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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. I think the whole "can't throw from the pocket" narrative is lazy and not accurate at all. There's maybe two throws in that reel that aren't from the pocket and those were off of immediate pressure. Otherwise he's staying in the pocket and going through his progressions. He's already 10x the passer Tyrod is. If you watched those highlights of Tyrod at VT, it's the same thing we've seen him do here, make a read or two, scramble around, and then make a throw. Jackson can and is willing to put the ball in tight spots. I'd definitely take Jackson at 21, but I'm not convinced he'll be there.
  2. That's not 100% accurate. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/01/09/dossier-author-told-fbi-had-source-inside-trump-organization/1017938001/ http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/18/politics/fbi-dossier-carter-page-donald-trump-russia-investigation/index.html The only way to know what's really happening is to see the full FISA surveillance application.
  3. No issues from me either, but I know Bud and his staff have been blamed for injuries in the past on here.
  4. Long-time Bills trainer Bud Carpenter has retired.
  5. Cardillo's tweet is inaccurate and misleading. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/08/us/politics/senate-hearing-transcript.html Comey never says the dossier is salacious and unverified. At best, he says there is salacious and unverified material in the dossier, but he doesn't say the dossier is salacious and unverfieid in full, which is what Cardillo implies. I say at best, because in the testimony they don't reference the dossier during this question and answer, so he could be referencing information gathered through different means.
  6. That's true, appreciate the response. I watched all his throws/run video versus Miss St, his o-line did not help much that game. I liked what I saw though. As you said, definitely examples of staying in a congested pocket and making quick throws.
  7. Jackson looks like an intriguing prospect. I've watched a limited about of him, but he looks more decisive throwing the ball than Tyrod and throws to the middle of the field and up the seam. He looks more willing to throw into tight windows against zone versus Tyrod. His accuracy on short and intermediate throws looks pretty good, not as much on deep. When he hits receivers, they can actually gain yardage. One question, does he have happy feet? We've seen Tyrod bail on a fairly clean pocket a bunch of times over the past three years. Does Lamar do that? Can Lamar navigate a small pocket to buy time?
  8. @YardsPerPass ‏ @Cover_1_ Those are the two essential follows if you want film breakdowns.
  9. Tyrod was at a basketball game with Shady a few days after the season ended. I don't know if he'd be at that type of event if his concussion was that bad. I'm thinking Clay. He's had some back issues, maybe they found something at the exit physical.
  10. I agree that analytics works better with baseball, but there's no question there's room for it in football. Follow this guy on twitter, @SharpFootball or go to his website. http://SharpFootballAnalysis.com He collects a ton of data and breaks down tendencies, effective rates, and a ton of other stuff. Following him really showed how terrible Haley was in Pittsburgh and how terrible Hackett was in the second half of the NE game. I'm sure there are people who can pick up on this stuff without needing a site to break it down, but games run together in my head, so sites like this are great for me.
  11. How do you guys know Castillo is so terrible and the drop in production wasn't just Dennison's poor play calling and forcing power/man blockers to run a scheme they weren't good at?
  12. I wonder how Kyle feels when he reads something like this. Kyle's been trying to mentor this guy for over 6 years and now in 2 months the Jags have changed his life? Seems like a slap in the face. Thanks for all the hard work Kyle!
  13. It's not arrogance, they're dropping players that don't fit their profile. They aren't going to keep guys around that need extra motivation from the coaches to work. Sammy admitted that he put his stats above the team winning, goodbye. Marcell needed extra attention to give 50%, goodbye. Darby is a better man corner and they run mostly zone, they got good value from him, goodbye. They aren't just dropping talent so that they can succeed with "their guys" and say I told you so. They kept Shady, a close to 30 year old RB who makes a bunch of money. If it was about dropping money, or dropping talent, or anything about their arrogance, Shady would have been gone. Shady is still here because he works his ass off and doesn't need to be coddled. If you aren't self motivated, you aren't going to stick around long with McDermott and Beane in charge. I like it.
  14. Yeah, I defended Dareus a lot, but this nonsense just makes me shake my head and roll my eyes. Dareus was pouting when they wouldn't show him respect with a big deal, then gets his huge contract, only to continue to not work up to the standard someone making that amount should. https://pro32.ap.org/article/if-anybodys-going-be-hyped-jags-bills-its-dareus Give me a break.
