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Everything posted by klos63

  1. Maybe not as strongly as now. Lot of crap hitting the fan lately. But you don't know and you're just reaching for reasons to discredit him. But to your point, if he did this 3 years ago, would you be ok with it?
  2. Is there a time limit on protests? Maybe you're projecting your shallowness on him, could we all agree on that? Actually Lynchings were still happening in my lifetime, and I'm not that old.
  3. What would it take for you to listen to him. Should he speak on a local radio station. If you want to be heard, you need to be loud. And honestly, I've always found it odd to be 'forced' to show your respect lest you get lambasted on blogs across the country. It's like the pledge, if my kids don't recite the pledge as they are expected to do, my guess is there will be problems. It doesn't seem right. no Sh#t
  4. Granted, I don't have actual statistics, but I feel pretty comfortable in saying the most people with an 'R' after their name will support the police no matter what. Just watch Fox news. They have high ratings.
  5. But his opinion seems to have something substantial behind it, you just don't like what you hear.
  6. Is it really that difficult for you to understand the reason for his protest? You must live with blinders on. There is probably close to half this country that wholeheartedly supports the police no matter what the video evidence.
  7. If he said the law enforcement and judicial systems that oppress blacks, would you feel better about that statement?
  8. So if you aren't the victim, you are a self important ingrate if you stand up for victims?
  9. Do you have to experience something to understand it?
  10. I'm certain Kaeperneck can attest to that. I am aware of those instances. I took this discussion to be about the US.
  11. I really don't remember hearing of any Irish or Polish slaves in the US. If I'm wrong, I'd be very interested in learning the truth.
  12. Did you defend peoples first amendment rights or just the right to say and do what you want them to.
  13. I get your point, the problem is that we can't even agree on patriotism or on what freedom really means. Just look at this thread. Someone speaks his mind on an unpopular , controversial topic, some tell him it's ok to speak, others say shut up, others say leave the country. And nobody ever really changes their minds anymore. Hard to get in agreement on anything. If you don't like him exercising his first amendment rights, maybe you should leave the country.
  14. I don't think so. Not sure.
  15. because we elected a black president, that means there's no more racism? It's in November. Every year.
  16. nothing says freedom more than being forced to worship the same god, speak the same language.... basically told to live a certain way in all aspects of our lives.
  17. You are correct, injustices were done to a lot of people, and they still are, including to blacks.
  18. since we are better than other countries, just sit down( or stand up in this case) and shut up. Don't exercise your freedoms unless you have permission too.
  19. the poster said it was racist, I agreed. Probably because the teacher ignored that fact that part of the reason black history month is recognized is because of the injustices done to blacks throughout our history and the need to recognize their contributions to this country, but not just as slaves.
  20. all those Irish and polish slaves that were brought over from Africa are missing out on a history month.
  21. He is protesting what he perceives (correct or not) as oppresions of blacks. Which goes against the freedoms you want him to respect. Get it?
  22. so we are better than Syria ? Setting the bar pretty high, aren't we?
  23. maybe more than a little racist.
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