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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. I think these vets are going to think twice about playing hardball. Only certain guys can do this. Chris Johnson did it because he tore it up years prior. I don't want to overpay for this guy - not with a new regime coming in. We may be able to find a younger kid and get him coached up with the new D-coord.
  2. I see they are halfway through the list. NFL.com has attended the ESPN school of B.S. when it comes to content. This is why I really get annoyed with football after awhile. My point is this - How should I interpret this list? Mario is #73 (or around there), if I think he wasn't the best Bills player, should I expect to see Spiller or Byrd or even Stevie higher on the list? I don't see him yet and #51 is R. Wilson. Is Spiller "better" or more valuable than Wilson? I personally don't think so. I am not aware of who is naming these players. Is it media guys or actual players? If actual player, then I will shut my trap as I don't play the game.
  3. I don't live in Western NY - what's the deal with QB? At this point in time, who is ahead?
  4. Let me say this, I don't feel bad for Sanchez. He will make more money than I ever can dream about. I hope they cut him and he walks with stacks of cash. The Jests have completely mishandled this guy. Hell, Fitz went into last season (maybe the season before as well) the "undisputed" starter. You never got that impression with the Jets and Sanchez. Rex and Mr. T always seemed to be talking out of their azz when it came to this dude. i think he is too good for that organization. Is the guy a little mentally weak? Perhaps. However, who would like to walk into work with those politics. I have worked places where it is distracting and kills morale.
  5. I know I am opening myself up for criticism here, but here it goes - I actually feel badly for most NFL players - especially during this free agency. I cannot fathom how they signed a contract with the owners that was so one-sided. Even the draftees get screwed by a reduced salary. Additionally, rookies who are drafted in the 3rd round (and lower?) are not allowed to renegotiate for better contract prior to their rookie contract expiring. I think the players got very nervous as most of them do not have marketable skills outside of football. They felt it was better to get something as opposed to nothing. The veterans who wanted the rookie wage scale probably had never thought that it would be this difficult getting a new contract. They assumed all that $$ would go to more experienced guys. Think not. On top of it all? The sport is dangerous as hell. Meanwhile baseball and basketball enjoys guaranteed contracts for sports that have minimal risks...
  6. I think Stevie is a good player - not great. I like his pop, but I need to see him mature a bit more. He will never be the game changer Reed or Lofton were. We are a team still waiting for our big time WR.
  7. While I like Buddy, I have to give his tenure a C or C-. If we win nine games this year I will move it up to B. Three years is enough time to show some progress. We have not really shown any. On paper we have a better squad than we did when he took over, but the W-L does not lie.
  8. Why do I have to hear about former coach Andy Reid and new coach Chip Kelly every time I go to SI.com, NFL.com or an ESPN show? While I sympathize with Reid with the loss of his son, I don't get the circus that followed him and that loser team for the past few years. Chip Kelly? No national title and the former head of an organization getting hung out to dry when he leaves town. He hasn't proven jack and I see this "Mad Scientist" type stuff. Not sure if Carroll got this much love - at least he coached in the NFL before. Between the Chiefs, Eagles, and the 49'ers (I will throw them into the mix as well) the media coverage of the NFL makes me want to vomit. I am not looking for any more attention for the Bills as they don't deserve to grab headlines after the way we have played for the past 13 years. If I have to turn on ESPN one more time to see yet another "on location" story from any one of these franchises I will scream. I live in Connecticut and the press around the Giants isn't this heavy.
  9. Just listening to NFL on Sirius. One of the guys stated that he might be able to see Buffalo being a two win team this year (making the assumption that at least one team would failt to win three). He added that the new coach and QB could be the reasons. I wouldn't be surprised given the re-tooling we are doing. I guess if that enabled us to get Clowney...
  10. He needs to look at this as a blessing. Had they married, it would have cost a lot more.
  11. Wow, I am taking the heat for this one. I am actually fairly stable and mature. I am enjoying everything going on with the Bills. This draft has made things fun actually. If it all goes down in flames, I will wait it out again and hope we get our guy in 2-3 years. We all survived the Oilers playoff game when Frank R brought us back. All my buddies wanted to turn it off as it was a lost cause - I said BS, we will watch our team go down because we are fans. Lo and behold, look what happened. It just sucks to get your hopes up high after all of these years. Trent tricked me for a few games when I thought he was our man. We all know how that panned out... If we had picked Geno, I would have been very, very pissed. Nassib would have been ok for me as I was drinking the Syracuse Kool-Aid (plus he seems to be a pretty good kid).
  12. I concur with a previous poster. The live games are just OK for me. I take my boys because they are still young and like the excitement of thousands of people in a stadium. I feel ticket prices may be the thing that really does in attendance.
  13. As a Bills fan, this pick was exciting. Nobody cared about the first pick. NFL fans and the media were waiting for the fireworks to start with "our" pick. Furthermore, the whole backstory with the QB drama made the whole thing go off the charts. The drama was further enhanced by our trade and the clock ticked. The unexpected choice of EJ blew everyone away and we were the talk of the entire weekend. All the buzz was about our team. What made it delicious was how the media argued about our selection - bold move or simply a folly? I sat back and felt good about the pick. But why? Was it the buzz the pick generated? Was it how it surprised even me? Was it the player? Could it have been that this unknown coach knew something everyone else didn't see? Was the selection that brilliant? Fast forward to today. I watch old FSU clips looking at our new guy. I am not disheartened but not overly impressed. However, he is glad to be here and he is ours. We want EJ to be a continuation of those super bowl teams - a time when our team mattered. When we had best in class players. I feel like I am waiting to go on vacation. It feels good waiting. My mind drifts...the eight hour car ride is no problem or the three hour wait in the airport. I want to milk this for all it's worth before I have to come back to work after my escape. Gasp - What if it all goes wrong? The first few chapters in this book have been thrilling. My mind starts to wander...what if he busts? if that happens he will take down this coach with him...you mean we will have to bring in a new one again? Have mercy...
  14. I have to share this. I was at lunch and I saw this. Fast Forward and listen to Bayless almost demonizing the Bills for picking EJ in the first round. He acts like it's a crime that he has so much pressure on him now. GIMME A BREAK. Stephen A gives props to ESPN's own lackey draft analysts... ESPN sucks. Anything to fill airtime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxrjajikasU
  15. Just throwing this out there - So Rodgers sitting did him no good?I never heard him state that. I see what happened with Ponder, Gabbert, Young, Leinart, etc. I am not saying EJ is like those guys, but I do believe he is somewhat of a project. I could be wrong. It's just that we have to QB ahead of him right now. Let's give the guy a chance to get used to the NFL.
  16. I did not have a good feeling about GSmith. When he got picked he said something that turned me off - "I deserved t be picked after all that I went through". Granted, I don't know jack about his childhood, but to use the term "deserved" is telling. I could be wrong, but this may end up badly for the Jets. Do you think the Jets targeted this guy or since he fell on their lap, they pulled the trigger?
  17. I don't want to see EJ on the field this season. The only exception being a few series at the end of the season (if need be). Should Kolb suffer at QB, do you guys see the fans being patient and not chanting for EJ, or will they want to see our new guy take the field in 2013? If Kolb chokes, we put TJ in I say... I am excited about the pick but feel that we need to take it slow and not get ahead of ourselves.
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