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Posts posted by elroy16

  1. No question. Like many I was not happy with the pick. Like others, I easily talked myself into it because at least they got a QB.


    I think the reason my opinion has changed so much is because of how much he progressed throughout the year. Early in the year he threw some WR screens in the dirt, wasn't always going through his reads, took too many sacks, and bailed on decent pockets. After his injury he was making more accurate short passes, staying in pockets, making more consistent throws and really just looked a lot better. 


    Even after the injury, the first game or two he took some hits while scrambling and then he started running out of bounds or sliding to protect himself. I didn't expect to see as clear an improvement week to week as he showed. 



    I'm expecting him to take a solid step in the right direction over the offseason. He appears to have the right work ethic and desire to be great. He's obviously not there yet, but I have a lot more confidence he can be successful than I have been about a Bills QB in a long time. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Hammersticks said:


    Yes.  You need to be addicted to something pretty serious for it to impact you enough to lose your job.  If you lose your job because you’re “addicted” to solely marijuana...you’re actually an irresponsible *****.  Same goes with shopping, working out, and all the other frivolous “addictions” folks use to make excuses for their poor choices in life.  It’s a bunch of crap.






    He says he began smoking marijuana in seventh grade, taking Xanax in eighth



    Gordon says he smoked marijuana every day at Lamar and drank vodka from Minute Maid bottles during class. His junior year he started drinking codeine syrup mixed with soda—or “lean”—every night. Whenever someone offered, he’d pop Xanax, hydrocodone, oxycodone. Before football games he’d chug Mad Dog 20-20 straight out of the bottle just to see if he could play drunk.



    Gordon sat out the 2011 season as a transfer and, he says, tried cocaine for the first time. He began taking Adderall every day.



    Then, this past May, the NFL rejected another reinstatement bid and he started “reaching back to [his] familiar devices. Marijuana. Alcohol.”




    It's not solely weed and it wouldn't matter if it was. What someone is addicted to can be unimportant to the situation, usually it's just a crutch for other issues. Of course being addicted to gambling or videogames and ignoring family, burning bridges, etc is irresponsible, but it's most certainly not crap.



    I've know multiple people that have committed suicide, even if from the outside it appeared they were living a good life. You never know what's going through someone's head. 


    If someone is flushing down that much money and that big of an opportunity down the drain, they obviously have some deep seeded issues they're dealing with. Just reading briefly about his past, I'm sure it still weighs on him. It's like women who are sexually abused as kids, it ***** them up for their entire life. I imagine growing up, selling/doing drugs in 7th grade, carrying a gun, and not expecting to make it past early 20's creates some serious issues. 


  3. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Hammersticks said:


    Hear about the dude who stabbed an old lady outside of Walmart to get money to pay his gym fees because he was addicted to working out?  Yeah, I didn’t hear about that either.  How about the guy who sold his body behind Denny’s to get money to buy marijuana?  Nope, never heard about that.  Get real....





    So you either have to resort to violence to officially be addicted to some or it doesn't count?


    Have you seriously never watched intervention or heard of a story about someone ignoring their family or responsibilities and ruining their life because they're addicted to a gambling or videogames? 



    I guess lack of empathy makes it difficult to understand what some people go through. It's pretty common, so I shouldn't be too annoyed or surprised with dumbass thoughts like this. 

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  4. 17 minutes ago, row_33 said:


    apparently it isn't addictive.....


    they said cocaine wasn't either until the early 1980s....






    33 minutes ago, Johnny Hammersticks said:

    I’ll wait to hear what he tested positive for before I weigh in on whether or not he “suffers from addiction.”  That phrase sees to be thrown around quite liberally now a days.




    These are such misguided posts. You can become addicted to almost anything. People become addicted to shopping, gambling, working out, gaming, or whatever else. Just because something isn't "addicting" doesn't mean someone can't develop an addiction. 

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  5. I had never really read into Gordon's past but came across this article.





    Brutal up bringing. 




    If I was going to be a thug or a gangster,” Gordon says flatly, “I was going to be the best gangster out there.”


    Gordon grew up with two older brothers in the Fondren neighborhood of southwest Houston, his family bouncing from apartment to apartment, he says, as eviction notices piled up, rarely able to turn on the lights. He describes being thrown out of two middle schools for stealing electronics from other students. He says he began smoking marijuana in seventh grade, taking Xanax in eighth—and still he managed to land a basketball scholarship to the private Westbury Christian School. He made it to 10th grade before he was thrown out of there as well.



    There's no surprise that someone who went through stuff like that as a kid has trouble keeping their life together. It's funny in a sad way when people say, "Can't even stop smoking with millions on the line."


    Almost nothing matters to people when it comes to addiction and mental illness. People will steal, lie, and deceive everyone they love if they're addicted. 



