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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I don't have a link, but I heard the boy is black and the girl is white. Not everyone down there is, but this smacks of racist overtones. And the people who prosecuted this are . Makes me madder than hell. Nothing makes me more upset than racism. This is almost 2007, you idiots. Edit: I found the linky. An ABC News story can be found here. I sure as hell don't want to live in Georgia. Until 1998, oral sex between a husband and wife was punishable by up to 20 years in prison. It may be the Bible Belt, and I may be a Christian, but the people who wrote this law are sick sorry SOBs.
  2. Mmmm...Saints cheerleaders.
  3. Take a look at the pic on the site Millbank posted. Squint a little, and she looks like Tara Reid. No wonder she liked to go into bars.
  4. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point that out. I think five minutes is a new record.
  5. If that had been blue cheese dressing, one of you would have killed him by now.
  6. Probably because she has a 21 year old daughter on Gilmore Girls. Guess many viewers confuse the show with real life (she has no children). That was the first show in TV history where I thought the mother was better looking than the daughter...plus, she does somewhat resemble my wife.
  7. Cameron is a pretty girl, whose allure to me has faded somewhat over the years. But crayonz is right, she's a motormouth.
  8. My favorite is Elf. Christmas Vacation is a close second, and I like Christmas Story, partially because it was filmed in my hometown. Least favorite is Bad Santa. I swear that movie was made just to shock people. Playing a F-bomb spewing Santa wasn't funny, Billy Bob. (and yes, ajzepp, I actually saw Bad Santa)
  9. In a Clinton-Lewinsky kind of way, yes.
  10. Too much information, Beerball.
  11. And of course, no hated TV commercial thread could be complete without Third time I've posted on here about how much I hate that ad (and that song).
  12. Strap on? Penetrating? Alert Jenna Jameson....
  13. Terrific coffee at Tim Horton's. Honestly, the best chain coffee I've ever had. Good sandwiches, good soups. Donuts leave a lot to be desired...the chocolate frosted ones are passable. Of course, you could put chocolate on a hockey puck, call it a donut, and I'd probably eat it. We don't have any Timmy's in the Cleveland area, unfortunately. There are a ton in and around Columbus, because that's where Wendy's (their former parent) is headquartered.
  14. A tremendous and powerful movie, but be warned. I had tears in my eyes at the end, and that hasn't happened to me during a movie since the end of "Life is Beautiful". There are a few comic moments, however, and most involve McConnaughey's character. I'm not a fan of his (in fact, he's had some roles I've absolutely detested), but I can't imagine anyone else performing his role. Yes, the doe-eyed Kate Mara is definitely a hottie; she looks like a young Sandra Bullock in this movie. Matthew Fox is very good, but the real surprise here is Ian McShane, from HBO's "Deadwood". He's not a villain here, just a man who's had a lot of loss in his life, and who has to deal with the tragedies which have befallen him. WARNING: POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD There was one laugh in the movie for people of my area; when the president receives a call from Jack Lengyel (McCounnaughey's character) about the coaching job. The message says he's at the College of Wooster, which is about 45 miles south of Cleveland. The president asks, "Wooster? Where's that?" and the secretary responds, "Does it really matter?" The other scene, and the most poignant in the movie for me, is a very simple one. It focuses on an intersection, where a funeral procession is approaching. The hearse at the front stops at the intersection...as another funeral procession passes. It's such a simple scene, but it blew me away, and showed the scope of the loss to the city of Huntington. If you have a thing about watching people grieve for their losses, then this movie is probably not for you. In fact, one of the characters says "Grief is messy". But it does show the triumph of the human spirit, and the message seems to be that the most important way to deal with grief (and to honor the dead), is to keep pressing on, and keep on living. It's not a perfect movie, but "We Are Marshall" nails the continuity and the period pieces of the time (clothing and music especially), moreso than any film I've ever seen. And McG directed this. Mr. Charlie's Angels himself. It's a complicated movie, heavy in many parts, but emotionally powerful...and full of hope. And McG directed this. Whoda thunk it? Go see this movie. ***** out of 5 stars.
  15. Actually I watched it on DVD not too long ago. Forgive me, but I still think it's funny.
  16. Gotta go with Paul "Wrecking" Crewe, although Willie Beamon gives him a solid run. I loved "Any Given Sunday". Many people, including a sizable number on this board, hate it with a passion. It may be on the "most hated movie" list, I'm not sure. That was the movie where we all figured out Jamie Foxx could act; he more than held his own with Pacino.
  17. That is why we need Eddie Van Halen! One of the funniest movies ever, IMO.
  18. I have my tickets for a sneak preview of We Are Marshall tomorrow night. I will post here afterwards.
  19. Forgot all about that little turd of a movie. Remember how big it was, gosh, seven years ago now? Sigh...I'm gettin' old.
  20. Actually, the series had already been cancelled by the time Pee Wee got arrested for his, ahem, little episode in the porno theater. But, like everything else from the 80s, Pee Wee will make his comeback.
  21. Hmmm...others here were voting for movies they had not seen. Guess it's the concept I hate. I'm not against horror movies (the idea of Freddy Krueger as the boogeyman coming to life from teenager's dreams was a brilliant idea), but the idea of the Saw movies seemed to be let's kill people in the most grotesque ways possible and see if we can get the audience to vomit. I always thought Faces of Death did the same exact thing.
  22. The "Saw" trilogy. I've never seen any of them, and have no urge to. If you wanna watch movie actors get slaughtered, simply pop in any of the 407 "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies. Mmmm...Heather Langenkamp (she played Nancy in the first and third ones).
  23. Shhh...Buckeyemike is sleeping at his desk.
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