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Everything posted by klos63

  1. I'm not saying you are wrong, but just curious. What do you expect out of a backup QB? What do you think Ponder offers that our QB's don't. I know it's not everything, but Lewis had a higher QB rating the Ponder last year, Ponder threw more INT's than TD's. He's never really been any good as a starter, why would he fare better as a backup with considerably less practice time than he is used to getting.Not saying that any of these guys are like Frank Reich, but he looked awful when he played during preseason and didn't look good for a bit in his regular season appearances in relief, but much better when he started. It's very difficult to be a good backup, but what I believe is most important is familiarity with the system. That is why you see backup's sticking around longer than you think they should.
  2. I'm guessing she is ignoring all the rumors, which is probably a good idea for the rest of us. Bids will be submitted in 2 weeks, we will know who will own the team shortly after that. Let's watch some football in the meantime and relax.And it's really not a matter of 'does she need the money' it's her property for sale, she will get what she can. If she was really in it for the money, she wouldn't have a clause making it virtually impossible for the new owner to move the team. That is probably costing her a few hundred million - leave her be.
  3. What makes you think that is truly the case? But if you are correct the reasoning is probably because it's happening now, which makes it important and interesting.
  4. Deception isn't what wins, it's execution. It seems foolish to think you can fool the defense. You have 2 options, run or pass. If you are better then the other team, you will execute your plays. Look how often we knew teams were going to run on us last year and we couldn't stop them. No deception needed.
  5. Joe Dufek has an insurance agency out here in phoenix. Everytime I drive by I want to stop in and talk Bills football. What I remember most about him was that he was a starting QB and a special teams player at the same time. Such awful years for the Bills.
  6. You must stand in the pocket longer in order to get a deep pass away at the right time. I think because the line has been in an experimental mode all camp with players changing position, the QB is more at risk sitting back there for a longer period of time. So yes, the injury risk is higher the longer the QB has to stand in the pocket.
  7. They probably haven't thrown deep during the preseason because the line play has been poor and it exposes Manuel to injury.I don't think using the shotgun tips off anything, like you said, they do run off of it so it they think its a pass then it's a run.....I think getting the ball 3 yards behind the line is plenty of room to get momentum, I've heard Marrone called an offensive guru a few times. What is this based on? That he had Drew Brees as his QB? Hardly qualifies as a guru. My opinion is the offense will be greatly improved this year. If the line play is better that obviously will help. Also, we have better WR to help. Let's wait for the regular season to start before we criticize.
  8. It just amazes me how often players get caught smoking in their car. I smoked for years when I was younger, in my car, walking down the street, in the bathroom at school.... never got caught. It just seems almost suspicious that so many players get caught with pot - the cop smelled it? really?
  9. Then ignore him. Is Jill Kelly tiring too as she talks about God in every tweet.
  10. This is from a guy that traded his whole draft for Ricky Williams.
  11. How is Marrone considered an offensive line specialist any more than any other former offensive line coach. Do we even know if he was a good line coach? I think it's rather naive to think that just because Marrone was a O-Line coach or a former lineman that the players will be better because of it or that the team would put more emphasis on the line than a team without a former lineman as coach.
  12. yes in 2 years. Not every player is capable of having a solid 10 year career. Limited ability, injuries and probably other factors account for the drop off. Some are just not good enough for a extended period of time. Every player is unique.
  13. We need to hold the enthusiasm a bit on Henderson - the talent has always been there. He messes up off the field. So far so good on that end, but his ability was never really a big question mark, it was his attitude. And it was a big enough problem to scare away every other team. Remember , he was busted smoking pot at the combines. Not too sharp.
  14. actually, it could get a lot worse, you see , tebow really is not good at all. He has trouble throwing the ball, that is a problem for a QB. His last season as a starter he fumbled 13 times, i think 12 INT's , sacked 33 times, roughly 50% completion rate. Would you sit back and just enjoy those kind of numbers from a Bills QB?
  15. you are probably correct. Have to wonder if Glenn will be able to play every snap from the beginning, so Henderson should see playing time. Also, I think Urbik and Pears would be on a short leash, hope the other players improve with practice as the season wears on.
  16. Watch Tebow try to throw the ball, I mean , honestly. He can't. He does not have anything even resembling an NFL arm, even a bad NFL arm. Time to get serious here children.
  17. Are you really saying that Lewis and Tuel were good last year? The focus should be on the offensive line. They are not good. We had to sign a free agent guard that isn't very good and draft 3 lineman this past year. This should show the weakness of our line. That is the main problem for this team.
  18. I think almost every coach in the NFL would deny that. There are few quality backups in this league and not one coach wants Tebow. That should tell you something.By the logic of Tebow supporters, Lewis has shown he can win too. Won 2 games as a backup last year on a team that only won 6 all year. Tebow had success with a playoff team.
  19. the obvious answer is capitalism. It's a legal business transaction. And is he any more egocentric than any other potential owner? He's rich, has more wealthy backers - don't see this being about ego - he wants to own an NFL team, so do I. I think his original plan was to move the team, but I don't doubt that if he had to keep the team here in order to own them he would.
  20. I'm not trying to start a big argument about this, but just want to add that the only reason it would be personal is if you choose to make it so. I'm fairly comfortable thinking that JBJ motives were strictly business and had no thought of victimizing you , me or your dad. I started going to games in the late 60's so I'm pretty solid with the team like your dad, I just choose not to take it personally because I know it's not meant that way.Of course, I'm not arguing that you don't have the right to feel that way. Just my opinion.
  21. I agree, I should have clarified - another city, but in the US - San Antonio, LA....
  22. I understand the resentment of JBJ over this, but honestly, when this is over just let it go. I can't blame him for wanting to own an NFL team, it makes perfect financial sense to want to move them from Buffalo. I'm sure if he had a chance to own the team and he had to keep them in Buffalo he would. It's business, not personal. Also, he sat next to my friend at the Super Bowl in Pasadena, friend said he was the nicest guy and was rooting for the Bills. I think sometimes Buffalo looks silly doing things like defending it's crappy weather and now boycotting music. Pegula will own the team, the team will be in Buffalo the rest of our lives. Let's move on.
  23. The Browns GM may not be telling the truth when saying absolutely not, and Whaley shouldn't say it, because if during the season it looks like Spiller won't resign, they may trade him.
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