    Hopefully he gets help and finds a way to a healthier life, if nothing else, so he can be there for his kids. 


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  6. 2 hours ago, billsintaiwan said:

    Big test this weekend against belichek. Hope he nails it. Haven't been this excited since Kelly.



    Oh yeah, very excited about this weekend. We'll all be on cloud 9 if Allen can look good and they beat the cheats to screw up their shot at home field advantage. Of course I wouldn't be shocked if belichick confuses the hell out of him and makes him look bad. Hopefully Daboll has a few tricks up his sleeve. 

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  7. 16 hours ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    The best part of the All 22 reviews on Allen is the unanimous feeling that he's improving every game.  This is the most important stat IMO for a rookie QB.  I particularly like that after reviewing the film these folks are concluding that his biggest improvements are in things he did poorly before.  The willingness & ability to learn is huge for the ultimate success of a rookie QB.  



    I've been trying to temper my expectations and excitement for Allen, but he's making it tough. His improvement each game is too hard for me to ignore. Since he's come back from injury, it's been so much fun to watch. The first game or two back it was making me nervous because he was taking big hits, but now he's going out of bounds, throwing it away, and sliding to avoid shots. 


    Before the injury, he was bailing too fast in the pocket, but he's rarely doing that now. Against the fins he really only did it once, unfortunately that was the last play of the game, but I'm giving him a pass on that one. Against the Lions they were forcing him to play QB (we've heard that before) and he stayed in the pocket, made short throws, went through progressions, threw deep, and only scrambled when it was called for.


    His accuracy has looked solid recently as well. He's making the easy throws (WR screens, quick hitches, etc) and when he does miss, it's usually just barely. I don't know if any of the receivers have made a really tough catch, probably Croom at the end of the Lions game might be the toughest. Allen isn't getting a ton of help, but is still making plays.


    He's still got work to do (obviously), but he's got me excited and he's got tremendous work ethic so I have a hard time thinking he won't continue to improve. I can't wait for the start of next year already.

  8. 9 minutes ago, PIZ said:

    He very likely has been talking like this since Pee-Wee football.  He probably talked like this playing football in MS, HS, and college.  If it is a part of his game, there would be no reason to change it now.  That's how he plays...how he motivates himself and his teammates.  Seems to be working his way towards putting a C on his jersey.





    McDermott talked about how Josh is already the leader of the offense. I'd be pretty surprised if he isn't one of the captains next year.



    They don't get into a lot of his trash talking in the video, he's mostly encouraging guys, but it seems pretty clear he's a little bit of a talker. Someone on the jets said he was talking trash. I'm sure guys are giving it to him, so I don't see the problem. As long as he keeps his head in the game and it doesn't lead to mental mistakes. 


    I appreciate how little he says to the media. When they ask him about other teams or players, he's always complimentary. Once you get between the lines though, let it fly. 


  9. 10 minutes ago, That_Guy said:

    man i hope he doesn't RG3 himself out of the league. 


    He already reads defenses better than RG3 did. Being in the DC area it was quite a rollercoaster ride watching RG3. Once people keyed in on his running, it was rough watching him.





    It's just one play, but he's got a clean pocket and literally everyone is open and yet, he was sacked on the play. 

  10. Re-watching ne v pitt, brady had a number of guys drop very catchable passes. 


    We're going to need Daboll to call a great game and the run game to step up. I expect a similar game plan to last week, lots of running to try and get ahead of the sticks. I think the passing game is going to struggle. Their pass rush isn't going to let Allen run wild and their secondary looks strong. Looks like the sprinkle in a little bit of pressure and stunts to mix it up, I'm not confident the line can hold up. At the same time, Pitt WR's weren't getting a lot of separation, I have a hard time imaging our guys do better. They made some tough catches in big spots, something we haven't seen here.


    The D is going to need to step up big to have a chance. It'll be interesting to see if they pound the run a bit this game. Michel looked pretty good against pitt and the Bills run D hasn't always been consistent this year. Bills red zone D has been pretty awful, need to tighten that up. 



    I don't feel super confident about this game, but excited to see what they can do. Would love to beat them and have them lose their bye for the playoffs. 



  11. 3 hours ago, Rochesterfan said:



    I don’t think he was told to throw first and keep the running down - I believe that is what the Lions defense dictated.


    The Lions were running their version of the NE/NYJ defense used against Tyrod - slow rush from the edges - pressure the middle - keep a LB/safety near the middle to spy.  It was designed to try and minimize escape lanes and prevent him from running and make him beat you from the pocket.


    The difference is Allen did just that - he made the plays with his arm from the pocket to win.  A little help from his own receivers or a PI call for Zay when he tried coming back for the ball and his numbers look better and they force the defense to react - maybe opening those lanes back up.



