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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. She's doing fine, rex is basically acting as a second play by play, so not getting any good in depth from either. Chargers not looking like a prepared team.
  2. Siemian looks decent. Chargers just blew their 3rd timeout with 6 minutes to go after their D didn't know what to do against a oline heavy package.
  3. Too bad Wood didn't wait a half second until the Jet player stood up, then it could have been a clean strip/fumble.
  4. I'm hoping his hammy and hip injuries played a part in it as well. Either way he's still a handful in the middle (apart from the QB sneak for TD) and did the job of clogger pretty well. I'd like to see more from a $100 million DT, but we'll see. Did we witness a game yesterday with zero TO's because of confusion on either side and no motion or illegal formation penalties? That was weird and surprising for me.
  5. Shady mentioned they didn't really run any of the designed passes they have in the playbook for him, they were mostly dump offs. I thought the 2nd and 20 early in the game was a screen, but I don't remember other than that. That might be one thing they're storing away to keep their LB's on their heels. I didn't notice any double A gap pressure looks either. I'm curious to see if they break that out or figure Cam has practiced against that for five years and they'll try something else. Hopefully they get a few more hits on him than they did McCown and never let him get comfortable.
  6. Which means he'll be in the top half no matter what happens.
  7. Pros Win Shady Run D As JohnC mentioned, the overall preparedness of the team was extremely refreshing. I think they blew one coverage all game, almost no presnap penalties, etc. Clay Negatives Gotta finish those drives Pass rush, but McCown had a big part in that. Would like to see some more throws down the field, but would need to watch all-22 to see if there were opportunities or not.
  8. Why Kyle? Because he retires? Kyle is literally the exact kind of player they want on this team. Works his ass off, does his job, and is almost always available.
  9. This is an interesting thought and it would be interesting to see how this plays out with this FO. I was pretty excited when they were stocking up on picks during the draft, but then felt somewhat discouraged when they traded up twice. They gave away a late 3rd to move up and pick Zay while they gave up two fifths to move up and pick Dawkins, so their moves line up pretty well with your theory. My guess is you are right and it's possible they value those late drafts as potential trade currency more than flyers on guys with a small chance of making the team.
  10. That is basically what my coworker, a Ravens fan, said to me when they hired Castillo and signed Vlad. It would make sense if he was good, but damn, he just looks bad.
  11. Well researched information there. My favorite pro tank argument I saw on twitter was, "3-13 gets you a franchise QB, 7-9 gets you whitner." The problem with that statement is the only QB that was drafted before Whitner was Vince Young, so yeah. Between changing systems, not the best QB, lack of quality depth, and what looks like a brutal schedule, I wouldn't be shocked with 5 wins or so. I don't think they'll be worse than that, but it's possible. Hopefully with their mid-high first round pick and the additional stock they have, they can move up and get a QB if Tyrod and Peterman don't appear to have the ability to run the offense. If they do, they have a bunch of picks to add a lot of talent. Anyway, in the NFL, I am 100% anti-tank. I'm against it in any sport really, I hate the idea of not trying to win, but in the Sabres case, it worked out. Even in the NHL it's not a guarantee, look at Reinhart. I like him as a player, but he's not looking like a star who can turn a franchise around.
  12. My coworker is a Ravens fan and had a good laugh when I told him the Bills signed Ducasse. Castillo's fascination for him is unsettling. I've almost never wanted to see a Bills player fail, but I hope he gets abused all game and they finally see he is not a capable starter. Tyrod is going to get killed this year and we're going to go another year of having no idea if Tyrod is any good because he's never going to have more than 2 seconds to throw the ball.
  13. I pray to God they aren't. I don't understand how he's getting first team snaps still. Was it to prove that he can't cut it? What is Miller doing that they refuse to put him at RG? Ducasse and Castillo were together in Baltimore. My only guess is Castillo trusts him to do be in the right spot all the time, but what good is that if he's getting run over all the time?
