticed something in the video. They're lucky the propane tank next to the drum didn't explode when the flaming oil splattered. That could have killed someone.
  18. She is the better looking of the Bush Twins. Of course, if you look at my profile pic, you see I'm partial to brunettes. But a friend of mine said, "If her name were anything but Barbara Bush, sure. But if we were doing it, I'd be thinking of her grandma."
  19. I will go so far as to agree with you on Jessica Simpson and Britney (I call them the Plastic Twins), but Mandy Moore is just too darn cute. Great Pics, BTW.
  20. It was ugly, and yes, it was racist. But it's still a free country. You can say those things and not get arrested...and I would bet that many people in this country still feel that way, but would never express their thoughts. Michael Richards exploded, and it was incredibly stupid on his part, because a) with his past role, he is a celebrity and b) stand-up comedians get heckled all the time and some of it ain't pretty. I'm not a Seinfeld fan, but I'm gonna have a helluva time watching "UHF" after this.
  21. Ah, Vanessa. Wasn't she married to one of the Infamous Coreys at some point (ie., Haim or Feldman, can't remember which)?
  22. Boy, I can't wait for the next Harry Potter movie!
  23. Surprised no one said this piece o' crap yet: 1A. "This is Our Country" -- John Mellencamp, 2006
  24. Only question I ever thought was hard, Was "Do I like Kirk, or do I like Picard?" -- from Weird Al Yankovic's "White and Nerdy". BTW Kirk >>> Picard.
  25. Chevy, I agree with you one hundred percent. Great column.
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