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Everything posted by klos63

  1. It was a little funny, and nothing is older than using worn out cliches. Especially when trying to see how many you can use in one post.
  2. I love the 10am games here is AZ. If I attended games, I would prefer 1pm.
  3. Do people still take what he says seriously?
  4. yeah, that's a good thing. Let's hope they keep moving forward.
  5. and maybe those picks will get us someone as good or better, or not. Just saying, don't get too excited about these new acquistions and hope the draft picks bring in someone better.
  6. I have more admiration for him now than before. I agree that the focus isn't on the issue enough, i think the owners wanted to do something so not to lose their players. Taking a knee isn't intended to solve the problem, but to bring awareness to it, just like wearing a pink ribbon won't cure breast cancer.
  7. It really bothers me that people feel compelled to tell athletes how to spend their time/money...., just because this has been made public, doesn't mean others don't do similar acts privately, or with less fanfare.
  8. Keep in mind that both Mathews and Gaines are free agents after this season. If Gaines continues to play well on a top rated defense, could likely have high price demands. Not sure Beane likes paying big contracts.
  9. Taylor needs to be a game manager, throw deep to keep the defense honest...
  10. it's a league rule that no decals on helmets related to pretty much anything non football, regardless of good intentions. Not sure why holding your hands up should be a punishment.
  11. Basically, if it wasn't for barney fife, an innocent black man would still be alive. If I remember correctly, the cop had his gun drawn as he approached the car. Remember this was for a broken tail light.
  12. could probably use this logic when we do our monday morning quarterbacking. Except for the fear for our lives part.
  13. I will respectfully disagree with your assessment that we aren't equipped to pass judgement. We can gather a lot from the video. If you find the time, please watch it.
  14. the pirate code? yeah, it's really disturbing.
  15. I think you are trying to be reasonable during this discussion, but your reasons for excusing the cops actions are total BS. Just because someone called 911 doesn't justify the shooting, the choice of waiting to be shot or shot at before reacting should not be the only choice. I am certain there are other procedures in place besides, shoot first ask questions later. If he felt his life was threatened he is in the wrong line of business. I remember the female cop that shot the black guy whose car stalled said she was never so scared in her life when she shot him. She was with 2 other armed cops about a hundred feet or so from an unarmed man. If this is her most frightened moment of her life, she shouldn't be a cop.
  16. Maybe the cops will start shooting the black players for not standing - That would be ironic, eh?
  17. depends on what your neighbors wife looks like.
  18. I think I know the Castile shooting - he announced that he had a concealed weapon and a permit to have one. He said he was reaching for his ID? If he wanted to shoot the cop over a broken brake light, why announce that he has a gun? And he obviously didn't pull out a gun before the cop unloaded into him. I'm sorry, but these incidents shouldn't be death sentences. And to make a black/white comparison = The Chad Kelly incident where he threatened to go to his car, get his gun and shoot the place up. I think he ended up going home that night, he certainly wasn't shot.
  19. I'm pretty sure my interpretation is accurate. Watch the video, pulled up very close- too close for standard procedure from what I read, and fired immediately. This is not an isolated incident. With body cams, we are seeing some very questionable shootings.
  20. It's a waste of time with some people. And some wonder why we have racial problems in this country.
  21. This will be the ultimate test for our secondary.
  22. compared to our last few backups, he doesn't really add too much. Who cares if he runs between the tackles?
  23. How was anyones life in danger? The cop drove up next to him and shot him. And no, I couldn't differentiate between a fake or real gun, but i'm not a cop either. So if you can't tell if it's a toy or not- you shoot a 12 year old kid in the chest. How about pull the car a hundred feet away and ask a question or 2 before killing the kid and then pinning down his sister while the kid lay there dying.
  24. A toy gun, nonetheless. He as doing nothing wrong, cops drove right up to him and shot him. No questions asked. Even if this was a good cop making a terrible error- he gets away with it. That's the gist of the problem.
  25. What instructions didn't Tamir Rice follow. for those that don't know - 12 year old black with a toy gun was shot and killed by cops. They got away with it.
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