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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. Before his ACL/MCL injury, he played in all but one game in three years. @Yardsperpass put up some clips of him getting around the edge. He isn't going to be Von Miller flying off the edge, but looks like he can get around OT's with some speed and has decent hand usage. They desperately needed help at DE, so i'm happy they're doing something.
  2. Sorry! I really hope Yarbrough can take another step. They need the pass rush to be better this year.
  3. Considering last year was Thomas' first full year at TE, I'm sure he still has a ton to learn. I'm not banking on him producing, but I'm intrigued by his potential. A QB that can utilize the middle of the field better should help too.
  4. Nickel is basically the base defense these days, so it's hardly coming off the bench. Both guys would get a ton of snaps. It 100% makes sense for the bills of they get him at a reasonable price,but I wouldn't be surprised if EJ cashed on on a nice payday. I'd love it if he came back. They played exceptionally well without a good front 7, would love to see them all together with Davis and a better pass rush.
  5. I'm guessing you don't smoke... Regardless, of course it could be pot. Just like people can become addicted to gambling, shopping, or eating, of course you can become addicted to smoking pot. A ton of talented individuals never make it because they aren't motivated. It's hard for me to judge, I'm sure I could have played baseball for a better college (only played JUCO D3), but I was lazy and wanted to hang out, smoke, and drink with my friends. Edit: I could be making light of some other issue Karlos is having besides being lazy (like myself). That wasn't my intention. Hopefully if there is something else going on with him he gets the help he needs.
  6. Ivory doesn't count in the compensatory pick formula, which is just icing on the cake for the signing. Most other RB's that they'd sign after free agency starts probably would have. I think before the draft is the way to go. This way they can draft a guy in the 3rd if the value is right or they can wait until the 5th or 6th.
  7. I really want to shove these stats into Evan Silva's face, but it's not worth the effort. He said he hoped Buffalo didn't get into the playoffs because McD put himself above the team when he played Peterman against the Chargers. Per him, Bills fans are narrow minded and myopic and can't see the league landscape, therefore we blew the QB situation. We put our fanboy feel over facts.
  8. Yes, I agree with that. Same as I don't think the right wing media, democrats, or Republicans tell you all the facts.
  9. I never said people don't spread false information. That's why receiving news from Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc is not helpful way to stay informed. How much nonsense was spread about Hillary and her running a children sex ring in the basement of a pizza joint? Like you said, fake stories are spread by people who are too eager to agree with the narrative they already believe, on both sides.
  10. That's not all there's evidence of. The pageant contestants saying he walked in on them while dressing is also evidence. You clearly choose not to believe the women who claim Trump did what he said he did. If you don't understand why women don't come forward more often about sexual assault allegations, then you clearly aren't paying very much attention to what's happened over the years between Bills Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore, etc, etc. Care to share information about the women who are being paid? Are these allegations of them being paid or hard proof? Are you talking about the woman that tried to trick the Washington Post into running a story against Roy Moore? Strolling into a locker room while the opposite sex is changing is OK now? I'll see how that plays out at my work gym later today. Can you really not understand the difference between a guy going into a woman's changing room unannounced to try and see women naked and a woman reporter wanting the same access as a male reporter? Do the reporters just barge into the NFL locker room unannounced? Do the players have no time to cover themselves? Are the female reports on tape saying they go in so that they can catch the men naked? Willoughby filed a report after Porter punched a glass door in their door and received a protective order against him. Both women said they went to church officials and were advised to take his professional aspirations into consideration before coming out. I'm sure that's them lying though. I don't know why they didn't try to file charges about the physical abuse. Probably for many of the same reasons a lot of victims don't go to the police. They're scared, they don't think the police will or can help, they don't want people to know, they lack evidence, etc. I'm sorry they don't have on video Porter beating them that proves they were abused. This is exactly why women don't come out more when they are abused physically or emotionally. It's hard to prove and often times people don't believe them. I understand, people shouldn't be thrown into jail just because someone says they were abused by someone. My friend was accused of rape in college when he didn't do anything, thankfully the truth came out and nothing happened. I believe him because I trust him and because she didn't have a black eye or any other physical evidence of harm or a tape of him bragging about it and she later changed her story. Porter was not going to receive a clearance because of the abuse allegations. Whether you believe the women or not, if you can't pass your clearance, you shouldn't be handling confidential information in the White House. That's obviously on the list of offences that make you unfit to serve in the White House. The FBI had the pictures and either put them in the full report that was given to the White House last summer or reported the abuse. That's when he should have been out. Instead Kelly was "shocked" by these "new" allegations. This is how the WH lied and tried to cover up Porter's past. If you have me on tape saying I beat my wife, she shows you pictures of herself with black eyes, and she says I did that to her, then yes, I should probably be fired and put in jail. You won't find any of those things, because I'm not a POS. Anyway, you're right, everything I say is a lie because there's no video proof of him beating his wives or Trump walking in on those girls, regardless of the rest of the evidence.
