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Mr. Suicide Wings

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  1. This is just a quick breakdown of what Doug Whaley has done by year. I included the April 25-27, 2013 draft even though he was officially hired as general manager on May 16, 2013. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Is0aIh1vXgX5rAkaARWjATiepmBKI6nf33DqFQhqw7c/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Unfortunately for WGR and friends, it takes only two shows to understand everything OC said is true. I know they suck so I stopped listening. Normally I read these posts from anyone who went to practice other than those butt hurt fools, but I needed to know just how bad was bad. I just turned it on for the first time in two months strictly because of this post. Wish I hadn't... ears bleeding. And, my balls ache a bit. Oh wait those are Brady's not mine. Chit I just heard A'Schwipe again, and now they do. Either way, do we have definitive evidence that in fact every single WGR announcer went to every single practice? Something tells me no. Watch your quantifiers and qualifiers please. ESPN is raw doging this to the bone as well without saying anything new. This is not a debate about WHO should be the qb its an exclamation on how awful our media coverage is; in and about Buffalo. I for one think its time for a change. Time for Mr. and Mrs Pegula to buy a new station and put OCinBuffalo on it. Actually put ANYONE on it and just let them read twobillsdrive.com out loud all day and night with a commercial every 5-10 minutes. Pretty sure it would crush WGR inside of 2 weeks. In fact they've bought enough, lets start a fan fund to play "Pegulas are jolly good fellows" 24/7 on air. I'd listen to that for 24 hours straight before WGR. No I like my first idea better. At this point I think I've said "I" about as many times as A'Schwipe does so I'm done.
  3. May be a turtle head per TD. It's just too exciting for a lil guy
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