  14. I'm 90% sure this article was written after listening to Beane talk with Jeremy and Howard on WGR. Beane talks about why he didn't tell McD before the game and how they discussed it for hours after. http://www.wgr550.com/media/audio-channel/08-14-bills-gm-brandon-beane-howard-and-jeremy-live-bills-training-campmp3 Yes, the GM is going to trade the #1 WR and CB three weeks before the season without discussing it with the HC. Give me a break people.
  15. Vic has decent pieces, but the headlines most of the time annoy the hell out of me. Their WR corp was thin before Boldin signed, definitely not desperate. Look at the Jets, that's a desperate situation. I guess he's gotta get clicks, but I hate those click bait type headlines.
  16. Sounds like a good idea by McDermott. Bring a new scenario everyday at the very beginning of practice. That should keep guys on there toes from the start versus stretching, then individual drills, etc. everyday and becoming stagnant. I haven't been to camp, but from the sound of it, McD is doing things differently including a lot of small things like these specific scenarios. I saw this today. https://twitter.com/4JoshReed/status/894545733659107328 WR's are catching passes after running behind a dummy to practice not seeing the ball all the way through the air. One of the replies said they haven't seen that before in camp. Seems like something minor, but could help with contested catches. Marrone had his "big book" he kept that had notes, how to run practices, long term goals, short term goals, all of that. It sounds like McDermott has a bunch of binders of notes he's taken from almost everyone he's met. So far I like McDermott's implementation and how he and Beane seem to be on the same page and have similar visions on how to succeed in the NFL. The proof is in the pudding, but i'm definitely encouraged so far.
  17. Holy **** that is depressing. Like people have said, bringing pressure up the middle and collapsing the pocket disrupts Brady and basically every QB in the league. Between Kyle, Dareus, and McDermott's double A gap pressure, they have a chance. Having Hughes and hopefully Shaq applying pressure from the outside and forcing Brady to step up in the pocket is the ideal scenario, assuming Kyle and Dareus are collapsing said pocket.
  18. Do you know how many players in the entire NFL had more than 10 sacks last year? 16. 10+ sacks doesn't make or break a player. I'm also interested in pressures, disrupting the run, doing his job, etc. Sure, bump this in the offseason after he has 9 sacks and claim he's a bust, it'll make for a good laugh. No, it doesn't. #BADOL said he wasn't drafted to stop the run. I brought up a stat that shows he was clearly very good against the run in college, therefore, he was drafted to help stop the run.
  19. You don't think Shaq is going to be any good, that's fine, but your arguments are pretty meh. You were the one that brought up 300 lbs DEs, so your first line makes no sense. There are plenty of DE's that are in the 275 range that are good against the run. Teams still run the ball, so of course they drafted Shaq to play against the run. Remember that tackles for loss in college stat I brought up? He did that because he's very good against the run. I honestly don't care about last year. He said he was playing in a defense that he was very unaccustomed to so he simplified his game so that he could do his job. Missing all of training camp and part of the year hurt his development and him getting comfortable in the defense as well. I had hyped myself up into him coming in fresh and making a big impact. It didn't happen and it's pretty clear why. He's back in a defense he knows, at a better weight, and healthy.
  20. Please list all of these 300 pound 43 DEs. Mario was 300 and was the exception. Jerry is strong against the run at under 260. Michael Bennet is great against the run at 275. Shaq led all fbs players in tackles for loss his junior year, he's doing more than just setting the edge.
  21. Feels like a Marrone, "I'm the boss" type move. Gates said he might go, even if he receives a fine. Seems unnecessary from Lynn.
  22. Shaq, Zo, Groy (?), and Ragland (?) putting in work.
  23. I didn't see it yet in this thread, but Shaq also said he's dropped some weight. http://buffalonews.com/2017/07/29/slimmed-shaq-lawson-wreaking-havoc-early-training-camp-bills/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Sure, he might not have looked great last year. I'm sure playing in a defense where he was thinking and not being in the best shape since he wasn't able to fully train had something to do with it. Looking forward to seeing what he can do, he appears very motivated and on the right track. Edit: Oops, missed the other thread talking about the weight loss. Oh well.
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