  11. So Trump says he goes into pageant locker rooms while they're changing and there are multiple contestants who have corroborated this. He's also said he's grabbed women by the kitty and starts kissing women without their consent. He's had 11 women come out and say he's kissed or touched them inappropriately. Locker room talk, you honestly believe that? And the left is the side that will believe anything they're told? February 8th, 2018 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5359731/Ex-wife-Rob-Porter-Trumps-secretary-tells-marriage.html http://www.cnn.com/2018/02/13/politics/christopher-wray-white-house-rob-porter/index.html So the party of morality describes a wife abuser as "a man of true integrity and honor." Real classy stuff there. If you're going to side with the right on their policies, fine, I can respect that. Don't talk about how the right is all moral and superior than the left, that's just a load of ****.
  12. Zay had some trouble separating from corners and with drops. I'm sure having a torn labrum didn't help getting off press or catching tough passes. Saying he was awful is an exaggeration. WR isn't an easy position for college players to come and play at a high level right away, especially coming from a smaller school. He probably won't be a #1, but I think he can be a solid slot receiver.
  13. So since the CIA/FBI/Obama/Hillary/Comey/Mueller/etc are all running this deep state government, are attempting to overthrow Trump with their coup, spying on civilians, and are trying to cover it up, it's OK that the right covers up a wife beater and Trump bragged about grabbing women by the kitty or walking into pageant changing rooms? Do I have that right or what am I missing?
  14. Where was the morality when the White House tried to cover up a wife beater, attempted to promote him, and then defended him when he quit. Trump is a self admitted sex offender and the right calls him a blessing from God.
  15. Front page of WashingtonPost.com https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-there-havent-been-18-school-shooting-in-2018-that-number-is-flat-wrong/2018/02/15/65b6cf72-1264-11e8-8ea1-c1d91fcec3fe_story.html?utm_term=.c74ed4f95082 Yes, one example. I'm sure you can find 10 that shows the liberal media pushing "facts" that are taken out of context, but let's be real here. The liberal media is far from the only medium that does this. Conservative politicians are guilty as hell of doing this. They loved talking up the WalMart bonuses that they handed out after the tax cut while conveniently ignoring that it was only for employees that had been there for over 20 years and that they also closed a bunch of Sam's Clubs at the same time. The same thing happened with AT&T. Trump talked over and over about how he saved the Carrier plants from moving to Mexico. Guess what, now they're laying off workers, but does Trump mention that? Of course not. So please spare me how the awful, evil, liberal MSM doesn't tell you all the facts.
  16. That's how the right gets everyone thinking they "need" guns in their home to protect themselves from those scary immigrants and robbers.
  17. Yes, that list is incredibly long. If the government actually gave a **** about people dying, health care would be a lot more affordable. Yes, you're right. It doesn't stop the fact that stricter gun laws could prevent some of these, while still allowing responsible citizens from acquiring guns if they so choose.
  18. Ok fine, then they should create an amendment or do whatever they have to do to make buying semi-automatic rifles more difficult. https://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/the-gun-how-i-bought-an-ar-15-in-a-five-guys-parking-lot/Content?oid=3421127 Can't we agree that buying a AR-15 shouldn't be that easy and something should be done about it?
  19. Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but I think that's much close to the truth than 18. I'm in my early 30's and fully admit I wasn't very mature until 26 or later. Can't we admit that something that was written over 200 years ago might not be completely applicable to today? Is there anything in the 2nd amendment protecting the purchase of semi-automatic rifles at gun shows?
  20. I can't argue against that. I edited my post to include military duty. That should be 21 as well.
  21. Hell no. The average 18 year old is a moron. Voting, military duty, drinking, and smoking should be 21. Gun ownership 25.
  22. What's unreasonable about semi-auto rifles only being legally purchased from gun stores after a 30 day waiting period and a background check? The war on drugs is stupid as **** and as long as a ton of money is dumped into stopping marijuana from being smoked, it will continue to be a huge waste of money and time. If they legalized marijuana and used some of the taxes and the rest of their time to focus on heroine and cocaine, they'd make better progress.
  23. Fair enough. I've seen the "he bought the gun illegally, so what can you do" argument way too !@#$ing many times. There's literally dozens of things you can do. It won't stop them completely, but you can get the number of mass shootings way, way down. The fact that the government still hasn't done anything over the past 5 years or so has shredded just about every last bit of hope I had for any real change. I apologize for attacking you, it was done in haste which is not an excuse.
  24. That's the spirit! Are drugs an issue in America? Of course! Build a wall to stop drugs, more law enforcement, harsher penalties! Are guns an issue in America? Of course, but there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, so don't even try!
  25. Part of me wonders if they don't like his personality or if there's something behind the scenes we don't know about. They could have had him for basically the same amount they're paying Smith (had they signed him 2 years ago). I asked some friends for their thoughts (since I live in the DC area) and they are all pissed at the FO and think they blew it. They want Cousins to win a SB against Washington (I'm sure that would actually change) because they hate the way he was treated here. I don't know, interesting situation.
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