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Posts posted by elroy16

  1. I'm going to my first Bills game in my life when they play Washington this year. I am sure I will scream mine away as well :thumbsup:



    That's awesome, however, you are going to be disappointed by that atomosphere. Since it's week 15, there's almost a 100% chance Washington won't be in the playoff hunt at that point. Add that to the fact that the fans are marginal anyway, and I don't expect a spirited crowd.


    Hopefully the Bills are still fighting for a playoff spot and we (I'm going as well) take over the stadium.



    Also, fedex field sucks ass.

  2. He's a perfect change of pace back for McCoy. McCoy seems more patient, wait for the hole and go. Karlos sees a small hole and goes plowing through it. Karlos might be a better type of runner for games like yesterday where the defense is sending run blitzes and clogging the holes. That's when they need to get Shady in space (they did a few times yesterday) and let him run wild and then let Karlos hammer the run game up the middle. He does a great job of picking up 4-6 yards when it doesn't look like anything is there.



    Two things about Kiko, because it's getting old already. First, the Bills already have two 3-down linebackers who are very, very good. If Kiko's on the team, he, Bradham, or Brown aren't seeing many snaps. Second, that was a great pick last night, but the coverage was lacking. The WR was very open and even a decent pass and it's a TD.

  3. I was thinking the same thing last night while watching the Eagles-Falcons game. Jones had like 10 catches for 100 something yards and 2 tds. Clearly, the Eagles would have focused on stopping him. Sammy is just as talented as Julio--he should be getting his catches no matter who the opponent or CB covering him. Last year the All 22 revealed even Revis had trouble staying with him. I understand this week using him to draw away coverage worked well, but I still want him to get the ball somehow. Then again, we have so many playmakers it's ridiculous. But I for sure don't want Sammy to be a decoy. He will NOT be happy with this happening frequently, despite what he says about if the team is winning, he is all good.

    That's what my initial thought was. I've rewatched the Texans and Chargers game from last year and they seemed much much worse than this past Sunday. A few times guys came in free on Tyrod and he out maneuvered them, but those two games last year EJ was bombarded from everywhere constantly.



    I didn't see the entire game, but Jones was doing a ton of damage against single man coverage. At one he went in motion, no one followed him, and then he lined up in the slot with no one covering him. The eagles were showing blitz and I knew they were going to Jones. He ran a quick out and got a first because they weren't covering him. It was horrible defense by the Eagles, it was like they weren't game planning against him at all. His second TD was on a go with no safety help.



    From what I've heard and can tell (Haven't seen All-22), the Colts had their best corner and a safety over the top almost all game against Sammy. It sucks he wasn't involved and I think they should find a few ways to get him involved, but if other teams are going to use two players to take away sammy, including the best corner, then the best matchups are going to be away from Sammy.

  4. I listened to the WGR post game show before watching the game and distinctly remember Matthew Coller saying Taylor was running after one read. I was disappointed in hearing that and then watched the game and completely disagree with what Coller said and agree with the OP. I haven't had time to go back and examine each play, but since I was watching the game on DVR, I would watch most plays twice. Even on the bootlegs and most of the time Taylor scrambled you could see his eyes up field. He might have gone through his reads a little too quickly and scrambled before you'd like him too, but I don't remember him running when he had a big, open pocket. It was mostly when some pressure was getting close.



    This week is going to be a lot of fun and hopefully Taylor seizes the opportunity. With the number one offense, I hope the WR's getting open more frequently and allow Taylor to use his arm more.

  5. Muhahahahaha another bullet dodged. Spiller, what a bust.

    That's a clown reaction bro.



    Yeah he is injury prone, but with a real offensive coordinator, spiller can put up big numbers. He was over drafted, but isn't a bust. Always a good guy, I wish him the best.

  6. Great observations. Yeah, it's day one, but I still can't get enough.



    Hearing about Kouandjio is very encouraging. I'm hoping to see Glenn play at a higher level this year as well. Hopefully coming to TC in better shape will help him.



    I didn't see any comments from the OP about Darby, but the general consensus seems to be he looked like he belonged with the first team. I saw some training videos this offseason of him back peddling, drop stepping, and changing directions, and he looks incredibly quick. A strong group of CB's with this front 4 and Rex's blitzing will be fun to watch.

  7. It's tough to say. I wanted a 'house cleaning' just like the sabres purchase and it didn't come.


    However I love the moves and am very hopeful for the season.


    If it goes well its great. If it fails then pegula will get panned a bit. Kind of unfair waiting for hindsight.


    But I'm On board with every move

    so you wanted a house cleaning just for the sake of it or what? besides not getting a qb (the hardest thing to do as a GM in sports), Whaley and company have done a hell of a job bringing in talent.


    there's still work to be done, but I think firing Whaley would have been a horrible decision.



    the pegulas were a little too patient with the sabres, but I think I'd prefer that over some egotistical owner who is brand new to the game but still demands his/her way. The sabres weren't that bad when they took over and the current staff had taken the team to the Stanley Cup finals. Even during the bills coaching hire process they deferred to Whaley and russ because they've gone through it before. I prefer their slightly more cautious approach.



    I think they get an A for both teams.

