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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. I'm hoping the same. The fact is wood was at least an adaquate starter and Glenn was solid before the previous regime showed up. Both of their play declined, whether it be coaching or scheme, I don't know. Regardless, Aaron Kromer has a very good history of putting together good lines and I'm hoping these guys bounce back. I haven't heard much about Richardson this offseason, but Kouandjio is working his ass off. Henderson obviously has some talent or he wouldn't have started. I'm really hoping they develope one or two of these guys. I can't believe people are so quick to give up on these guys. There are countless examples of guys taking a couple of years to look like they belong. Mckelvin, bradham, Hughes, and hogan are all such players.
  2. I still have hope for EJ, but I don't think cassel starting would be a bad thing. Let ej learn the offense for a year and let the front office improve the offensive line. The youth of the skill positions is awesome. McCoy is looked at as over the hill by pessimists and he's got 3 full years to play before he's 30. I hope Roman earns his paycheck because I really think he and Aaron Kromer are the most important pieces of the puzzle at this point.
  3. A lot of people want him cut but seem to forget he won the starting job before getting hurt last year. Maybe try to get him to take a pay cut, but I'm not ready to just cut him.
  4. Same here. Both are solid signings. Easley is a beast on special teams. He has a knack for flying down field and making big hits. I think Wynn provides decent depth at DE. I wouldn't mind a pass rusher in the 3rd or 4th round though.
  5. This is what has me sold. Well, that and dolphin fans getting upset he might be leaving. Let's all be honest, Chandler has little versatility. He's not making any of the plays shown in the video of Top 100 players that Clay made. He does a few things well and is a decent blocker. IMO, he'd be a great #2 TE. Then let Gray and Gragg battle out the number 3 spot with the 4th guy playing special teams, stashed deep in the roster, or cut.
  6. Kinda like Harbaugh? I wouldn't be shocked. I'm pumped to see what they do with the O-line and FB positions. I'm hoping Kromer has a better eye for talent than Marrone and Pat Morris did and I think it's safe to hope that. I want to see McCoy with holes to run through and break some big ones.
  7. I think we did too, but not a big one. He said he told his agent at the end of the year he wanted to stay in Buffalo. Either way, he got pain and the Bills got a great player. I was watching that and getting damn excited for the year. He told John Murphy that he wants to work even harder now. Hughes talked a lot about the work ethic of all the guys that are here and how much they want to win. It's giving me goose bumps just typing about it. One of my favorite moments from last year was after the safety against the Packers that sealed the game. I think it was Mario and Kyle who bear hugged and were jumping up and down like a couple of school girls that hadn't seen each other in a year. These guys seem to really be invested in each other and the Bills.
  8. That's really interesting. The media seems to be giving Chip the benefit of the doubt on all his moves. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. If I were an Eagles fan though, I'd be a little weary about what's happening. I can't wait until this is official and we get to hear him talk about the process and everything.
  9. Ahh, valid point. Hopefully EJ outplays him and we don't have to worry about seeing Cassel on the field. Between EJ learning how to be more of a leader through Orton and hopefully not being as passive with his throws, maybe we see a new man back there.
  10. I don't agree about your opinion on ortons decision making. I saw more than a handful of times receivers open and Orton missing them. Combine that with his poor accuracy and he was a below average qb. Why do you think Sammy and the coaches said Watkins should have out up better numbers? I don't mean to say cassel is a better qb, but it's worth a try I guess and I'm certainly happy Orton retired.
  11. If he goes to the Jets, it's going to be interesting. Possibly a Bills reunion with him, Chan, and CJ. I wouldn't be shocked, although they just traded for Marshall.
  12. That first emoji should have dollar signs instead of hearts. Great to see the whole family is happy. Great, great day.
  13. So is this the new thing everyone is going to freak out about? They gave McCoy money, there's none left for Hughes!!! They gave Hughes money, there's none left for Dareus!!! They gave Darues money, there's none left for Gilmore!!! etc, etc.
  14. Aweseome job OBD! Rex has the edge rushers to rush 4 and the blitz packages to cause some hell. I can't wait to see this defense in action. https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2015/03/09/bills-hughes-re-signs-with-buffalo/ I'm sure some have said he's bad against the run, presumably because he's a little undersized. That's just wrong. Hughes has been a damn good football player the past two years. Damn good job keeping him here at a reasonable salary.
  15. It sure as hell does. I assumed he was gone like a lot of other folks. I know OBD had been saying they were confident it would get done, but I thought they said that about Byrd. IMO, this money is much better spent on Hughes than Byrd, but it's unimportant right now. Awesome way to start Monday and free agency hasn't started yet! I'm on cloud 9 guys.
  16. That's a good article, nice find. In terms of re-working his contract, from what I've heard, they can add some guaranteed money and some how lower his cap hit. I believe the reason is he has almost no guaranteed money after this year. I have no idea how it works, maybe they'll have to add a year, but I think they can get it done. Look at the Saints, they just managed to cut Byrd's cap hit in half by changing some of the language. One thing I heard on WGR that I thought was interesting was Ian Rapoport said that Chip Kelly runs pretty hard practices on Saturdays. McCory apparently complained about it to some people because at times he felt sluggish. I imagine it would be tough to run at 100% if your legs are tired.
  17. That made me laugh as well, especially how 10 seconds earlier his dad said he was such a happy kid. He's definitely an emotional guy. I have to hope that once he gets to Buffalo and gets settled in, he's going to be hungry to prove people wrong. It's been reported he was willing to redo his contract in Philly and hypothetically lower his cap hit. Obviously Chip Kelly wasn't interested and sent him packing. IMO, that's a bit of a slap in the face. I hope he's pissed off and it shows on the field.
  18. They've four solid CB's, with a few in line as well. Gilmore McKelvin Graham Robey Brooks Cockrell I'm really liking what they are doing. They have some holes, but they've also got young guys at those positions. Keep adding guys for competition and let's hope Rex and the rest of the coaches can get the most out of these guys. The number of spots they need to fill is dwindling by the week, and it's not even free agency yet.
  19. The Bills were 18th in the league in sacks in 2012, 2nd in 2013, and 1st in 2014. That's a big jump when Hughes came on board. it's not all him, but he is certainly a solid part of it. Assuming the pass rush will stay as effective while losing a two time 10 sack RE is assuming a whole lot. Hughes has done some damn good things against very good LT's. I don't expect Wynn or some rookie to just come in and pick up 8-10 sacks. Pay the man, he deserves it.
  20. To be honest I don't know anything about the majority of these guys, I don't watch a lot of college football. I'm just happy to see the FO do their due diligence and show a sense of urgency towards the QB position. If I recall correctly, the Patriots have drafted more QB's (In the first round? First 3 rounds?) than the Bills have since Brady has been around. That's all I need to hear about how the Bills have handled the position recently.
  21. The two they aren't interviewing... Winston and Mariota. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2015/02/20/bills-to-meet-with-all-but-2-qbs-at-combine/ I like how they're going after the QB position after 14 years of "Well... if the value is right we'll draft/sign a guy."
  22. Fair enough. I've seen the "I'm sure belichick is scared!!!" comment one too many times. I don't care what he thinks and neither should Rex or anyone in the organization.
  23. Ok. Why the hell do we care if Rex's clothes intimidate Belichick? I don't really think that was his intent.
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