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Everything posted by klos63

  1. You are quoting Rivera from 2014. Tolbert may not be the same player he was 3 years ago.
  2. jesus christ, this is getting ridiculous. I'll just wait til training camp and see how he confuses the defense with his versatility
  3. And I'm thinking that Gillislee would have wanted to leave to maximize money and playing time. And get away from Buffalo for a chance to win. I know you did, then I commented again and now you. It's called a conversation. I'm not mad at you , i just disagree with the logic.
  4. i can't imagine that it takes much prep time to be ready for a Tolbert running play. I still don't see changing from a McCoy to a Tolbert style RB is any sort of an advantage... unless Tolbert is really good, that's all that matters. What's so special about him gaining 3 yards in a pile of dust as opposed to McCoy ready to break one every time he touches the ball.
  5. i've asked before without an answer, but what is so special about having someone slow and plodding as a replacement for someone as dynamic as McCoy. What is the benefit? I do agree with you in that Tolbert hasn't had much, if any, worthwhile production for the last 3 years. I may be wrong, but I can't imagine him making any significant contribution to this team.
  6. except when they weren't. Like 20k people showing up for a Bills/Colts game...1984???? I was there. Bills fans are the best... just ask anyone of them. how many bills fans watched the ending of the Cowboy super bowls. I was at the Pasadena game and I left before it ended.
  7. I think New Orleans and Vegas are celebrated for being fun cities to go to... big difference.
  8. Sarcasm aside - the number of career carries doesn't really factor into durability, as much as we don't like to admit it, age plays a large part of us getting older and less durable than we used to be. Can't fight Father Time.
  9. You made a few credible points, then you lose all credibility with a really dumb final statement.
  10. Fred is one of my all-time favorites and I've been following the team since 1970. I'm just a realist. And while understanding injuries, i think the expectation is to have a player with a high chance of lasting the whole season.
  11. 2011? Do you think he has 16 games left ? Effective games?
  12. Why do you think that's the case? I think teams know exactly what he can bring based on the last time he brought it. Regarding AP, in 2015 , he had 1500 yards rushing with 11 TD's. He's been better than Fred his whole career and he's 4 years younger.
  13. how has he surprised us lately? Yes, he was an undrafted success story many years ago. No surprises in the last 8 or 9 years. Teams saw him last season with Seattle, they know what he can and can't do. Sorry, it happens to everyone.
  14. I appreciate the honest answer. McCoy has had a hall of fame career thus far without competition from Freddy. I can't see how it would make any difference now.
  15. I'm gonna hate myself for asking.... but explain why McCoy needs any motivation, let alone from Fred.
  16. Not sure why having a 'change of pace' back is so important to some fans. You are saying Gillislee ran the same as McCoy, it seemed to work well. If something is working, why should we 'change the pace' - just keep running the ball the way you are.
  17. that's kinda my point, he hasn't been used/effective for the last 3 seasons and he's 31 years old. I think it's a stretch to assume he could be a 2nd string RB of anything near the value we had with the last 2 backups. me
  18. tolbert has 1 rushing TD in the last 3 seasons, I'm not too encouraged about him being a goal line/short yardage guy. Maybe he'll be more effective here, he has had some great days in the past, but it's been quite a few years.
  19. My guess is that he wasn't seriously considering us. Years of failure, 3 HC's in 4 years, new GM..... for everyone that looks at the city through 'buffalo colored glasses', until something positive happens with the team, it won't be high on a lot of players lists. I'm not sure if that's a slap on the face or not, probably is a bit of one.
  20. Perhaps, but safe to say, not a day for either defense to brag.
  21. i remember listening to the call in shows in SF after the game , the fans were saying the same thing. - 'Montana would have won the game' Bills fans eating Cheese Wiz
  22. I don't recall that. Young had 400 yards passing and 100 yards rushing. Kelly had over 300 passing. The defenses really did nothing at all, hence the 1000 yards offense and 0 punts.
  23. I was also there with 2 of my brothers.
  24. i've never really understood the significance of someone signing the 1 day contracts or whatever to retire with a certain team. Does anyone ever really think about what team these players retired with well after the fact?
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