    That no-call pissed me off. Definitely should have been holding with the way they're calling games these days. Tre got called for holding on less than that earlier in the game.


    The Lions did a good job of containing Allen's running, but that was a big part of why he had so much time in the pocket for once. He did a good job going through his reads and making solid decisions for most of the game. He bailed a time or two that I remember and wasn't perfect on some throws, but overall I was happy. A few tough catches by WR's and his numbers look a lot better.


    I love watching him develop. Someone mentioned that with Allen, they actual feel like they can pick up 3rd and longs. It's so true and it's so refreshing. They're actually picking up chunk plays, something we haven't seen consistently (or hardly at all) for a long time. 



    Foster and McKenzie could make an interesting combo next year. Zay could fit well enough as a short/intermediate receiver if they can find one more solid WR that can help stretch the field. Croom looks like a keeper, otherwise the TE position needs an overhaul. 



    Damn is this going to be a long offseason. 



    That is a hell of a player to try and emulate. I've never seen this documentary, but Kobe is notorious for being possibly the hardest worker in the NBA over the course of his career. 



    Don't !@#$ this up McBeane, get some real talent around Allen and let's see this man shine. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. Few thoughts.


    Allen bailed too early on the final play. Three man rush, you want to trust your line a little bit. That said, in not a lot of time he's gotten better at staying in the pocket, so I'm not going to be too hard on him here. I don't blame him for not trusting his line and it's not surprising a rookie reverts to bad habits in pressure situations. 


    That throw to Zay for the TD, man that makes me happy.


    Even McDermott said KB needs to cut some fat off of his route on the INT. Not surprised he was cut. His routes were sloppy and he never fought for position when the ball was in the air making him an easy cover for defenses. 

  14. Here's a crappy gif of the final play.





    As expected, Clay runs to the middle of the back of the end zone and then coasts to his right until Allen throws it. Also not shocking, Benjamin runs down the right sideline to the back of the end zone and then runs past Clay towards the middle of the back of the end zone. 


    What's kind of interesting is there's a defender near Clay when Allen throws it, but he starts running with KB and leaves Clay wide open.



    Not good execution on the final, most important play of the game. They've got 3 guys in the end zone like they have to score on the play. Really the main conclusion I draw from this play is that they desperately need to practice a similar situation in practice and also scramble drills. 

  15. A few examples of why I don't think the game is too fast for him are when he runs. The first was against the browns in the preseason when he side stepped a pass rusher near the goal line and then threw a TD. Against the jags he setup Bodine's block near the goal line to score. On Sunday he had the scramble where he had to hold the ball behind him and then raised it up over the defender to protect the ball. These are all split second decisions he's making on the fly. 


    I can never imagine Allen clumsily running into his own lineman ala Sanchez, I think he sees the field too well for that.



    I think it's just a matter of time before he's able to quickly recognize coverages and make quicker decisions in the pocket. I could easily be wrong, but the game just doesn't seem too big or too fast for him. 

  16. 24 minutes ago, Domdab99 said:

    I love how everyone just assumes it's easy to track where a flying, fluttering ball coming right at you from 40 yards away is going to land. 



    It's not even that part that annoyed me. It was Clay standing in the corner of the end zone while your QB has scrambled to the opposite side of the field. If it was the last play of the game, fine, but there was time and he didn't need to force Allen into that tough of a throw. 


    This is why I want to see the all-22. Was he just standing at the back of the end zone? With the amount of time Allen was scrambling, it seems like Clay should have had time to already come back to at least the goal line when the throw was made. 

  17. Anyone have access to the all-22? I'd be interested to see what Clay was doing before the ball was thrown. In the replays it looks like there's no one in front of Clay. It's 4th and 11 with enough time on the clock that they didn't need a score there, it looks like he should have been coming back towards Allen even before he made the throw. At least be back near the goal line and give your QB some help.



  18. I swear, reading this thread you'd think other QB's in the league are completing 90% of their passes.


    I agree wholeheartedly with the OP, Allen is much more accurate than I thought he'd be. His misses aren't that far off. The Foster bomb, the Foster sideline thrown, and Jones towards the sideline were all throws you want him to make but they aren't easy throws. The crossing pattern by Zay where Allen threw high was probably his worst throw (that or the INT) and that one Zay could have had, but it wasn't easy. The throw to Zay where there was a holding penalty and Allen threw it too far, Zay wasn't running when Allen threw it. Like the missed TD, I think that was more of a miscommunication than anything. 


    He missed one to Benjamin early that it looked like KB may have been able to come back and fight for the ball. For a guy that is supposed to be good at catching contested passes, I've been extremely underwhelmed by Benjamin.


    Allen also threw it away 4 or 5 times. 


