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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. I don't the problem, if anything, it might be a smart move. There's never a time during a game that there isn't some sort of distraction. Make them learn how to ignore the distractions and focus on what they need to do.
  2. After events in DC, I just walk a few blocks until the crowds have died down and then order an Uber. That usually makes it a little bit easier. Granted in DC, there are a lot of Uber drivers and cabs, so that might help.
  3. The Bills have won more games every year over the past eight. Just because the Browns tanked the last two, they're all of a sudden going to turn it around? Tanking =/= turning around a franchise And yes, the browns have made the playoffs a grand total of two times since the Bills drought started, once while going 9-7 and getting a wild card, the same record the Bills have had twice since the drought started but didn't earn a wild card birth. Neither franchise has been good over the past 17 years, but the Bills have won more games and been more competitive. I know, blah blah, baby, blah, blah, playoffs, blah, blah, blah... I don't care. The Browns are not in a better position. The grass isn't always greener.
  4. Good post. I feel like I'm going crazy listening to the press conference and reading some people's thoughts on here. The media asked Sean at least five times who has the final call. "If you like a DB and Whaley likes a WR, what do you do?" It's not like Whaley is going to cut players without discussing it with Sean. They're both going to have their fingerprints on the roster, but apparently the only thing that's important to some is who they can blame if it fails.
  5. Let's just cut Watkins slow ass, running a 4.43 40, what a bum. Let's also acknowledge that 40 time doesn't always match game speed. Back on topic, I've been a fan of Seymour since day one. Seems like a good kid, comes from an extremely rough area, and so far has said all the right things. Hopefully he can blossom into a solid player and get his family out of the snake pits.
  6. It sucks the NFL draft lottery screwed the Bills so badly. To be the worst team in the league and have the 10th pick in the draft is a travesty.
  7. I wonder if it was another team besides the Pats how fans would be reacting? Probably less crazy, but still somewhat because this seems like an easy way to bash Whaley. Whaley turned a FA pickup into a 5th round pick that is very deep at a bunch of positions the Bills need. That seems like a decent trade IMO. It's not like MG was the starter. He was a nice player for the Bills, but mostly a burner backup RB. He had a bunch of nice carries, but he isn't anything special. Whaley's a gambler, we'll see how this one plays out. O-line's can make avg RB's look good. I think matching Groy was the right move and it seems like they aren't going to match MG. I prefer this outcome than the other way around.
  8. That does worry me a little bit. From JP, to EJ and Tyrod, it seems like the QB here always has happy feet. It's one thing that intrigues me so much about Cardale, he seems to move around the pocket well and doesn't bail at the first sign of pressure. I haven't watched enough of Mahomes to see how bad it is, but I did see him taking off early here and there. It's kind of slow today, I might try to watch another game or two of his to get a better idea.
  9. Here's a good article / interview with Mahomes. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2703712-watching-tape-with-patrick-mahomes-the-myth-of-the-air-raid-quarterback It sounds like he's done a lot at the line of scrimmage, identifying coverages, setting protections, and figuring out the best options. I haven't watched a lot of him, but he looks like a very intriguing prospect. To be honest, if they love Trubisky, Mahomes, or Watson, I say just take them at 10 or trade back 3-5 spots if they're all available at 10 and you have a suitor. Quit dicking around with the most important position on the team.
  10. I love it. I'm a huge UNC fan and Roy Williams goes out of his way to make past alum, great or just average, feel like family. Players talk all the time how fun it is playing against former greats like Tyler Hansbrough and Raymond Felton during summer pick up games. Sure, going to UNC gives players a great opportunity to win a championship, but even if they don't, they're part of a greater tradition than just that year's basketball team. It's not the same in the NFL, regardless, I like it a lot.
  11. I would really, really hope he is smarter than that, but I don't know. I thought he had learned his lesson after the car wreck, or first suspension, but here we are. I know smoking herb is fun and all, but come on man. In 5-8 years when he's retired, it'll probably be legal just about everywhere in the states. Hold out until then and then you can enjoy the good life, get fat, and smoke cronic all day.