  8. Everyday I'm not sure how I can be happier that Marrone quit and then everyday it happens.



    Seriously though, running the ball 70-80% of the time on first down is asking for trouble. It was painfully obvious at times how inept the running game was, yet they'd line up in shotgun formation and run fake a read/option only to have Fred or CJ get blown up in the backfield.



    EJ's sample size is pretty small, but he's shown some nice flashes. Just have to wait and see what happens.

  9. Here's something straight from one of the horse's mouths.





    John Murphy asked Jerry Hughes if the new coaching staff had anything to do with Jerry re-signing with Buffalo, Jerry gave a quick, definite yes. He went on to say (I'm paraphrasing), the front office brought in guys who have been successful and understand football and that played a part in him re-signing.


    Just a small thing, but he didn't sound too sold on the previous regime.



    Just a little something else, Murphy asked him about the defense dominating the offense so far, and Jerry said that the offense has had their days and EJ has looked good.

  10. or w pass rush, I'd just as soon let Mario Williams walk in 2 years and use the money for dareus,Gilmore and a qb...we could have drafted a nice pass rusher at 50 instead.

    You need a good pass rush and good CB play to defend the pass successfully. Most QBs could run 3 and 5 step drops and hit their first or second target if you have poor coverage from your CBs. The pass rush isn't getting to the QB in those situations.


    I like the Darby pick. Can't have too many CBs, some of the starters are getting up there in age and there isn't a lot of proven young talent.

  11. That scouting video has me pretty excited. They've brought in huge guys that struggle to bend their knees and end up lunging and missing guys. Miller apparently does a good job of bending his knees, getting low, and generating power with his hips. From the clip he looks pretty quick and gets on his blocks well. Maybe not right away, but with some strength training and practice, it sounds like he could be a very good lineman.

  12. Gilmore is up and down. Yes, the GB game was pretty good. Others, maybe avg at best. Still, he doesn't look like the shutdown corner we all expected out of college. Learning curve is long for CB's, and gilmore is coming up on his prime. He may yet get there, but he certainly has not lived up to his hype yet. The Bills have been desperate to sell him as a shutdown....he just hasn't done it yet.



    Yeah, you're right. Giving up one catch on eight throws in a half and then not being tested the second half by a HOF QB is pretty good. Give me a break, the man had two fantastic games against HOF QB's, and you give him a, "it was pretty good."



    I wish you could stand in front of the secondary and Donnie Henderson and tell them your thoughts. They'd laugh so hard they'd probably pee their pants.



    Or maybe he's just not that good, but yes, I'm sure he is thinking twice about that DB agent he is employing.. On a side note - I still crack up every time I see someone post a comment on how we should have retained Da'Rick. I will never understand the man-love for that guy.



    The man-love was because he was/is physically more gifted than Sammy Watkins and if he got his head on straight, he could have been a nice receiver.



    This is why when people say stuff like, Clay isn't worth the money, we have Gray and Gragg who are the same size and can do the same thing, it drives me crazy. There are a lot of guys with great measurables that don't pan out for whatever reason.

  14. Soccer hate is funny to me. My favorite comment is "I'd rather watch the most boring NFL game than the most exciting soccer game."



    I admittedly wasn't a huge soccer fan but now that the EPL is on TV quite often, I've been watching more and more. Sure, watching bad teams play isn't always exciting, but watch Arsenal vs Liverpool and it's exciting as hell.



    All that said, I am a sports junkie and I'll watch just about anything besides bowling. The EPL is on at that perfect time on Saturday and Sunday mornings when no other live sports are on. It's a great way to start nursing the hangover.

  15. im sure it made it an even more pronounced difference due to the illness, but if you dont think hes giving just a little something extra knowing that its a big crossroads for his career.....


    thats not implying he was a lazy oaf before, simply that guys are a little less likely to take a day off here and there, or cheat on a meal when the carrot of a new contract is getting so close.



    That's true, part of it might be the contract. IMO, he's shown enough that I believe that even if it wasn't a contract year, he'd have come in in good condition. Implying that money is the only reason he's been working out is what I don't believe.

  16. I think the whole "contract year" is insulting to Glenn. Last year he had an illness that didn't allow him to practice and stay in shape. It clearly hurt his performance.


    Before last year, when he physically couldn't train, did he have any other issues with being out of shape or not preparing? I don't recall any issues from when he was drafted to now. He's working out and came in to camp in shape because that's the type of player/person he is, not because he's in a contract year.

  17. If they draft a qb and it's not someone they think they are reaching for....

    Is that person not the favorite to start? Players taken in the first 3 rounds, definitely the top 2 are expected to start in today's NFL.

    I'm all about finding out qb, but I don't see how any of these guys available to us at 2 are starter worthy while there are starters at position of need to be taken.

    You forget so quickly how Kouandjio, the 2nd round pick last year, didn't start or really play at all.


    Sure, you'd like you top couple of picks to start each year, but it doesn't make or break a draft class if they don't start. EJ was a first round pick and almost everyone agrees nothing but good could come from him sitting a year or two.


    I am not at all against drafting a QB in the 2nd, but there's absolutely no reason thy have to start next year. Forcing a young QB into a starting role is a poor decision in my opinion.

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