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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. For the three of you that don't know, Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays, because the founder is a devout Christian and believes the day is necessary for rest and worship.
  2. I don't know if you're calling me a loser or if that's a reference to a future weight problem.
  3. Coming from a Mountaineer fan, this is high praise indeed. You know I've been hyping this movie for weeks now...just look at my sig line. There's even been some Supporting Actor Oscar talk for Matthew Fox.
  4. Down the street from me, a new Chick-Fil-A restaurant opened. Those of you in the South may know that whenever a new Chick-Fil-A opens, the first 100 people in line get a free combo meal every week for a year. I got there at 2:45 this morning. The doors opened at 6:30, and I was number 91. It was a bit of a party atmosphere...I'd say at least half the crowd was 21 or under. So, at 37, I was actually one of the older people there. That was fun, but I'm so danged tired right now I probably won't do it again. awet wehrihwethhbtert (Sorry...I dozed off for a second there.)
  5. Watch yourself, my wife's a nurse. And if you've never had your significant other have a conversation about bowel movements, etc. while you're trying to eat, then brother, you haven't lived.
  6. She is home, but Tina's apparently had a few minor complications. My wife is worried about infection right now.
  7. She has a certain amount of Grace in my opinion...
  8. Why do we only see you during Dolphin week?
  9. Why do I think this place could be the next Hooters?
  10. Congratulations to Troy! Always good to see someone from Cleveland succeed. Even better that he's with the Buckeyes. One more win, Troy, and you go down as the greatest QB in Buckeyes history.
  11. Tina is home...and eating. That's the best news of all. Thank you all for your prayers. Mike (and family)
  12. Ohio State vs. Florida. Simple as that. I'm not a big fan of the BCS, but they got this one right, IMO. Michigan? No, I don't wanna see them again. Not because of the closeness of the game. As far as I'm concerned, they took their shot and missed. I am not discounting that Florida could beat the Buckeyes, but Ohio State is far and away the better team. The Gators would have to play much better than OSU in order to win. In 2002, Ohio State had everything go right for them. That team was probably not as talented as some of the John Cooper era teams, but they were always prepared, were extremely well-coached, and caught lucky breaks along the way (and that does NOT include the interference call in the Fiesta Bowl...Miami had one more chance to tie that game, and they couldn't do it). The 2006 Buckeyes may be the best Ohio State team ever. They would beat the 2002 team by two touchdowns. I don't see a loss here, but anything is possible. The roles are reversed from 2002, and Ohio State will be the heavy favorite. Prediction? Ohio State 31, Florida 13.
  13. buckeyemike: Where we've been sick of the Broncos since January 11, 1987.
  14. To steal taterhill's idea, convert those to Spanish and you might have something.
  15. I actually talked to Tina today...she's feeling better and on a liquid diet. We don't have an out date yet, however...the doctors are still monitoring her progress. Thanks for all of your prayers, from the bottom of our hearts.
  16. Happy happy birthday Cindy!! Beers are on you!
  17. Two Emmys for writing back in the 70s, according to imdb.com.
  18. So is Ohio State -8 over Florida. The line should be at least 14.
  19. Eddie Murphy may become the third SNL alum with an Oscar nod (the other two are Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray). He is supposed to be excellent in "Dreamgirls". And I'll forgive Mark for saying "University of Marshall" instead of "Marshall University". It was 2:30 in the morning, after all. With "Rocky Balboa" and "We Are Marshall" out on the same day, it looks like I'll be seeing at least two movies on my Christmas break.
  20. Tina may actually have had a mild heart attack. We will know more today. This may have happened because she had a partially collapsed lung. Not enough oxygen was getting to the bottom of her lung. So far, she is recovering, and left the ICU last night. We are very thankful to God for this, and thankful that Kim can go to the hospital and keep an eye on things.
  21. She's doing better, but will be in the ICU through at least tomorrow.
  22. Her stomach wasn't at issue; her intestine was. The doctor unkinked it. I have not yet received an update this morning on her condition. My wife went back to the hospital earlier today. Kim's a nurse at the Cleveland Clinic, and her boss gave her time off this week to tend to her sister.
  23. It is a giant rolling buckeye. And I am the person to ask. Here's a tasty Buckeye treat for those who like peanut butter and chocolate.
  24. Looks like all those reservations to Pasadena need to be cancelled. But, the Sugar Bowl certainly isn't chopped liver...LSU has some awfully good recent memories there. Plus, the Tigers can beat Notre Dame. I'm not so sure they can beat That Team Up North.
  25. I know it was on Family Guy tonight...what is that from originally, The Music Man?
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