  12. Ran out of room. 99 is here https://twitter.com/4JoshReed/status/848916566183948288 I really hope Mr. Big Stuff can stay out of trouble and play 16 games at a high level. He is so important and gets dogged so much. A lot of it is justified, but I don't think all of it is.
  13. You guys should read everything he says instead of freaking out about one line. https://twitter.com/viccarucci/status/846734844193259521
  14. I assume you're talking about letting them play with "real tackling" and not so many penalties for helmet to helmet hits and what not. If so, that's never going to happen. Goodell is finally doing something right by removing a TV timeout each quarter. They have to find other ways to cut out all the breaks, that's the biggest issue IMO. What they need to do is conduct challenges in the same way they do in the NHL. Have a centralized location look at the replays and radio the decisions to the refs. You can see on TV within 10-20 seconds what the call should be, yet it takes no less than 3-5 minutes for them to announce the challenge, go to commercial while the ref runs to the booth, and then announce the decision. It's a joke. Cut out these unnecessary breaks, get the games in around three hours again and that'll help a lot.
  15. The Pegula's would go down as enemy number one in Buffalo forever. I just don't see it. Crazier things have happened, but I just don't see it.
  16. He's got great form on his shot, had a huge three and an old fashioned three point play when the Heels were struggling to score. Huge game for the kid. Good job by ole Roy giving the kid minutes when many said he didn't belong. Roy gets blasted for his unwillingness to use timeouts, but it paid off on the final play and he does a great job of developing players.
  17. If you don't have HBO, do yourself a favor and borrow or steal someone's HBO Go login and go watch The Wire. It might be a tad outdated with the pagers and old flip phones, but it doesn't matter. It's an incredible journey through various aspects of crime/police/politics/school in Baltimore with some of the best characters in television. Tier 1 Seinfeld The Wire It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Unfortunately the consistency starts to drop in later seasons, but there are still fantastic episodes) Tier 2 The Office Parks and Rec 30 Rock Archer Arrested Development Fargo True Detective (Season 1) Game of Thrones The Simpsons (early seasons)
  18. These are always in the top three for me, it's hard to decide on a top five. The Big Lebowski Die Hard The Matrix Next tier is Die Hard 3 and 4 John Wick Tropic Thunder and probably a dozen other I can't think of
  19. In the last two to three years they've gotten much better about addressing the O-line, I was referring to the playoff drought in general. I'd like to see them continue to look for pass rushers. Outside of Hughes, a 34 year old vet, and maybe Shaq, they're awful thin on pass rushers. We'll see about Ryan Davis.
  20. That is one variable and IMO, certainly not close to the root of the roster mismanagement. I think not focusing on the lines has been a bigger issue over the years, outside of course finding a franchise QB. Only elite QB's can mask a poor O-line and even then they can only do so much.
  21. You can't really have it both ways. More players = fewer picks in regards to compensatory picks. I think it's easier for good teams to play this game because they have fewer holes to fill. Teams like the Bills might value a guy that has proven he belongs in the league (albeit not a star, but a OK rotational guy) over the potential of a draft pick. You can still pick up some guys later after the draft or whatever the cut off day is for the comp pick formula, so I can see the criticism of picking up the lower end FA's when you might be sacrificing a draft pick. With a new coaching staff, I might lean towards picking up the free agents because these are guys with more film who will probably be able to help right away.
  22. Who's out there you can sign that would be an upgrade? He broke his leg early in his career and got hurt last year, outside of that hes been very dependable. Far from tons of injuries. Cutting solid starters is a fantastic idea when you don't have to. Edit Sorry, read your post again and realized you were criticizing those who want to cut him, not those who don't.
  23. I didn't think they'd match the offer, figured they would go with ducasse, Lewis, and maybe a draft pick as interior backups. I'm glad they matched it and was wrong about the tender, I thought it would be better served to put the 2nd round tender on him. I'm curious to see how it works out with gillislee.
  24. You know he's a good RB. You don't know how a 5th round RB is going to turn out. Would you have trade any of the following for TD Mike? Edit. Half my post got cropped for some reason. Oh well, look at the history of RB picks from the Bills, they are not good. I've never believed in the RB's are a dime a dozen cliche. For a proven, solid RB, $2.7 isn't a big hit.
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