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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. I love this argument. It's not like Trump didn't cry about the same thing but now every Trump fan wants to bash Clinton supporters for it. This is the hypocrisy that is so mind boggling. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266035509162303492?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw From 2012. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/798521053551140864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw From 2016.
  2. I don't. He's already pressuring foreign leaders to stay at his hotel, I'm sure that's for the public and not to put more money into his pocket. http://www.salon.com/2016/12/20/trump-organization-applies-political-pressure-on-foreign-diplomats-to-stay-at-donald-trumps-d-c-hotel-report/ I imagine we could debate for the next four years and neither of us would budge an inch, so I'm not going to get into it. I hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  3. That's a good one, implying Drumpf cares more about PR than money.
  4. I saw that earlier today and was thinking about it when I opened this thread. I am borderline shocked that no one came into this thread to bash Hughes and his lack of sacks. He's got four which isn't terrible, but only on pace for eight on the year. He's doing a good job creating pressure and playing the run. Shaq has looked pretty decent his first few games after such a long break. Hughes/Shaq may not be Ware/Miller, but it's a strong pair.
  5. I wish Dareus could get out there this game and help stuff up the middle and slow down the run. They've been decent at it, but I think Marcell could put them over the top in that department. Regardless, it's awesome to hear Shaq should be back. I can't wait to see him play, even if it's just 10-15 snaps to get his feet wet.
  6. https://twitter.com/MikeReiss/status/784485363431669765 What a load of ****. I agree. Have the whole team just walk through all of their drills next game.
  7. No, he's not out of shape. Please find one piece of evidence that he came to camp, pre-season, or now out of shape. He pulled a hammy, that happens. Being out of shape can increase that type of injury, but doesn't mean he's out of shape. Kyle said he practiced and will be ready to go for the game. If he was out of shape, they wouldn't let him play. He's not in football shape, but that doesn't happen until you play football. Instead of making things up, find something that says he's out of shape and post that. I don't know if he's changed and neither does anyone here unless you know Marcell personally. My hope is that he has changed and learned from his past transgressions. I know multiple people that didn't lead a clean, healthy, good lifestyle for many years but eventually turned it around. It's pretty common, even for people in there 20's and later.
  8. Except that he's not out of shape. I'm well aware he had issues two years ago. I guess people can't change or grow, good to know...
  9. The conclusions that people are coming to while knowing almost nothing about the Dareus' situation are astounding. Maybe he said he was going to go to rehab before he consulted with anyone because he thought that was the best course of action. After consulting with some doctors and people close to him they came to the conclusion that closer monitoring while continuing to train, etc would work better for him during this time. Is that more likely or is it more likely that the Bills and Dareus purposely made the rehab stuff up to make themselves look good (Or whatever reason you guys are going with right now)? He was giggling during the press conference, HE'S STILL HIGH!
  10. Very well said. It seems like some people think these guys should have a Go Pro on 24/7 so we can see what they do all day. It's absurd.
  11. Well you aren't paying attention or your NE colored glasses are getting in the way. You can clearly see Blanton pointing towards the sideline, presumably telling them to go around. You can see the Bills coaches and the player running toward the sideline, because they were in the middle of the drill. Either the NE players were trying to instigate or they are dumbasses. Either way, I'm glad the Bills players did what they did.
  12. I wouldn't. Someone posted comments he made last summer when he was suspended. He mostly said stuff like, they want me to do this, they talked about this, they believe in me, etc. A bunch of they comments. This press conference it sounded like he was the one pursuing help and figuring out what he needs to do. He said stuff like, I wanted to seek out professionals. I wanted help with my decision making. I wanted to be pro active. I saw an issue in myself. etc. Not sure if that means he really wants to or has changed, someone coached him up to say it that way, or what, but it was just something I noticed. Honestly I can't blame him for getting frustrated during the press conference. They were basically asking him everything that happened over the past month, what the counseling was about, etc. That stuff is private and I know I wouldn't want to talk about that. As usual, the reporters were harping on the same thing, just asking the questions in slightly different ways. I didn't see him acting like a jerk, maybe frustrated, but that's understandable.
