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Everything posted by klos63

  1. There are basically 2 options each time you snap the ball- run or pass. I'm impressed you can predict a running play. Add to that we are a strong running team I would expect us to run more often and be predictable. If you watch professional football closely you might realize game plans are not about tricking the other team, but about executing your strengths. Since we have 2 excellent running backs and we are weak at QB and WR should we be a passing team in order to trick the other team?Your criticism makes no sense.
  2. and a couple of pretty banged up running backs. Perhaps he should get some credit for keeping things together with all the offense has gone through with the injuries.
  3. technically and statistically thanks, so everyone is just going nuts because they don't no any better.
  4. you don't know, you are just guessing. have we heard from Marrone if this was a called play or not? Or is everyone just going nuts for no reason yet?
  5. it was poor coverage - a kick to the goal line shouldn't be considered a bad play. It was just poor coverage, probably one of the first bad ones of the year on kickoffs. It wasn't a horrible call, just horrible execution.
  6. Lewis may have something going for him over Manuel in that he has been around NFL teams for a few years, but the issue is that it doesn't take more than one or two misreads and you may have a pick 6 or otherwise critical turnover and game over. Johnson goes in, Lewis throws out .... INT and 6 points for my Bengals Fantasy DST
  7. bottom quarter of the league. We have one established WR in Johnson and one good looking rookie. Other than that, squat.
  8. If you didn't suggest trading Stevie, my mistake. I assumed since the title of this thread was about trading him.... but to assume that some of our WR may develop over the next couple seasons and call that depth would be very wrong. Depth would be players that can contribute now, if they can't contribute now , it's called taking up a roster spot.
  9. You only mention 2 WR and you suggest we trade one of them. Spiller is a RB, even if he runs some pass patterns. We don't have a quality 3rd 4th or 5th WR, that is weak.
  10. My first reaction would be to question why you think we have depth at the WR position. I think it is one of our weakest areas.
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