    In terms of his short area accuracy or throws with touch, he had a short throw to Clay, the 2-point conversion, the touch pass to DiMarco, two quick throws to McKenzie, the comeback to KB, and a few others. I think his short area accuracy has gotten better and he was solid this game. I don't recall any misfires that prevented a catch or YAC by the receiver. 




    In terms of scrambling, well you can't really blame him for it. The o-line is not good and this stat proves it. You can't really claim it's because he holds the ball too long as this stat takes that into account. 





    Another thing that impressed me yesterday was how little he got hit while scrambling. Last game he lowered his should a time or two when he shoulda gone out of bounds or slide while yesterday he didn't really take any shots while scrambling. It was a noticeable improvement in one game.



    Allen is leaps and bounds further along than I expected him to be at this point. If he was playing like this at the beginning of next year, I would have been extremely happy. His line isn't giving him much time and he isn't getting bailed out by his receivers. Unless it's a average difficulty catch or less, it's almost always dropped. Can you guys think of one spectacular catch by someone this year? The Foster bomb last week was probably the best so far. 



    Yes, he's missing some throws (literally every QB does) and I'm sure he's missing some reads, but he is so much better right now that I was expecting. He's making throws down the field we haven't seen in years, buying time in the pocket, and getting better every week. Beane himself said they need to do a better job of adding talent around him. It's going to be fun watching him develop. 

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  19. 3 hours ago, DuckyBoys said:

    Agreed , McDermott still doesn't have a grasp to what he is doing at QB.  He should be putting Josh in line to get as many meaningful  reps as possible.  The red zone at the end of the game was ridiculous.  First off he's just back from a injury and you go using him like Tim Tebow at the goal line  Just hand it to Ivory if you are to chicken ***** to let him throw in the red zone



    I imagine my wife's eyes almost rolled into the back of her head after that play due to my rant. No reason to expose him like that. Earlier in the year they ran a QB draw on 3rd and something ridiculous like 24.


    I have a hard time evaluating offensive coordinators. If a guy misses a block or the QB doesn't make the right read, you can blame the OC even if it was a good call. Those run calls though, come on Daboll. 





    I'm 100% sure this stat will lead to all sorts of justification about off coverage when teams are beating the bills ass, him being the number 2 receiver or whatever else. I am also in no way shape or form saying Jones is anywhere near the level the guys they mention. I just saw this and wanted to point it out. 



    I will say, calling him the biggest bust in living memory may be a bit of an exaggeration. 



  21.   Pressures Drop backs faced Pressure rate
    Pittsburgh Steelers 59 143 41.25874126
    Buffalo Bills 54 131 41.22137405
    Philadelphia Eagles 51 129 39.53488372
    Baltimore Ravens 47 121 38.84297521
    Los Angeles Rams 39 101 38.61386139
    Chicago Bears 45 118 38.13559322
    Minnesota Vikings 44 116 37.93103448
    New York Giants 41 109 37.6146789
    Arizona Cardinals 41 111 36.93693694
    Washington Redskins 44 122 36.06557377
    Cincinnati Bengals 50 143 34.96503497
    Dallas Cowboys 38 110 34.54545455
    Jacksonville Jaguars 36 107 33.64485981
    New England Patriots 44 131 33.58778626
    San Francisco 49ers 47 140 33.57142857
    Kansas City Chiefs 50 151 33.11258278
    Carolina Panthers 39 118 33.05084746
    New York Jets 40 123 32.5203252
    Tennessee Titans 36 111 32.43243243
    Tampa Bay Buccaneers 45 139 32.37410072
    Los Angeles Chargers 34 109 31.19266055
    Green Bay Packers 37 119 31.09243697
    Cleveland Browns 34 118 28.81355932
    Denver Broncos 33 115 28.69565217
    Indianapolis Colts 35 127 27.55905512
    Seattle Seahawks 32 119 26.8907563
    Miami Dolphins 32 126 25.3968254
    Atlanta Falcons 35 138 25.36231884
    Detroit Lions 21 84 25
    New Orleans Saints 27 110 24.54545455
    Houston Texans 21 97 21.64948454
    Oakland Raiders 19 98 19.3877551





    Not too shabby. Murphy looked better last game, maybe he's finally getting healthy and in playing shape. Hughes is obviously playing at a very high level right now, I believe only Mack has more pressures on the year. They schemed up a few pressures last game by bringing Milano on rushes and dropping Murphy. I also like seeing Alexander rushing from the inside on obvious passing downs. He's can run stunts to catch the interior lineman off guard or he can drop back and play short zone.



    "The Bills play the Green Bay Packers in Week Four. Green Bay is currently 22nd in defensive pressure rate at 31.0 percent. Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been pressured 33.5 percent of the time (44 times on 131 drop backs) thus far in the 2018 season."



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