  15. Yeah, very weird. I'm not sure I've ever seen a play like that, especially one that resulted in a return for TD.
  16. That is some incredibly lucky garbage. He's in the process of fumbling it, but goes out of bounds while still touching it, so it's the right call. Thankfully it didn't matter.
  17. Conditional 6th. Turns into a 5th if he starts more than ~12 games. Turns into a 4th if he starts more than ~12 games and the team goes to the playoffs. Turns into a 3rd if he starts more than ~12 games and the team goes to the Super Bowl with him starting all playoff games. I wonder if a team would go for something like that.
  18. This is all you need to see to know he's a POS. He should be walking out with his head down, instead he's taunting the fans.
  19. I'm taking under. I'm guessing 13 from the Bills and 4 tops from the sabres. ugh
  20. Disclaimer, this is from watching one of the "all the throws" videos, no all-22 or anything, so take this with a grain of salt. Anyway, I was pretty underwhelmed with his performance in the Clemson game. Five TD's and over 300 yards looks great, but a lot of it was well schemed plays by the coaching staff. I watched the video below and I saw a shovel pass for a TD, a busted coverage for a TD, a great play by the TE Orndoff for a TD, a good throw for a TD, and another shovel pass for TD. I'll give him credit, he took some shots, but he was also holding the ball in the pocket longer than I'd like to see. Now I'll fully admit that Clemson was probably much more talented so receivers were probably having trouble gaining separation, but I didn't see this game as Peterman carrying the team to victory as much as I saw the coaches scheming up a great game plan that Peterman did a well enough job at executing. He also got bailed out on a few PI's for first downs and overall I didn't see great deep throw accuracy. This video is also clearly missing some throws as it starts with Pitt up 7-0.
  21. It's obviously disappointing from a fan perspective, but 100% the smart move. Beyond probably not knowing the playbook or having any rapport with tyrod, he hasn't had a bye yet.
  22. At the beginning of the year, I was basically in watch, see, and evaluate mode. The first few games, I didn't get as hyped as I usually do. I didn't feel as much anxiety, excitement, or anger as in years past, mostly because I didn't expect anything from them. Of course that all went out the window as Milano ran down the sideline for a TD. Now I'm anxious as hell and am counting down the minutes to kick off tonight. I still don't expect them to win the SB this year or anything crazy like that, but I do feel really good about this staff so far. I like how McDermott seems to work so well with the players. Seems like a great leader.
  23. Supposedly using a few key search words you can find links pretty easily on reddit by key I mean bills stream
  24. I think this should be stated again. It seems obvious, but sometimes I wonder about how much football some people watch outside of Bills games. People have been all over Zay for his drops. You see similar drops in basically every single NFL game. Tyrod misses throws you'd really like him to make, so do most QB's. Based purely on the eye test, I think Tyrod has done a better job this year at moving around in the pocket, not running at the first sign of danger, and making plays with his arm. He can still do better, but he's made a bunch of big plays by buying time and throwing versus scrambling and getting forced out of bounds for a yard or two, something I thought he did too much of last year. Tyrod can do better and the encouraging thing is he seems to be getting better. Of course you still want to upgrade, he's not perfect, but I surely don't want to run him out of town. Draft someone else and let the rookie and Peterman continue to learn on the bench as long as Tyrod plays at this level or better. If the rookie or Peterman clearly outplay him in pre-season or Tyrod struggles, then make a move.
  25. I think we'll see Lorax at LB for early downs and then rotate to rusher for passing downs. He already does that a bit, but like you said, hopefully we continue to see Milano out there. He and Humber could make a decent pair of cover LB's. Receiving an extra 3rd round pick is very enticing, I can't deny that. At the beginning of free agency I thought it might not be a bad idea to lay low and pick up the extra pick. At this point though, I think the free agents they signed are too valuable to the team. If it was just one guy they had to cut, I could see it happening, but three is too many. I could see in future years Beane playing the system a little bit and trying to gain extra picks. In a HC's first year, he probably wants to bring in some guys he wants and can help establish the leadership and culture he's looking for. I think that's more important to McDermott than a 3rd round pick next year.
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