  13. That sounds right to me. Whaley's said it countless times, they put a value on a player and try to work out a deal. If they want too much more, it doesn't get done. I think they've done a very good job with their contracts recently. They aren't all perfect, but nothing too horrible. Maybe a little too much to McCoy, Hughes is currently a steal, Kyle is a decent number, Clay maybe a tad high, etc.
  14. Trump is pro whatever the hell puts money in his pocket. He flip flops more than a fish out of water, denies he said things that you can easily find online, and makes up all sorts of crap. I don't understand how people believe a single word he says.
  15. There is a huge difference between caring about someone's well being and being a nosy neighbor.
  16. You're so right. How dare the Bills players get upset at the Patriots players for running through their drills. Why didn't they stop and let them walk through like the guys in prison did for Avon? Here's what Blanton had to say about it, the guy who pushed Brissett. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/10/02/bills-patriots-said-pregame-fight/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=puma#link_time=1475491945 So he asked them to not run through their drills and they did it a second time anyway. Is Blanton really the disrespectful one here? If they hadn't done anything about it and something came out, I'd bet any amount of money people would be talking about how weak the team is and how they don't stand up for themselves. The Patriot players were the disrespectful ones here, it's pretty obvious. Blanton maybe didn't need to push him and start the scuffle, but it wouldn't have happened if the patriot players weren't being !@#$s themselves.
  17. IMO, these are correct. He might add an extra play or two for Hogan, but starting a WR at QB is a stretch.
  18. Fair enough. When I hear dirty I think of guys going for other players heads, knees, poking eyes, crap like that. I don't recall Hughes doing any of that.
  19. It's hard to argue against that right now. Hopefully he continues to keep it together and avoids the personal fouls. I imagine we're thinking of the same PF he got when he was congratulating a teammate after a sack. I think that was last year, maybe two years ago. I remember there was a member of the other team beside them as well, my only guess was the official thought he was taunting the other player. This isn't directed towards you, just in general. I don't like the dirty label for Jerry, no matter what he's done. Bonehead or too intense, whatever, but I don't recall anything dirty from Jerry over the years.
  20. Jerry has gotten much better at controlling his emotions, specifically after the whistle. The 15 yard personal fouls for pushing someone or talking too much are the penalties that drive me crazy. I'm not going to get too upset about him trying to strip the ball and accidentally ripping off the QB's helmet. He needs to learn from that and try to be smarter next time, but it wasn't one of his classic, mind numbing 15 yard penalties.
  21. Don't think this is worth a new thread, so thought I'd throw it in here. Anyway, I watch games through Sunday Ticket's streaming service. I've had mixed results over the years. I mainly used my tablet or laptop to watch and it's always been about the same, mostly watchable, some very good quality, some terrible, and a decent amount of freezing. This year I downloaded the Roku app and watched most of the first half of the Cards game with that. The experience was the same or worse than the laptop, more buffering, etc. At halftime, I decided to download the Sunday Ticket app on my PS4 and watch that way. Only maybe once throughout the entire second half did it freeze and the quality was pretty solid. I'm not sure if there's a different feed the PS4 gets, I was just lucky, or what, but I recommend trying to use your PS4 (or XBOX one if it's available) to stream Sunday Ticket. Hopefully this helps someone and wasn't just a fluke.
  22. The safety is in the middle and then immediately goes to the right side of the field at the snap. Like you said, I feel like the QB's first "read" should be the safety and then decide a side of the field to go from there. If it were a two high safety look, then I'd understand more having a predetermined side of the field you were going to go to. If Tyrod is getting confused by that look, then we should be worried. Maybe Roman is babying him, I don't know. In terms of Woods being a "steal" for another team, I imagine he'll sign somewhere for 5-6 million. Yes, six million is a lot money, but it's less than 4% of the salary cap. That much for a guy that I think could easily catch 60+ passes may not be a steal, but it would be great value.
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